Runchang Rural Commercial Bank: The proportion of new small-amount online loans exceeded 90%

Since the spring action, Runchang Rural Commercial Bank has deeply tapped potential high-quality customers, focused on three aspects of “assessment and supervision, activity incentives, and model optimization”, which has driven the proportion of online customers to increase steadily. As of the end of March, there were 7,841 online loans with a credit value of 583 million yuan, and the proportion of new online loan application accounts below 200,000 yuan reached 93.88%, an increase of 19.5 percentage points from the beginning of the year.

Assessment and supervision “increase horsepower”. The first is to issue the “Notice on Accelerating Online Loan Processing”, clarify the assessment measures for the four-level personnel of customer managers, lenders, reviewers, and sub-branch presidents, clarify the “online loan processing” reward and punishment policy, and actively guide customers to sign by themselves. contract, and continuously strengthen the promotion of online loan processing. The second is to include “online loan handling” in the annual comprehensive operation management and spring action assessment, increase the proportion of the sub-branch’s “credit e-loan” index assessment, effectively play the role of the “baton” in the assessment, and include the proportion of online loan handling business in the assessment. Sub-branches, account managers, and line performance assessments will link the task completion ratio with performance-based remuneration, guide all staff to actively participate in online customer development, and increase the proportion of online loan business.

The activity encourages “add power”. The first is to carry out the marketing competitions of “Online Loan PK Competition” and “Lending to Look at Youth” successively, set up youth commandos, rank according to different competition areas of agricultural areas, urban areas, and small and micro enterprises, select advanced units and individuals, and establish excellent models. Create an atmosphere of “comparing with learning and catching up” activities, and honor honors and awards to stimulate employees’ enthusiasm for marketing. The second is to actively carry out “experience and courtesy” activities for products such as credit e-loan, credit e-fast loan, scan code installment payment, etc., guide customers to experience online loan products, and allow customers to experience online loans. “Return” and other advantages, lay the foundation for customers to use credit in the next step, and actively guide qualified existing customers to gradually switch to online processing. Since 2022, the activities have been used as the starting point to drive online loans to 958 households with a total value of 99.7 million yuan, and more than 1,250 “experience credit” customers.

Model optimization “improve performance”. First, based on the experience introduction training meeting of the “Credit e-Loan” featured products carried out by the Provincial Associated Press, actively learn the parameter settings of the advanced prefecture-city model system, and realize “high-quality customers”, “first loan individual industrial and commercial households”, “quick loans” through “spare fields” Through the online processing of characteristic credit products such as “Pass”, the model rules of “interest rate pricing” and “quota calculation” were adjusted according to the actual situation of our bank to effectively meet customer needs and improve the convenience of loan processing and the overall online loan scale of this product. The second is to speed up the distribution of “Credit e-Quick Loan” customers, and allocate unallocated “Credit e-Quick Loan” customers in the credit system to sub-branchs in a timely manner. E-Quick Loan” customer marketing efforts were made to improve the awareness rate of “Credit e-Quick Loan”. Since 2022, a total of 26,486 pieces of “Xin e Quick Loan” customer information have been allocated, and branch visits have been made to connect with more than 11,350 “Xin e Quick Loan” customers.

(Zhang Chunhao)