Long-term constipation is very uncomfortable, what should I do? You can usually eat more of these 2 kinds of “natural laxatives”

Many people in today’s society are troubled by constipation. Because of life pressure or some objective reasons, long-term constipation has always been a real problem that needs to be solved. In the past, everyone thought that constipation only occurred in the elderly, but now although the quality of life has been greatly improved, the types of diets have become more diverse, and uncontrolled diets have caused more people to have constipation problems.

Nowadays, many young people suffer from constipation because of their irregular life and unhealthy diet. If constipation occurs, human health will be greatly affected. There is no way to eliminate toxin waste, resulting in a large amount of toxin accumulation, which not only increases the burden on the stomach, but also leads to the decline of human immunity. The two “natural laxatives” “Can help with that.

I. Are you constipated

Speaking of constipation, you don’t need to be constipated because of this The question is ashamed to say. Because according to the data released by the state, many adults in our country actually have this kind of trouble, and the proportion is even as high as 4%-10%, which means that more than 50 million adults have such problems. , so how do you tell whether you belong to someone who has such a problem?

An important criterion for determining whether you are constipated is whether you feel very strenuous during your daily bowel movements. If you find it difficult to rule out your bowel movements, and the whole process takes significantly longer, this may be a bad sign. If the number of bowel movements is significantly reduced at the same time, you should pay more attention to your own health. body up.

For example, the number of bowel movements has changed from once a day to now, and it may take two or three days to have no bowel movements once or for a longer time, then this situation can be counted as constipation. In addition, there is a feeling of uncleanness during defecation, or an abnormal sense of blockage, abnormal stool shape, etc., which should be paid attention to and go to the hospital for conditioning in time.

Second, why constipation occurs

When you know that you may have constipation, you should learn more about this Why do the problems occur, and then analyze these reasons in a targeted manner to solve the problems. So what is the cause of constipation, especially in the current social background, such a situation is appearing more and more?

First of all, the biggest and most common reason is objective social problems, because the pace of life is fast, and the pressure of work and life is increasing. This will lead to more and more people being shrouded in this high-pressure state. Excessive tension for a long time can lead to a series of negative emotions, such as pessimism, anxiety, depression, etc., which can cause constipation.

The second important reason is that everyone lives irregularly and has not developed the habit of regular bowel movements. Maybe because of busy work or other reasons, many people have the bad habit of holding back urine and stool, which directly leads to a large amount of toxin waste and excrement stuck in the body, and the water will be further absorbed , so that the dried and hardened stool is more difficult to pass out of the body.

Another important reason is that more and more people have an unreasonable diet structure and irregular eating time. Especially because of overtime and work pressure, they prefer to eat some very greasy, high-fat, spicy and spicy foods. Not only are these foods low in water, they are also deficient in dietary fiber, which slows down bowel movements.

The problem of dietary structure can be said to be the main culprit leading to constipation. Without a reasonable intake of nutrients, it not only increases the burden on the stomach, but also leads to the lack of sufficient nutrients in the human body. Stomach motility and intestinal motility are used to maintain daily digestion, and a large amount of food residues will accumulate in the body and the intestines, which will aggravate the problem of constipation.

Another unavoidable problem is the problem of age. With the continuous growth of age, the functions of various organs in the body will gradually decline, and many elderly people will find that some greasy foods are eaten by themselves. If there is more, there will be a feeling of immobility in digestion, which is that the function of the gastrointestinal tract has gradually declined, and the abdominal muscles will also lead to insufficient intestinal propulsion, which is the reason for constipation in the elderly.

Third and two small tips

So when you understand the cause of constipation, you must find a way to solve this problem, after all Constipation not only greatly affects physical health, but also affects normal daily life and dietary intake. To solve the problem of constipation, in addition to taking normal medical measures, you can also use the following two tips to improve it through healthy daily methods.

The first healthy substance that can be called a “natural laxative” is dietary fiber. For people who often suffer from constipation, they will also feel fullness in their abdomen The feeling of loss of appetite and indigestion will occur. Since a large amount of feces cannot be excreted in time for a long time, it will lead to the secondary absorption of these toxins by the body, which will seriously affect human health.

So in the face of such a situation, we must pay attention to the intake of foods rich in water and dietary fiber, dietary fiber can effectively speed up gastrointestinal motility, thereby promoting The improvement of human digestive ability, for example, many fruits, vegetables, beans, grains and other foods in daily life contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation.

Another “natural laxative” that can help improve constipation is probiotics, many studies have mentioned that probiotics can effectively adjust the structure of intestinal flora and improve intestinal peristalsis speed and improve digestion. Probiotics are more aimed at adjusting the disorder of the flora, changing the intestinal environment by promoting bacterial fermentation products.

There are also many probiotic-type drugs on the market for health assistance, but in fact, many yogurt, cheese and corresponding nutritional supplements in life can accelerate gastrointestinal motility, promote Harmful waste such as feces is excreted, thereby relieving constipation problems. For the problem of constipation, if necessary, go to a regular hospital and follow the doctor’s advice to take professional drugs to relieve it.


In addition to the two key tips mentioned in the article, there are many habits in life that can help relieve constipation This problem, such as drinking more water will play a role in digestion and laxative, and promote the discharge of harmful waste, the role of honey water is more significant. In addition, massaging the stomach can also be effective, especially when you just get up in the morning, massaging with your hands will produce a feeling of defecation.

The last issue to be emphasized is to maintain a good living habit, whether it is regular sleep time or eating time, as well as a nutritionally balanced diet are extremely critical. Only by developing good habits in life and cooperating with moderate exercise, and insisting on maintaining such a lifestyle, can not only solve the problem of constipation, but also get rid of the sub-health state of the body.