Can diabetics eat steamed bread? The doctor reminds: the real can’t eat, are these 4 kinds of food

Introduction: With the continuous improvement of living standards, the number of people suffering from chronic metabolic diseases in our country, is showing a a gradual upward trend.

such as very common diabetes,< span>This kind of problem will not only easily cause some discomfort to the body, but also seriously endanger people’s health, lead to a series of complications.

Although medical care is improving today strong>, but we still have no way to cure diabetes as a disease, we can only take medicines and life conditioning, and for a certain degree of stable control.

When it comes to diabetes, many people may be familiar with it, which is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia Chronic metabolic diseases, which seriously endanger the bodythe heart, eyes, kidneys, and arterial and venous problems.

transmits signals to the central nervous system to a certain extent,< strong>And a certain blocking reaction occurs.

medically for patients with milder disease, < /strong>Stability treatment is usually in the form of taking hypoglycemic drugs. If is a serious case, needs Insulin injections combined with hypoglycemic control also require control of the individual’s diet.


How high does my blood sugar need to be?

For the vast majority of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes, regardless of fasting glucose> 7.8 or postprandial blood sugar >11.1, it is possible to control blood sugar first with lifestyle intervention and other related means.

If the above method has been strictly followed for 3-6 months, the blood sugar is still above normal ( Fasting>7.8, postprandial>11.1), or the glycated hemoglobin is still greater than 7.0%, then drug treatment should be started.


Diabetes will affect the whole body? These 4 major hazards must be prevented

causing abnormal cardiovascular and cerebrovascular function< /span>

Due to chronically elevated blood sugar in people with diabetes, It will easily affect the blood flow, and it will easily block the blood flow to the heart at this time.

Under such a problem, it will easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular dysfunction and other aspects. Problems can also easily increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

results in decreased resistance

The body is in a high blood sugar environment for a long time. If the insulin function in the patient’s body continues to market, the glucose entering the body will not be fully With, it is excreted in urine instead.

This prevents the body from breaking down protein and glucose to get what it needs Nutrients, A long time will easily reduce the resistance.

causing kidney disease

Has it been mentioned in the above contentDiabetes also has a great impact on the kidney as an organ,Especially type 2 diabetes has a greater impact on the kidneys.

Due to diabetes mellitus can easily lead to abnormal blood supply, < span>In this way, the nutrients transported to the kidneys are sufficient, which will easily lead to certain abnormal problems in the kidneys.

causing foot problems span>

Patients with advanced diabetes are prone to complications of diabetic foot, which is a very common complication of diabetes.

In mild cases, it is easy to cause the feet to fester.Yes It also deforms the feet at times, and in severe cases may even face the risk of amputation.


Can diabetics eat steamed bread?

In our daily life, steamed bread is a very common staple food, especially After the northern steamed bread enters the body, it is easily digested and absorbed by the body, and can also be quickly converted into glucose in the body.

Excessive consumption of steamed bread can easily make blood sugar unstable span>, it will also easily lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar, although everyone thinks that steamed bread is very nutritious, but the calories of steamed bread are not low.

In fact, the advantage of steamed bread is that it is a fermented food, strong>It is very easy to digest after eating, and after entering our body, some beneficial substances in steamed bread can also bring about the effect of protecting the intestines.

Many diabetic patients are always worried about whether they can eat steamed bread in their daily life. In fact, diabetic patients You can eat buns.

But everyone try their best to eat steamed buns< span>Reasonably control the intake, don’t eat too much, you can also eat it with whole grains, otherwise it will easily increase blood sugar and cause related diseases.


DoctorReminder: These 4 foods are really not edible

dried fruits span>

Dried fruit contains certain nutrients, it is a high-fiber food, and many diabetics consider it appropriate Eating some dried fruit can bring health benefits, but this idea is wrong.

Dried fruit after dehydration< span>, the sugars in it will have a concentration, which will easily increase the intake of sugar, which is not good for blood sugar control.

viscera< /p>

From a health point of view, not only diabetics need to eat less animal offal, but also ordinary people Need to eat less.

internal organscalorie and cholesterol content All are very high, often eating a lot of it will easily lead to disorders of lipid metabolism in the body.

Once a large amount of fat accumulates in the body, it will not only affect it easily To the blood lipid level will also be detrimental to the metabolism of carbohydrates, which will also increase blood sugar.

glutinous rice

The food made from glutinous rice is particularly delicious. Many people like to eat some food made from glutinous rice in their daily life< span>, such as zongzi, glutinous rice chicken, glutinous rice, etc.

But for people with diabetes, But it is not suitable to eat more glutinous rice, because glutinous rice is a high starch food, which will easily increase blood sugar after entering the body, which is not conducive to stable blood sugar control.

greasy food

Greasy foods contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, which can easily increase the level of cholesterol in the body. Inflammation problems, but also increase the risk of heart disease.

In addition, regular intake Greasy food will not be conducive to the metabolism of lipid substances, and it will also easily increase the blood sugar level at this time, which is not conducive to the control of the disease.


Eat these 3 natural “insulins” regularly, and blood sugar may drop quietly


Onions are rich in minerals calcium and The trace element selenium can help repair islet cells and maintain the normal secretion of insulin, which is very beneficial for stable blood sugar control.

okra< /p>

Okra has long been considered to have a blood sugar-lowering mechanism, mainly because the gathering is rich in dietary fiber, which can coat oil, Accelerates gastrointestinal motility,can effectively block oil absorption.

Other than that, okra Among them, isoquercetin, can be said to be “natural insulin”, which can block the disaccharide responsible for breaking down starch for the body to absorb Enzyme protein action, which can bring about better hypoglycemic effect.


Speaking of yam, maybe we all Everyone knows that this is a food for nourishing the stomach, in fact, yam can also bring about a good hypoglycemic effect.

Yam contains magnesium, zinc, vitamin B1, B2 and other substances that are indispensable for insulin secretion, which can promote glucose metabolism in the blood.In addition, the amylase in it can effectively decompose and digest sugar, which is helpful for lowering blood sugar.

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Conclusion: Generally speaking, for diabetic patients, they must exercise reasonably in their daily life, follow the doctor’s advice to take reasonable medication, and adjust their diet, so that they can better control blood sugar stably and stay away from the disease. Complications.