Bookkeeping Notes: 5 Little Things You Must Know During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a major test for both pregnant women and babies. To fight this tough battle, you must do your homework.

Let’s listen to the story of @Wan Qing Hua Life, the mother of Lilac Mother Planet.

Drawing up a few visual notes to share with you, 5 things I think you must do with homework during pregnancy.

Image source: @wanqinghua life

Eating more is worse than eating well

Maybe during pregnancy, you will hear someone advising you to eat more. After all, it is better to double the amount of food when one person eats two supplements.

But in fact, simply increasing your appetite is not necessarily a good thing. What’s more, some expectant mothers have severe morning sickness in the first trimester, and they may not even have a normal appetite.

Therefore, what we should strive to achieve in terms of diet is to ensure that the proportion of each meal is healthy and balanced, rather than simply and rudely eating two servings for the baby. Being overweight can affect your health during pregnancy and increase the risk of gestational diabetes!

Image source: @wanqinghua life

Dietary taboos are in fact

Not as much as I thought

Can I eat ice cream while pregnant? Can you eat spicy food? Can I have coffee? Can you eat crabs… Are you still troubled by these so-called dietary taboos, and the taboos are to the point of collapse?

Scientific understanding of dietary taboos during pregnancy, healthy eating, safe and secure food, and balanced nutrition are more important!

Dietary taboos to avoid are: No smoking, no alcohol, no raw foods that may have parasites, no cured meats and unpasteurized cheeses, and seafood with high levels of mercury .

If you are a coffee addict, you can consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day, which is the amount of a normal cup of coffee, or drink decaf or decaf as an alternative beverage.

Image source: @wanqinghua life

Pregnancy supplements

Don’t overdo it

Folic acid, vitamin D, iron, calcium, DHA… If you take multivitamin supplements during pregnancy, be careful not to overdose, it may cause the burden of liver and kidney function .

During my third trimester, I rechecked my liver function several times because of this. Later, the doctor advised me to stop the compound supplements, take iron supplements alone, and take folic acid alone. Liver function was normal afterwards. Although it is not a big problem, it will affect my mood very much, and it is also troublesome to go to the hospital to check.

Believe in baby’s own strength

I remember when I first got pregnant it was a roller coaster ride. At 6 weeks, the doctor said that he did not see the fetal heartbeat. At 7 weeks, there was uterine effusion. The doctor said that there may be a risk of threatened miscarriage. After 9 weeks, I had no pregnancy reaction at all, and I began to worry about whether the pregnancy would stop…

In short, during that time, I used to frighten myself and think extremes at every turn. I went to the hospital for re-examination B-ultrasound several times (for peace of mind, what a waste of money and time). It was only later that I found out that I was actually too nervous. It is a good thing to be cautious, but I must also believe in the baby’s own strength.

He’ll work hard and tenaciously, he’s not that delicate. Take it easy. A lot of money to check, but also don’t have to spend.

Image source: @wanqinghua life

The best prenatal education during pregnancy

It’s mom’s mood management

It would be impersonal to say that you don’t have mood swings during pregnancy. The dual changes in body and mind can make women very sensitive, prone to anxiety, moodiness, and even prenatal depression.

These are normal emotions. Only the emotional changes of the expectant mother will more or less affect the physical and mental health of the baby. For the baby’s development, try to adjust your emotions as much as possible, be happy every day, and be in a stable mood, which is the best gift for your baby.

Image source: @wanqinghua life


Review Specialist

Zhuozheng Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor / Former Senior Attending Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Peking University People’s Hospital / High Risk Obstetrics Department