Cancer prevention, act early! Academicians and experts tell you 8 truths about cancer prevention

“Cancer prevention, act early” is the theme of the 28th National Cancer Prevention and Control Awareness Week. Many, how many are really reliable? Before starting a cancer prevention campaign, we must first determine whether we have found the right way and taken the right path.

On April 15th, on the first day of the National Cancer Prevention Publicity Week, China Anti-Cancer Day X Cancer Early Screening Day, People’s Daily Health Client, China Anti-Cancer Association The Colorectal Cancer Special Committee, the Science Popularization Committee of the China Anti-Cancer Association, and Nuohui Health jointly planned the popular science broadcast of “The Truth of Cancer Prevention”.


There are many treatments available,

Why do so many people still die of cancer every year?

Engineering Institute Zhan Qimin Academician, Dean of the International Cancer Institute of Peking University

In 2020, the number of new cancer cases and deaths in my country ranked first in the world bit. The overall 5-year survival rate of cancer patients in my country has just reached 40%, compared with 67% in the United States. When the 5-year survival rate of a tumor reaches 80%, it can be said that it is a chronic disease, not a terminal disease.

Early screening and diagnosis of tumors is the basis for improving the survival rate. For tumors (such as breast cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer), early detection can be performed by an operation, or re-operation. With some appropriate adjuvant therapy, the 5-year survival rate can reach 90%. But once the tumor becomes advanced, or even metastasized, the patient is on the brink of death.

If we compare a tumor to an iceberg, the surface part of the water is what we know about the tumor, the patient feels uncomfortable, and the tumor is found after going to the hospital for examination. We don’t know enough about the huge ice bed under the water. During the process of seeing a doctor, patients have a lot of passivity and blindness in the middle and late treatment process. We have to find a good means to early screening and early diagnosis in order to carry out early treatment.


Inflammation, polyps,

Adenoma…Which are the precancerous lesions that need attention?

Wang Guiqi,Director of the Department of Endoscopy, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the Expert Committee for Early Diagnosis and Early Treatment of Cancer (Rural Areas) of the National Health and Medical Commission, Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention

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Many people are saying that gastroscope and colonoscopy are difficult to make an appointment. First, let me make it clear that it is not because the gastrointestinal tract is uncomfortable. Screening method, first to determine whether you need to go for gastroenteroscopy. For example, there are non-invasive methods such as questionnaires, fecal occult blood testing, and genetic testing… If the initial screening finds that they are indeed high-risk groups, then go to a medical institution for gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Let’s talk about polyps, what is a polyp? It is a raised substance on the mucosa of the digestive tract, which may be inflammatory or tumorous; and tumor polyps are divided into Benign and malignant tumors, if it is an inflammatory polyp, the probability of tumor occurrence is very low, and it is not necessary to remove it. If it is a tumorous lesion, especially a progressive adenoma, the probability of it becoming cancerous is very high, and standard treatment is required.


Already have the HPV vaccine, can we completely eliminate cervical cancer?

<Qiao Youlin span>Professor of School of Medicine and Public Health of Peking Union Medical College, Researcher of Epidemiology Laboratory of Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

2020 On November 17, 2009, the World Health Organization released the “Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer”, and 194 countries around the world, including China, jointly committed to eliminating cervical cancer.

Three goals to be achieved by 2030: 90% of girls complete HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination by age 15; 70% of women by age 35 and screening by age 45 with high-efficiency testing methods; 90% of women diagnosed with cervical disease are treated.

Almost all cervical cancer cases are related to HPV infection. The combination of HPV preventive vaccination and cervical cancer screening is the best way to prevent cervical cancer. Age-appropriate population for HPV vaccineAfter being vaccinated, life-long immunity can basically be achieved, and patients diagnosed with cervical cancer now have more and more treatment methods, and the cost is also supported by the new rural cooperative medical system and medical insurance.

Among the “90-70-90” goals, the most difficult one is actually the “70”. In 2009, under the promotion of the former Ministry of Health and the All-China Women’s Federation, my country launched two cancer screening projects for rural women, cervical cancer and breast cancer, to give priority to helping those most in need. By 2018, nearly 100 million rural women had been provided free cervical cancer screenings over the past 10 years, saving countless lives.


Work and life are stressful, how can we really effectively prevent cancer?

Wang Xishan /span>Chairman of the Colorectal Cancer Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Chairman of the Colorectal Cancer Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, Director of Colorectal Surgery of the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Our bowel cancer has the second highest incidence in China, with 408,000 new cases and 196,000 deaths in 2016. This is equivalent to 2 new cases of bowel cancer every 3 minutes, and 1 person dies of bowel cancer every 3 minutes, why is this happening?

According to statistics in our ward, about 80% of the patients have the experience of diagnosing hemorrhoids, why? “Ten people and nine hemorrhoids”, many patients diagnosed themselves first, thinking that it might be hemorrhoids with blood in the stool, and did not go to the hospital immediately.

Some blood in the stool was stopped by taking medicine, but it was delayed. Because the blood in the stool of colorectal cancer first is the surface ulceration and infection, and then pus and blood is formed. After taking anti-inflammatory drugs, the surface inflammation is cured, and the blood is stopped, but the cancer has not stopped.

Also, having been diagnosed with bowel cancer, patients place too much importance on “anus preservation”. As doctors, we will definitely try our best to preserve anus for patients, but life preservation is definitely better than preservation. Anal is more important. I hope that patients can face colorectal cancer scientifically and correctly. Do not listen to partial beliefs, otherwise it is easy to make detours in treatment and delay the disease.

In addition, people don’t pay enough attention to physical examination. Now many people are willing to spend money to buy insurance, but they are not willing to do a cancer prevention physical examination. Every car needs an annual inspection, and I also recommend that you do an annual inspection for your body.


It’s all the same, why do I have cancer?

Is there really a “tumor constitution”?

<Tian Yantao, span>Chairman of the Professional Committee of Cancer Prevention and Treatment of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, Director of the Pancreatic and Gastric Surgery Ward of the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Tumor It is a common disease under the combined action of internal and external factors. In 2020, there will be 4.57 million new cancer patients in my country, and familial hereditary tumors account for 5% to 10%. If there is a family history, the risk of developing tumors will be higher, but most people are lucky, because only about 5%-10% of patients will have this defect due to family inheritance, and more than 90% of patients are due to It is caused by poor control of eating habits and emotional management the day after tomorrow.

Among the “external causes”, Helicobacter pylori is an important cause of gastric cancer. Food, unclean tableware, water sources and other means of transmission, “oral” is the most important way and way of transmission, we must promote public chopsticks and spoons, even if you eat at home, you should use public chopsticks and spoons, everyone’s best Use your own fixed cutlery. In addition, it is also important to clean, disinfect, and prevent mildew of chopsticks, and it is recommended to replace them every three months.


Why is it found that most cancers are at an advanced stage?

How to prevent cancer from grasping the “asymptomatic period”?

EOWdWxw>, Director of China Cancer Foundation, CEO of Nova Health

For screening, we must first ensure that the screening results are correct. The person with the problem is as good as possible, that is, the yin discharge cannot be missed.

Early cancer screening is when cancer is still in the “dinosaur egg stage”. Through screening, we find it like a needle in a haystack from the seemingly healthy and asymptomatic population. Patients with cancer or precancerous lesions, avoid cancer progression to the next stage.

Science, the top academic journal in the United States, published an article last month pointing out five challenges in early cancer screening, namely understanding the biology of early cancer, identifying cancer risk, finding and validating biomarkers for cancer detection, developing accurate early detection techniques and evaluating early detection methods.

Nuohui Health Chang Weiqing’s R&D and listing confirms this path. We completed these 5 challenges in 7 years: the first step is to study the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer , the second step is to target high-risk groups, the third step is to determine biomarkers for screening, and the fourth step is to comprehensively analyze the results including hemoglobin, genes and gene methylation through an algorithm model to determine a person’s cancer risk, The fifth step is to obtain Chang Weiqing’s excellent performance data through the largest prospective multi-center registration clinical trial for early cancer screening in China. After Chang Weiqing was approved the first certificate for early cancer screening in China on November 9, 2020, we are still conducting research to verify its performance in a population of more than 100,000 cases.

Source: Health Times

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