Dongping Rural Commercial Bank does a good job of “addition, subtraction, multiplication and division” to help the high-quality development of soybean seed industry

Qilu One Point Correspondent Jin Lishan

Since this year, Dongping Rural Commercial Bank has closely focused on supporting the development of the soybean seed industry, actively connected with the county party committee and county government, continued to increase capital investment, and improved service quality and efficiency. Up to now, a total of 250 million yuan has been issued to support the soybean seed industry.

Marketing visits are “addition” to accurately reach the market entities. Actively connect with relevant departments, carry out strategic cooperation, accurately support the seed industry enterprises within the jurisdiction, and provide them with financing service plans; rely on the intelligent marketing system, connect with the township government and the village committees, comprehensively obtain information on farmers, individual industrial and commercial households, etc., and formulate household-by-household The credit extension plan gives priority to “non-inductive credit extension and inductive feedback” to customers who meet the access conditions, so as to meet customers’ capital needs such as fertilizer procurement and agricultural machinery infrastructure upgrades in a timely manner, and ensure that credit funds can reach market entities accurately and accumulatively. More than 35 million yuan.

Reduce fees and make profits by “subtraction” to reduce customer operating costs. The Bank vigorously promoted the central bank’s re-lending policy to support agriculture and small businesses and the policy of inclusive credit loans for small and micro businesses. A total of 210 million yuan of preferential interest rate loans were issued, reducing financing costs for customers by 3 million yuan; 12 fiscal discount and risk compensation policy products were actively promoted. For example, the “Entrepreneurial Guarantee Loan” reduces the current LPR interest rate by 200BP to provide financial discounts, combined with the policy of deferred repayment of principal and interest, to reduce the pressure on enterprises to re-lending. A total of 160 million yuan of financial discount loans to support the seed industry have been issued, with a total of more than 3.6 million yuan in fee reductions and profits.

Innovative products do “multiplication” to effectively solve financing needs. Taking credit product innovation as an important entry point to support the development of the seed industry, through the multi-party cooperation between the government and the bank, it will exert the “multiplier effect” and continue to meet the financing needs of customers. According to the different capital needs of customers in industries such as seed production, processing, purchase and sales, we innovatively launched low-interest loans such as “Lexiang Chunlei Loan”, “Ludan Huinong Loan” and “Entrepreneurship Guarantee Loan”, with the lowest interest rate of 4%, and continued to reduce the guarantee rate , increase the financial discount rate, expand the coverage of loans, and the credit support covers the construction of the entire industrial chain such as seed production, processing, and seed production and breeding base projects. Up to now, more than 42 million yuan of loans for the soybean seed industry chain have been issued.

Removing worries and difficulties by doing “division” to effectively clear business blockages. Focusing on seed industry exhibition and sales, relying on the “Intelligent e-Shopping” e-commerce platform, vigorously support the establishment of various shops in the seed industry chain, expand product sales channels with the help of the province’s sales network, boost product sales and promotion; actively implement “convenient access to credit” Policy, provide key support in credit funds and credit policies, reduce approval levels, and simplify loan procedures; increase credit loan issuance to merchants, and use online credit loan products such as “Credit E Loan” and “Credit E Quick Loan” , to speed up the “non-inductive credit extension” and improve the efficiency of loan processing.