“Expert Small Lecture Hall” Pain is good or bad! Experts take you out of pain misunderstandings

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According to the definition of the International Pain Society, pain has three meanings:

  1. Pain is a subjective feeling.
  2. caused by harmful or potentially harmful factors.
  3. is accompanied by an unpleasant emotional experience.

In recent years, with the development of pain medicine and the further improvement of people’s awareness of pain, more and more pain Patients received scientific treatment and improved their quality of life. However, misunderstandings about pain still exist, resulting in some pain patients failing to seek medical treatment in time. Next, I will take you to understand the knowledge of pain and get out of the misunderstanding of pain.

Myth 1

Pain is just a symptom

First of all, we should be fortunate that we are born with the ability to perceive pain, and a small number of babies die at an early age because they are born without pain and lose their ability to protect themselves. This shows that pain is a protective mechanism for the human body to avoid injury and detect hidden dangers in time.

Acute pain is symptom, safety alert, protective, “good” pain , help to detect the cause and treat in time. However, most chronic pain is essentially different from acute pain. It is no longer a symptom and an alarm, but a disease, “bad” pain.

Chronic pain is often caused by the long-term existence of the causative factors, or the pain has not disappeared after the previous injury factors no longer exist. Chronic pain can lead to a series of problems in the neuropsychiatric system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, digestive system and even mental psychology, affecting work, life, family, and social interaction, and requires high attention and active diagnosis and treatment.

Myth 2

< p data-track="19">Pain all feels the same

This perception is incorrect. In fact, there are many kinds of pain, and different types of pain in the same part often mean different diseases. This is critical for disease diagnosis.

Sharp pains such as needles and tears are often symptoms of superficial injury or neuralgia. Pain, soreness, is often characteristic of deep tissue or visceral pain. Cold pain is usually vascular or sympathetic, and burning pain may be sympathetic. Transverse pain is associated with spinal tumors or compression fractures. Crushing, strangulation pain may be a manifestation of a pain emergency. There are also various pain forms such as itching, tightening, gunshot-like, and drill-like pain.

For example, lower extremity pain caused by lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is manifested as soreness, numbness and pain; lower extremity herpes zoster (before blistering) It is manifested as needle-like pain, which can be induced by rubbing clothes or touching with hands; the pain caused by arterial occlusive disease of the lower extremity is cold pain; the lower extremity pain caused by sympathetic nerve abnormalities can also be manifested as sweating disorder in addition to burning pain or cold pain , color changes, muscle atrophy, temperature changes, abnormal toenails, and limited joint mobility. These fully explain that the nature of pain determines the type of disease, and also determines the different treatment methods. From another point of view, it also shows that pain in the same area can be caused by multiple causes.

Misunderstanding 3

Where there is pain, there is sickness

Visceral pain caused by visceral lesions can cause pain in distant sites due to different innervation and conduction pathways. Such as angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, it can cause pain in the left shoulder, back and left upper limb; Cholecystitis can cause pain in the right upper limb; pancreatic cancer can cause pain in the left upper abdomen; Discogenic pain can be caused by Cause abdominal pain, as well as groin, lumbosacral and thigh pain, which is medically called referred pain. OtherIn addition, there is pain in the distribution area of ​​the distal limbs innervated by the nerves, which is called radiating pain; some cervical spine diseases can also cause pain in the chest and back, not caused by the pleura, lungs and heart disease.

Myth 4

Exams are normal but keep screaming pain

certainly a psychological problem

This perception is wrong. Although the noxious factors that caused the pain have disappeared, some people still feel pain, and the various medical tests are not abnormal. For example, some patients who have been amputated after a car accident and trauma have always felt pain in the amputated foot, which is unbearable. Phantom limb pain is medically known as a central pain with a very complex mechanism.

Myth 5

Pain-related disorders are easy to diagnose

Filming can confirm the diagnosis

is wrong. Pain is a complex subjective feeling. Different diseases can cause pain. Therefore, diagnosing pain-related diseasesis a very complicated process and must be diagnosed by a professional physician. Symptoms come first, clinical examination is also very important, and filming and laboratory tests are only auxiliary. The diagnosis should be consistent with the unity of symptoms, signs and imaging as much as possible, and other diseases that cause similar diseases should be excluded before the diagnosis can be made.

Misunderstanding Six

Pain department can only use physical therapy and medication

Pain relief for patients

Pain department is a professional discipline for the treatment of chronic pain. It is an interdisciplinary comprehensive discipline involving anesthesiology, orthopedics, neurology, rheumatology and immunology, vascular surgery and imaging. For the diagnosis and treatment of pain diseases, the pain department has unique advantages, its essence lies in precision and minimally invasive. In addition to physical therapy and drugs, there are various nerve blocks, intra-articular injection and minimally invasive interventional therapy. Especially in the treatment of cancer pain, pathological neuralgia and cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc disease, image-guided splanchnic nerve damage and intrathecal infusion system have been carried out to treat advanced cancer pain, and pulsed radio frequency and spinal cord electrical stimulation implantation have been used to treat pathological neuralgia. , and spinal endoscopic surgery for cervical and lumbar disc herniation and spinal stenosis. Since the establishment of the pain department, a large number of patients with refractory pain have been given a new lease of life.

The incidence of chronic pain is increasing rapidly, seriously affecting people’s quality of life. Popularizing scientific knowledge of pain will help improve the public’s awareness of pain and get rid of pain misunderstandings. We cannot endure pain any longer.

Source of content:Health China WeChat Official Account p>

Editor: Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Nursing

Correspondent: Wang Jingjing Qin Shasha Sun Lei