Can hemolytic anemia be cured?

Recently, domestic epidemics have been repeated, and the sequelae of the new crown have once again become the focus of attention. Are there any sequelae of the new crown? If so, will the sequelae affect normal life? This is a question that many people have been wondering about.

In February this year, the research published by the Yuan Guoyong team of the University of Hong Kong showed that in animal experiments, the new coronavirus can cause testicular damage and atrophy in hamsters, suggesting that Infected humans may experience hypogonadism and reduced fertility. Professor Yuan Guoyong pointed out that vaccination against the new crown can prevent the above-mentioned complications.

On February 7, the well-known medical journal “Nature Medicine” published a observational study saying that within one year of being cured of new coronary pneumonia, patients’ cardiovascular disease risk increased, This includes heart disease and stroke, with associated risks even in mild cases.

Waves of “sequelae” studies have hit people, causing panic. But what is less known is that these studies are most observational or animal studies, have limitations and are not representative of the entire population.

Next, let’s take a look at some patients who have experienced the new crown, what they have experienced and how their lives have changed.

1. How is their life after being infected with the new crown?

@Ms. Zhang, 37 years old

I was diagnosed with the new crown in 2021. After 14 days of treatment in the hospital, I recovered and was discharged. When I was first discharged from the hospital, I felt that my body had undergone tremendous changes. I was always unable to exert my strength, and I couldn’t even go shopping for groceries or do housework.

When the situation is severe, I feel tired even sitting on the couch watching TV, so I have to lie down. No way, I can only seek the help of the doctor, the doctor said that my recovery is slower than others, and suggested some changes, such as more exercise. I listened to him and started exercising slowly, and then I gradually improved my physical fitness, both my body and my mood improved a lot.

@Mr.Hu, 42 years old

I heard that Omikron is highly contagious, I had no idea, until I was diagnosed, I found out that I and him (the person who infected Mr. Hu) just had a few words in the elevator.

The first night I started to have a sore throat. The next day, sore throat became more and more obvious, 38℃ high fever, chills, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, cough and other uncomfortable symptoms. After taking the medicine, it got a little better on the third day, and the temperature dropped to 37.2°C, but other symptoms persisted, so he was admitted to the makeshift hospital.

On the first day of admission, my sore throat was relieved, but my cough and sputum were still obvious. From the second day of admission, all symptoms gradually eased or even disappeared, and they basically recovered on the eighth day. It took about ten days from infection to recovery, and now there is no other discomfort except for a few coughs occasionally.

@Mr.Liu, 32 years old

I work in the United States, and I have to isolate at home and live in my own room after being infected. Although I was well protected, I don’t know why, but my wife was infected by me within two days.

In the first two days of the infection, I only felt very sleepy. I slept in the dark at home, and my throat was sore. The whole body was weak and hungry. Every day I just wanted to drink water, eat, Sleeping, drinking water, eating, sleeping…The most difficult three days have passed. On the fourth day, the symptoms began to ease and sleep improved a lot. On the sixth day, his energy was fully recovered, and he could work from home. His physical condition was the same as before the infection.

I always thought Omicron was terrible, but according to my own experience and the cases around me, it seems that most of them were false alarms. Maybe we were lucky.

Second, after being infected with the new crown, is there a high probability of sequelae?

Judging from the situation of most infected people, the first few days of infection will be relatively uncomfortable. After rest or treatment, the patient’s symptoms will gradually disappear and eventually recover. However, many people worry that there will be sequelae after recovery.

The so-called “COVID-19 sequelae” refers to persistent health problems in recovered individuals 4 weeks or 30 days after the onset of symptoms, or even longer. At least 55 kinds of sequelae of the new crown have been found so far. The probability of mild patients is low, and the probability of severe patients is high. The most common ones are fatigue, headache, attention disorder, hair loss, dyspnea. Others include pulmonary, cardiovascular, and neurological and psychiatric disorders.

A large UK study found that 9.4% of patients developed symptoms 4-8 weeks after infection; After 16 weeks, 5% of patients developed symptoms. The study highlights that the symptoms that people who have recovered from Covid-19 develop over weeks and months are not necessarily related to Covid-19, which is ignored by many.

Lu Hongzhou, president of the Shenzhen Third Hospital and head of the Shenzhen Epidemic Prevention and Control Public Health Expert Group, pointed out that the sequelae of the new crown are not as serious as imagined, and we are following up on the recovered patients. , no serious sequelae were found.

“I think, don’t over exaggerate the sequelae of the new crown, most people can fully recover.”

Third, do these 3 points well to reduce sequelae< /strong>

For those who have not been infected with the new crown, in order to prevent accidents and reduce sequelae, the following 3 points should be prepared in advance.

1. Vaccination

As long as you are not infected with the new crown, there will be no sequelae. Currently, vaccination is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of infection. Even if they are unfortunately infected after being vaccinated, the symptoms are milder than those who have not been vaccinated, and the chances of severe illness and sequelae are lower.

2. Enhance resistance

Diversification of diet, not less vegetables, fruits and protein, and drink plenty of water . Adhere to moderate-intensity exercise 3-5 times a week, such as running, aerobics, badminton, etc., which not only exercise your body, but also improve your mood. Ensure adequate sleep, don’t stay up late, disturbance of biological clock can lead to lower immunity.

3. Adhere to the treatment of underlying diseases

Statistics found that the new crown patients with underlying diseasesThe probability of developing severe disease is higher, and the duration of COVID-19 sequelae is also longer. Therefore, if you suffer from underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic kidney disease, etc., you should receive active treatment to stabilize the condition and minimize related risks.

Based on current research, most the sequelae of COVID-19 survivors will slowly disappear over time. We must treat sequelae rationally, and neither worry too much nor take it lightly. At any time, we must do a good job of protection and actively strengthen our resistance to minimize the risk.


[1]Positive clustering, “big flu”, human-to-human transmission… These 11 hot topics of the new crown, Lu Hongzhou’s latest interpretation .Bioworld.2022-04-14

[2]The risk of heart disease surges after new crown infection, and mild disease is no exception.Nature Portfolio.2022-02-26

[ 3] Under the new crown epidemic, how to improve one’s own immunity? It is very important to do these 6 points well. Guangzhou Health Commission. 2021-06-12