These four diseases have almost no symptoms in the early stage, but are often found in the middle and late stages

In daily life, some common diseases can generally be detected through physical examinations, but not everyone has the conditions to do physical examinations frequently, and some diseases are very “cunning”, in the early stage There are almost no symptoms, and when you go to the hospital for an examination, you may be diagnosed with advanced disease, which seriously threatens your life. In particular, the following common diseases need to be prevented and prevented by friends.

1. Asymptomatic coronary heart disease< br/>
Asymptomatic coronary heart disease, also known as occult coronary heart disease, mostly affects middle-aged and elderly people over 40 years old. It can also be seen from the name that since it is hidden, it is difficult for ordinary people to detect it. It has almost no clinical symptoms, but objective examinations such as electrocardiogram, echocardiography, myocardial blood perfusion, etc. have cardiac ischemia. Performance, if there is no physical examination, it is easy to be ignored by patients and delayed treatment.

Generally, for asymptomatic coronary heart disease, if it is detected in time and treated properly, the prognosis is generally good. , heart failure or cardiac arrhythmia occurs. In severe cases, sudden death may occur, so early diagnosis and treatment are important.

2. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia

Hyperuricemia is also One of the high incidence of disease in my country, because patients have no typical symptoms, they often do not attract the attention of patients and ignore treatment. However, the disease is very harmful to the body. It may cause uric acid crystals and urate crystals to deposit in the renal pelvis, ureter or renal tubule and renal interstitium, causing kidney damage, causing kidney stones, and related to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system. Diseases, endocrine diseases and other diseases are related, and the harm to the health of middle-aged and elderly people can be equivalent to hypertension and diabetes, so we must be vigilant.

It is recommended that the middle-aged and elderly people improve their lifestyles, adhere to a healthy diet, actively quit smoking, exercise and control their weight, and actively control cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and obesity. Avoid obesity, high-purine and high-calorie diets, alcoholism, excessive fatigue, mental stress, trauma, etc.

3. Asymptomatic hypertension< br/>
In clinical practice, many patients do not have obvious typical clinical symptoms when hypertension is mild or when hypertension occurs in the early stage, so it is usually called asymptomatic hypertension, also called asymptomatic hypertension. Asymptomatic hypertension. Such patients will only experience transient dizziness and headache when they are tired, anxious, anxious, or emotionally excited. After measurement, they will be diagnosed with high blood pressure. As the disease prolongs, the blood pressure continues to increase significantly. Various symptoms such as dizziness, headache, inability to concentrate, nausea, and vomiting may occur.

If blood pressure is poorly controlled for a long time, it may induce cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral vasospasm, cerebral insufficiency, cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage. Long-term high blood pressure can lead to arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. , angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. Long-term high blood pressure may also cause kidney damage, leading to hypertensive nephropathy. Therefore, even if there are no symptoms of discomfort, after the discovery of hypertension, it must be actively treated, and the blood pressure should be controlled below 140/90mmHg to avoid complications of hypertension.

4. Fatty liver

The fat content of a normal person’s liver is about 5%. If it exceeds 10% or more than 15%, then fatty liver should be considered. Early-stage fatty liver is usually found incidentally by B-ultrasound during physical examination, and there are no obvious symptoms, while patients with severe fatty liver may experience symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, and mild pain in the liver area.

If fatty liver is not adjusted, it will cause great harm to the human body. First of all, it will aggravate liver damage, which may develop into steatohepatitis and liver cirrhosis. At the same time, due to liver damage, insulin will Metabolic disorders can induce or aggravate diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases, and also reduce the body’s immune and detoxification functions.

So for fatty liver, we must actively prevent it and try to eat as much as possible on weekdays Mainly vegetarian, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat less fried, fried, and sweet food, keep exercising, do more walking, square dancing, Taijiquan and other sports, and at the same time have regular physical examinations to avoid developing severe fatty liver.

Although we cannot avoid the occurrence of some diseases, in JapanIn daily life, it is still possible to actively prevent diseases through some methods. It is recommended to maintain a good diet and living habits on weekdays, such as quitting smoking and drinking, avoiding overeating, ensuring regular sleep, exercising, maintaining a good attitude, etc. Then it is beneficial to physical and mental health. At the same time, for friends with conditions, it is recommended to do regular physical examinations to detect physical problems as soon as possible and treat them as soon as possible.