Drinking milk makes 4 mistakes, which is equivalent to “free drinking”! Especially the first one, too many people do it wrong

When it comes to milk, everyone is familiar with it.

Nutritionists believe that drinking milk regularly can help supplement the protein, vitamins, calcium and other nutrients needed by the human body.

But what many people don’t know is that drinking milk is still a technical job. Many people drink it for most of their lives without drinking it right, which greatly reduces the nutrition of milk!

Below, I will give you a list of the 4 most common mistakes in drinking milk——

Milk as water

Gastrointestinal sins

There are many benefits of drinking milk, but it does not mean that we can drink milk as water.

The main components of milk are not only water, but also fat, protein, sugar, calcium, phosphorus and other components. However, the ability of the human body to absorb these nutrients is limited. Drinking a lot of milk continuously will overwhelm the stomach and cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Furthermore, every 100 ml of milk contains about 3.5 mg of fat. Drinking milk as water will also lead to excessive fat intake and increase the risk of obesity.

What is the best amount to drink that day?

Our dietary guidelines recommend drinking about 300ml of dairy products per day (about one and a half cups of disposable paper cups).

Of course, don’t stick to this average, sometimes you take 200ml, or sometimes 400ml, it’s fine.

Drinking milk to help sleep

Be careful, the more you drink, the more insomnia

“Can’t sleep at night?” “Have a glass of milk to help you sleep!” Do you often hear this advice?

However, milk does contain sedative and insomnia-preventing substances, such as calcium, vitamin B6, etc., but it is not hypnotic. It has little effect on sleep, so drinking milk in the morning will not cause drowsiness.

And drinking milk before going to bed may also lead to frequent waking up at night, thus interrupting sleep and greatly reducing sleep quality, which is not worth the loss.

If you want to sleep better, you can do more relaxing things before going to bed, such as listening to music, soaking your feet, etc. These are more effective than drinking milk.

Adding milk

Poor nutrition makes you fat

In order to make the milk taste richer and drink better, many people add “materials” to the milk, such as——


Milk and tea can be said to be the most common combination. In this way, you can not only drink the aroma of tea, but also taste the aroma of milk, which many people like.

But what many people don’t know is that the oxalic acid and tannic acid contained in tea will react with calcium in milk, affecting the body’s absorption of calcium to a certain extent.

So, if you want better calcium supplementation, don’t drink milk mixed with tea.


There is no need to say more about the harm of sugar, right? Excessive intake of sugar will accelerate aging, damage teeth, lead to obesity, cause osteoporosis and various chronic diseases (fatty liver, gout, diabetes, etc.).

We already consume a lot of sugar in our daily diet, including some invisible sugars, such as sweet dishes, sweet drinks, seasonings, etc.

If you drink one or two cups of sweetened milk every day, it is easy to lead to excessive sugar intake and increase the risk of obesity.

Therefore, it is best to drink the original flavor of milk, and it is not recommended to add “seasoning” to milk.

Drinking milk regardless of body constitution

The more you take care of the body, the worse you will be

Milk is great, but not for everyone.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that milk is sweet, slightly cold in nature, people with spleen and stomach deficiency and easy diarrhea should drink less.

In addition, it is not suitable for people with underlying stomach diseases to drink more milk, because milk contains a lot of calcium, which will stimulate gastric acid secretion and aggravate gastric diseases. For example, patients with gastric ulcers who drink milk may delay the healing of ulcers.

Of course, there is another category of people who are not suitable for drinking milk, and that is people who are lactose intolerant!

People who are lactose intolerant lack the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose. Such people are prone to symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea after drinking milk.

So, if you really want to drink milk, people who are lactose intolerant can choose to buy low-lactose or lactose-free milk (or milk powder), or replace milk with yogurt.

The pictures in this article are all from Yitu.com.

Source/Health Daily Push