The three times of the day that are most likely to gain weight, keep your mouth shut during these three times, maybe you will not get fat

Does eating only vegetables make you lose weight?

I believe everyone knows that the calorie content of vegetables is relatively low, so you can eat more vegetables in the process of losing weight, then yes Wouldn’t it be possible to lose weight?

First of all, whether you are fat or not has nothing to do with what you eat. If you find that your body is fat, it is actually caused by excessive caloric intake. The phenomenon of calorie intake exceeds calorie consumption, no matter what you eat in your regenerative life, you will gradually gain weight. Of course, it is the same for him.

In fact, many vegetables are not low in calories, such as staple vegetables, lotus root and potatoes, which are easy to gain weight if you eat too much, so everyone should not misunderstanding.

What’s more important is that everyone pays attention to nutrition and a balanced diet when losing weight, that is to say, eat a little of everything, because fat metabolism requires different With the participation of various nutrients, only eating vegetables will cause malnutrition.


The most fattening day 3 times, keep your mouth shut during these three times, maybe you won’t get fat when you eat

—morning 7:00~8:00

Most people usually choose the time of 7:00~8:00 in the morning If it is breakfast, everyone must have a balanced nutrition and not eat a little casually. It will not only keep the body healthy, but also will not cause the body to gain weight. On the contrary, it is beneficial for female friends to lose weight.

The time between seven and eight in the morning is after a night of sleep and rest, and the various organs in the body return to the state of metabolism, so eat breakfast Good health will also improve the body’s metabolic rate, not only will not lead to obesity, but also protect the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the health of the body.


3:00~4:00 pm This time period is 2~3 hours away from the noon lunch interval. The food in the stomach has been gradually digested by the stomach, but the distance There is still a period of time in the evening. At this time, many young people like to drink afternoon tea.

Many people choose this time to have a snack or a cup of tea, because this time can not only replenish energy, but also give the body Add a lot of power.

So everyone must pay attention to their mouths during this time period, and must not eat some snacks that are too high in calories, so as to help everyone lose weight, if If you are really too hungry, you can eat fruits with lower calories and lower sweetness.

—after 8pm

After 8 pm, the metabolism in the body has been repaired by rest. If you continue to eat during this time, it will directly cause obesity.

It is recommended that people who want to lose weight in their daily life should eat dinner before 7 o’clock, so that they can eat at bedtime. Heat and calories in the body are gradually consumed.

If you wait until after 8 pm to eat, because many people will go to bed immediately after eating, which will lead to fat and calories and sugar in the body The accumulation of the precipitation will not only affect the quality of your sleep, but also reduce the digestion of the gastrointestinal tract.


Dieting to lose weight can lead to Stomach atrophy?

In this day and age, many young people are keen to lose weight, and many young people suffer from inflammatory stomach atrophy due to dieting and weight loss. , but when the consequences come, many people will question, I haven’t eaten anything, why is my stomach still shrinking?

Some young people suffer from gastric atrophy, which is often related to their eating habits and patterns. When everyone develops certain eating habits, The stomach and intestines will gradually start to work after a certain period of time. If stones suddenly appear and reduce their appetite, there will be no corresponding food in the stomach to digest, which will lead to damage to the gastric mucosa.

The gastric mucosa can no longer play a role in protecting the stomach, thus causing gastric diseases, including chronic atrophic gastritis, which is often said stomach atrophy.

Once chronic atrophic gastritis occurs, if it is not treated in time, it will evolve into intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and even eventually. develop to gastric cancer.

Especially some patients with chronic gastritis, accompanied by intestinal metaplasia or dysplasia, may evolve into cancer over time. Sex is bigger.

When you find out that you have gastritis, it is recommended to cooperate with your doctor for active treatment to avoid further development of cancer. In addition, you need to be careful not to overdo it in your daily life. The pursuit of thinness brings some unnecessary threats to their health.


Exercise and sweat, Does it mean fat is burning?

There has been a travel on the Internet that “sweat is the tears of fat”. Translation: The more you sweat, the faster you burn fat? But the truth is: sweating is just one way the body regulates its body temperature.

Because the main component of sweat is water, there will be a lot of sweat even after exercising in daily life, which will cause your own weight loss, but The weight will continue to rebound after timely replenishment of water.

And many people are born with a lot of sweat, so sweating during exercise does not mean “weight loss”.


Obesity is a If you are sick, people with excessive body fat rate may wish to look here.

Being thin is not good for health, it does not mean that being overweight is necessarily Advantages, obesity can also bring very serious harm to your health.

1. Brain aging

Research by American University has shown that among people with a body fat rate of more than 25%, there is generally a decrease in cerebral protein, and cerebral protein is the place where nerve fibers in the brain gather. brain.

2. Cardiovascular disease

Obesity can lead to hypertensive heart attack, and the risk gradually increases. According to data, the risk of sudden death in obese people is about 30% higher than that of ordinary people, and the risk of hypertension increases by about 2.1 to 10 times. The risk of heart attack increased by 0.7% to 30%.

3. Urinary incontinence

due to Overweight individuals will cause the negative pressure in the body to gradually increase. As time goes on, the bladder will be squeezed to a certain extent, causing urine to flow out of its own accord, thereby causing urinary incontinence. Incontinence can also be relieved.
