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Recently, in an interview with the media, Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, what are the characteristics of the Omicron variant, and what treatment plan has traditional Chinese medicine adopted for elderly infected persons Wait for the question to respond.

Reporter: At present, the number of critically ill patients in Shanghai has begun to increase. For the treatment of critically ill and critically ill patients, what treatment plan does traditional Chinese medicine have?

Zhang Boli: For the treatment of critically ill and critically ill patients, the first thing to emphasize is multidisciplinary cooperation, including intensive care medicine, respiratory, nutritional support, nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, etc. Forced, integrated Chinese and Western medicine, Chinese and Western medicine are used together, so as to control the disease, reverse the disease, and reduce the mortality rate.

Traditional Chinese medicine adopts the method of syndrome differentiation and targeted treatment strategies for the most dangerous factors of each patient according to the underlying diseases and other factors. Specifically, it is an “early”, a “quasi”, early detection, early warning, early research and judgment, and early intervention. Targeted and precise treatment is adopted, and the method of “one person, one policy, one person, one day” is used for treatment. The specific treatment should be “fast” and sometimes “steady”, patiently observe the changes in symptoms, and it is good that the stability is not aggravated. Sometimes it is necessary to “support”, and when yang qi is exhausted, it is necessary to use a large dose of ginseng to return to yang to save the rebellion and turn the tide. Traditional Chinese medicine injections, traditional Chinese medicine retention enema, ginseng powder, rhubarb powder, acupuncture and moxibustion are used in the treatment of drugs. In emergency medicine, Xuebijing, phlegm and heat-clearing pump push, Angong Niuhuang Pills, etc. are taken orally, the taste of medicine should be less, the dosage should be large, and heavy doses should be used for scabies. It plays a very good role in stabilizing the disease and blocking the progress.

In order to strengthen the ability of TCM treatment for critically ill patients, we have established a municipal multidisciplinary TCM expert group composed of famous Shanghai TCM practitioners and Qihuang scholars with rich experience in treating infectious diseases. In addition to joint rounds and consultations by senior Chinese and Western medical experts, consultations and discussions on critical cases in designated city and district hospitals are held every night at a fixed time, and work requirements and contact systems are clarified. Cases with severe or complex underlying diseases are consulted one by one to ensure that TCM participates in the whole process of COVID-19 treatment, achieves the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, provides suggestions for optimizing diagnosis and treatment plans for critically ill patients, and further improves the level of TCM treatment. In addition, we have formulated the “Shanghai New Coronary Pneumonia Severely and Critically Necessary Chinese Medicine List”, requiring all hospitals to make stockpiles and have medicines available.

What role does traditional Chinese medicine play in the follow-up rehabilitation of cured persons?

Reporter: There are more and more cured people discharged from the hospital every day in Shanghai. What role has traditional Chinese medicine played in their subsequent recovery?

Zhang Boli: Since the emergence of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, people have paid attention to whether there are sequelae, and the name for this is different. Some also call it the post-new crown state and persistent symptoms. The patient can be discharged from the hospital after the nucleic acid turns negative and meets the requirements of relevant indicators. However, some people have not been completely cured, some people’s immune function has not fully recovered, and some people’s functional indicators are not normal because of the damage to the heart, liver, kidney, etc. caused by the new coronavirus. Therefore, for patients discharged from the hospital with new coronary pneumonia, there is still a need for a recovery process. Summarizing the recovery of patients with previous epidemics in Wuhan and later, some patients suffer from fatigue, muscle aches, palpitations, asthma, anxiety, insomnia, hair loss, etc. For this, we put forward the concept of “early recovery, self-recovery, and comprehensive recovery”. Generally, a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is used, with Western medicine for health assessment and Chinese medicine for rehabilitation. After active recovery, most people’s related symptoms are gradually eliminated within three months to six months, and some people need longer recovery time. Some patients can cooperate with drug treatment, and some patients can actively promote recovery through physical exercise, such as Taijiquan, Baduanjin, diet therapy, medicated diet, and psychosomatic regulation.

Because of the late emergence of the Omicron variant, more observations are needed on the possible sequelae it may cause. On the whole, there are many asymptomatic infections after infection with the Omicron variant, and the sequelae or persistent symptoms after the patients are cured are relatively milder than those caused by the earlier strains. Of course, further observation and research are needed. Some people may experience discomfort after being discharged from the hospital after being infected with the Omicron variant. In this regard, the national expert group and colleagues in Shanghai are also further deepening their work in this area, continuing the previous recovery experience, and continuously optimizing the recovery path and method. , to take active interventions to bring the healer to a better state of mind and body. It is especially important to note that the healers themselves should also have a positive attitude and mental state adjustment, and actively participate in the rehabilitation. In this regard, it should be emphasized that the society does not discriminate against patients with new coronary pneumonia, and there should be more care for them, so as to provide a better environment for their recovery.