How to lose weight with easy fat physique? 3 ways to increase calorie consumption and stay away from obesity

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How do people who are prone to obesity lose weight? How to develop a lean physique and stay away from obesity?

Those who are prone to obesity feel that they will gain weight by drinking water, try to lose 1 pound, but rebound 2 pounds. Obviously eat as much as others, but only you gain weight. During the weight loss period, I worked hard to keep exercising but I didn’t lose weight. Why is this?

Those who are prone to thinness mean that they can consume more calories every day, and naturally they are not easy to gain weight. A person’s physique is determined by many factors, such as age, muscle mass, gender and other reasons.

As we age, our bodies run slower, and fat tends to accumulate. However, people with high muscle mass will be more likely to lose weight than those with low muscle mass. Burn more calories per day. Men’s bones and muscles are more developed than women’s, so their daily calorie consumption will be stronger than women’s.

In order to stay away from fat-prone physique and increase the body’s calorie consumption, we need to start from multiple aspects,

1. Strengthen strength training

After the age of 30, the muscles will begin to lose, and the energy and physical fitness will not be as good as before. Strength training is an effective way to resist muscle loss, increase muscle content, and strengthen basal metabolic value.

We can find that muscular men who have been training for a long time can eat more than 3,000 calories a day, but they do not gain weight. This is mainly their usual fitness training. The reason is that the amount is relatively large, the activity consumption is relatively large, and the muscles are relatively developed, the basal metabolic consumption of the body is also higher than that of ordinary people.

Don’t think about strength training so complicated, we can start with body weight training, such as push-ups, squats, lunges, goats, and planks are all exercises for the body muscles Group compound movements, if you keep exercising once every 2-3 days, you can gradually strengthen the muscle group, improve the basal metabolic value, and the body will be firmer after losing weight.

2. Don’t over-diet, but reasonably control your diet

< span>Many people think that the less you eat, the faster you lose weight, which is not advisable. Because excessive dieting will enable the body to activate the protective mechanism, damage the body’s basal metabolic value, it is more likely to induce obesity-prone physique, and it is easy to regain weight after losing weight.

The principle of scientific fat-reducing meals is that the daily calorie intake should not be lower than the basal metabolic value, and it is recommended to reduce it by about 20-30% than usual. Just heat.

In order to reduce hunger, we should choose low-calorie, satiety foods instead of high-calorie, over-processed foods. Food, which can ensure the intake of food, alleviate the appearance of hunger, improve the success rate of weight loss, and also reduce the probability of gaining weight.

3. Sufficient protein supplement

The diet pattern during weight loss should not be too single, and To a balanced diet nutrition, especially to supplement protein food. Protein is a macromolecular food, which can promote muscle synthesis, and also allow the body to spend more calories to participate in decomposition, improving the thermic effect of food.

Therefore, we can add some high-protein foods such as eggs, chicken breast, marine fish, and prawns to our three meals. Divide it into multiple meals, and the absorption rate will increase. Oh!