Does the new crown mild disease also have sequelae? How likely is it? The survey found: 5 kinds of sequelae are the most common,

“Help me, I have cancer!”

In the early morning, a young man hurried into the doctor’s office with sweat on his face and forehead.

It is understood that the young man’s surname is He. Xiao He ate pig blood soup at home last night. The elders said that pig blood can detoxify the lungs and is good for the body, so Xiao He also ate a lot.

Unexpectedly, Xiao He got up early the next morning to go to the toilet and found that his stool was very dark. He checked the Internet, and some people said that it was gastrointestinal bleeding caused by cancer, and he had to go to the hospital for examination. Xiao He was anxious all of a sudden, but the elders comforted him, this is the performance of the lungs detoxification, not cancer.

After listening to the elders, Xiao He felt a little better, but he was still shocked by the cancer, so he hurried to the hospital by taxi.

The doctor couldn’t help laughing after hearing Xiao He’s introduction to the whole thing, and immediately comforted him, this is not cancer, and a normal physiological change, and the subsequent examination showed that everything was normal .

I. The stool turns black after eating animal blood. Is it the lungs that are detoxifying, or is it cancer?

Li Jiang, Department of Pharmacy, Wuhan First Hospital introduced that there are two main reasons for black stools: One is eating iron-rich foods , such as animal blood, pig liver, black fungus, black sesame and other dark-colored foods; taking medicines such as iron and bismuth for blood can also lead to black stools, which are normal phenomena. Secondly, it is caused by some diseases, and even gastrointestinal bleeding caused by cancer can cause black stools, such as peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal tumors, etc.

Some people think that eating pig blood or duck blood can clear the lungs and detoxify the lungs. In fact, no food can have this effect. From the perspective of the route, there is no way to clear the impurities and haze in the respiratory tract by eating; in addition, these kinds of foods also do not have the function of clearing the lungs, The main components of animal blood are blood cells and plasma , there is no special substance that can clean the lungs of impurities.

In short, black stool after eating animal blood is likely to be caused by improper diet. It has nothing to do with cancer and clearing the lung toxin, but if black stool is accompanied by some Other discomforts such as abdominal pain and weight loss should be alerted.

Secondly, if these symptoms occur in the bowel movement, you should pay attention to it

The bowel movement can be To a certain extent, it reflects the health status of the human body. If you find the following situations in your bowel movements, you should pay attention:

1. Constipation and diarrhea occur alternately

The most typical symptom of bowel cancer is alternating diarrhea and constipation. This is because when the tumor grows very large in the bowel cavity, it will block the lumen in the bowel cavity, so there will be symptoms of poor defecation. ; but once the tumor has fallen off, diarrhea may occur.

2. Blood in the stool

Many bowel cancer patients have symptoms of blood in the stool, but many patients do not know how to distinguish between bowel cancer and bowel cancer. Hemorrhoids, because colon cancer occurs in the intestinal cavity, so blood in the stool caused by colon cancer is mixed with stool, sometimes it is relatively thin, showing a dark jam color.

3. Undigested meat and oil in the stool

This situation requires vigilance Pancreatic cancer, because pancreatic cancer can destroy the human body’s digestive function and cause steatorrhea. The diarrhea caused by pancreatic cancer is mainly manifested as loose stools and small amount, especially if the intake contains a lot of fat and protein Foods with sugar will increase the number of bowel movements, and there will be undigested meat and oil in the stool.

4. Strong tea-like urine, clay-like stools

If such urine and stools appear, you need to be alert to liver cancer, which may be obstructive jaundice< /strong>The obstruction caused by tumor invasion, compression of the bile duct or the compression of the hepatic hilar metastatic lymph nodes caused by the compression of the bile duct; a few are also caused by hepatocellular jaundice, due to the extensive infiltration or combination of liver cancer cells in the liver Caused by chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

5. Painless hematuria

The typical symptom of bladder cancer is painless, intermittent gross hematuria throughout the course of the disease, although in the lesions It’s there throughout, but it’s characterized by on and off and on and off.

Third, how to clear and nourish the lungs?

Although eating animal blood cannot clear the lungs, we can help clear and nourish the lungs through the following five points:

1. Keep away from cigarettes and second-hand smoke

The lungs are the main body of the gas. As a place for gas exchange, the gas inhaled by the human body will directly affect the lungs. For example, the poisonous gas of cigarettes and second-hand smoke can easily hurt the lungs. The lungs can even induce various lung diseases, so the lungs must be kept away from second-hand smoke and cigarettes.

2. Prevent cold and keep warm

The lung is an organ that likes temperature and is afraid of cold. Inducing respiratory diseases such as colds, it will also reduce human immunity or cause chronic rhinitis. Therefore, usually pay attention to keeping warm and cold to avoid cold.

3. Pay attention to hydration

With breathing, the lungs will also excrete some water. Timely hydration is an important measure to maintain the lungs. In addition to the diet, a small amount of 1500 to 2000 ml of water should be consumed several times a day.

4. Keep exercising

Protect the lungs the mostThe best way is to stick to exercise, such as walking, qigong, gymnastics, etc. You can run for ten minutes two hours after dinner, then stand with your feet apart and shoulder level, palms facing up, put your palms together 3 cm below the navel, relax your whole body, inhale, close your abdomen and then exhale slowly Relax and practice for half an hour.

5. Keep a good mood

A relaxed smile from the heart can help the lungs to spread throughout the body, so that the lungs can inhale enough fresh air At the same time, it can also exhale waste gas, speed up blood circulation, and achieve the effect of reconciling the heart, lungs, qi and blood. Excessive sadness and sadness can easily damage the lungs. Therefore, nourishing the lungs is inseparable from a good mood.

It is worth noting that not all urinary and bowel abnormalities are related to diseases or even cancer, the symptoms listed above are the same, and examination is the most important diagnosis. It is an effective method, so when there is discomfort in urination, the best way is to consult a professional medical professional.


[1] “Is lung-clearing food really useful? “. Health News. 2022-04-13

[2] “[Expert] Diarrhea and constipation alternately appear alert to bowel cancer”. Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. 2016-02-14

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