What are the risks of plasma cell mastitis?

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan Client, April 26 (Reporter Wu Ye, Correspondent Zhang Quanlu) 7-year-old girl Yangyang suffers from tuberculosis. Not long ago, she took cold medicines such as Ganmaoling, Xiaochaihu Granules and ibuprofen because of a cold and fever. , unexpectedly caused severe liver damage. After a week of treatment, Yangyang has recovered and was discharged from the Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital. Experts remind that when mixing different drugs, medication consultation and monitoring are essential.

In September last year, Yangyang developed symptoms such as cough and fever. She was diagnosed with secondary pulmonary tuberculosis in Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital and began to receive anti-tuberculosis treatment.

In mid-April, Yangyang had a fever of 39.8 ℃. Without stopping taking anti-tuberculosis drugs, he also took medicines such as Ganmaoling, Xiao Chaihu granules, and ibuprofen, but the fever continued. Later, the family sent him to a hospital in Hankou for treatment. One day later, the child developed symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and poor mentality. The liver function test found that the transaminase exceeded the standard by more than 80 times, which is a serious liver function damage. Yangyang was immediately transferred to the Second Tuberculosis Ward of Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital for treatment.

In Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital, doctors inquired about Yangyang’s medication history one by one, immediately stopped the drugs that might cause liver damage, and carried out liver protection treatment, and closely monitored changes in liver function. After nearly 10 days of treatment, the liver function indicators gradually stabilized. On April 26, Yangyang recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

Huang Hai, director of the Second Tuberculosis Ward, checked Yangyang’s situation.

Dr. Chen Guoxi introduced that Yangyang was sensitive to some ingredients in antipyretics. Taking these drugs without consulting on mixed medication and monitoring liver function resulted in liver damage. In most cases, tuberculosis medicines and some cold medicines can be taken at the same time. However, due to the large individual differences, the types and ingredients of cold medicines are also different. For the sake of medication safety, tuberculosis patients who need to take cold medicines at the same time must consult a doctor. , and monitor liver function as directed by a doctor.

In order to help patients regulate their medication, at the beginning of this year, the “Hubei PCCM Cough and Asthma Pharmacy Service Outpatient Regional Demonstration Center” settled in Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital. Every Monday to Friday morning, 5 full-time pharmacists provide pharmaceutical services such as medication guidance and follow-up evaluation to patients in the pharmacy clinic on the first floor.