The relationship between life expectancy and weight was found: after the age of 60, such a weight may be just right, and the self-examination standard will not be met.

What is a healthy body mass index?

-BMI Calculation

Body The Mass Index, or BMI for short, is often used to measure the degree of obesity because it is a numerical indicator that is closely related to the total body fat and can reflect the health risks that the body faces due to being overweight or overweight.

BMI calculation formula: BMI=weight (kg) ÷ height (m) squared

For Chinese people, the Chinese BMI standard has been fine-tuned:

BMI is 18.5~23.9 The normal range, greater than or equal to 24 is overweight.

BmI between 24 and 26.9 is obese, and the risk of related diseases gradually increases.

BMI between 27 and 29.9 belongs to obesity, and the risk of related diseases increases.

BMI≥30 belongs to severe obesity, and the risk of related diseases increases.

BMI≥40 is considered extremely severe obesity, and the risk of related diseases is very seriously increased.

2. Waist measurement is also important

In addition to BMI, an individual’s waist circumference can also reflect health: the larger the waist, the more fat in the abdomen, and the higher the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

According to the “Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Adults”, the waist circumference of men is ≥90 cm, and the waist circumference of women is ≥85 cm. obesity.


Lifetime-weight relationship found: 60 After the age, this weight may be just right, and the self-examination standard is not met

Too thin and too fat are for the health of every elderly person It’s very unfavorable, so what kind of weight is the most suitable? A 70-year-old study in the United States has the answer.

A study published in the well-known medical journal Annals of Epidemiology showed that after taking into account differences in gender history, living habits, etc. After 70 years of follow-up, it was finally found that if they were able to maintain a normal weight when they were young, those who were slightly obese when they were old had a lower mortality rate.

The normal BMI for the elderly is:

Body mass index: BMI=weight (kg)/height (m) squared, so a BMI of 18.5-24 is normal for people over 60 years old. “Body mass index” is used to evaluate weight and height A common tool for ratios, it is also a measure of body fat.

The human body should not be too fat or too thin, and adults can use the adult body mass index BMI as an evaluation index.

There are many ways to judge and calculate the ideal weight, but the simplest standard weight calculation formula for the elderly is:< /p>

Men: Height (cm)-105=Weight (kg)

Women: Height (cm)-100=Weight (kg)

Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg) ÷ height in square meters

If it is based on height, take 175 as an example , then you can get the weight should be 70 kg. If you calculate BMI, then the person’s body fat number is 22.8. When BMI is 18.5 to 23.9, it is within the normal range.


Senior What are the dangers of being fat?

In general, young people have a strong metabolic capacity, and their weight is easier to control, but some elderly It is difficult for people to control their weight, and being overweight can induce various cardiovascular diseases, such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia.

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What are the dangers of being underweight in the elderly?

It is not necessarily a good thing for the elderly to be too thin. If the body is too thin, the resistance and immunity of the body will be greatly reduced. There are even many elderly people who are too thin, most of which are caused by lack of a lot of nutrition.

The various organs in the body are not supplied with nutrients, which will lead to a decline in the tolerance to hunger and fatigue, and often Lack of energy and excessive fatigue occur, and the elderly are prone to diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis when they are older.

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Can dinner also determine longevity?

In fact, this is true. Some wrong and perfect ways in daily life, such as skipping the main food for dinner, eating too late, Even skipping dinner will damage human health over time, so please follow my footsteps and see how dinner “determines” life expectancy:

—no main meal for dinner

Many people think that dinner is less Eating, especially not eating staple food, is mainly because staple food contains a lot of carbohydrates. If you eat more, you will gain weight, but in fact, not eating staple food for dinner may shorten your lifespan.

Carbohydrate intake is either too low or too high, according to a study published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet Public Health will shorten their lifespan.

The study, which followed 400,000 people for up to 20 years, found that compound intake accounted for about 50% of total energy intake. while the human mortality rate is the lowest.

However, when carbohydrate intake is less than 40% or more than 70%, there is an increase in mortality and a gradual decrease in expected Therefore, for the sake of your own health, you still have to eat some staple foods for dinner, but you need to pay attention to your own control.

—too late

Research shows that eating dinner too late can easily induce obesity, and even increase the risk of diseases such as urinary tract stones and diabetes, sleep disorders, and even stomach and pancreatic cancer.

If you eat dinner too late, the gastrointestinal motility will gradually slow down at night, and the digestion efficiency will also decrease, and the food will stay in the intestines for too long. , the absorption of lipids and sugars will gradually increase, and eventually it is easy to induce obesity, while excessive obesity is easy to cause abnormal fluctuations in the level of pancreatic islets, which in turn leads to the advent of diabetes.

And eating too late can easily lead to the inability of the gastrointestinal tract to rest normally, which will not only affect the quality of sleep but also aggravate the gastrointestinal tract It disturbs the mechanism of digestion and metabolism in the body, thus triggering the advent of various related diseases.

——don’t eat dinner

For healthy most people, if If it becomes a bad habit of skipping dinner, it may lead to malnutrition in the long run, resulting in a dull complexion and symptoms of lethargy and physical exhaustion.

If you don’t eat dinner for a long time, it will destroy the function of the gastrointestinal tract, and even affect the endocrine in the body, which is not good for weight loss and health. The benefits, so everyone still needs to eat dinner.

Doing good weight management is very important for promoting health or preventing disease and prolonging life. Being too thin or overweight is very bad for health.

Everyone must develop correct eating habits, three meals at regular intervals, balanced nutrition, at the same time strengthen their own exercise, pay attention to their own rest, Maintain a good attitude to face life, this is the way to health and longevity.