Green radish, white radish, carrot, are very good nutrition

Let’s talk about carrots, white radishes and green radishes. What is the difference in nutritional value? White radish and carrot green radish have a big difference in taste and nutritional value, and the nutritional value is very high. If you have obvious physical discomfort and cough and phlegm, you can also choose to use it. Eat some white radish appropriately. Soup improvement is also very helpful.

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Green radish cruciferous radish angiosperm. Its quality is fresh, emerald green, slender and correct in shape, without fibrous roots. Green radish is mainly produced in Tianjin and Shandong in China. Is a raw food green variety. Slender cylindrical, emerald green skin, jade white at the end. The whole radish is sweet in the upper part and a little spicy in the tail. It is an excellent local variety, green radish, which is the green radish among Chinese radishes. It is also a crunchy, delicious and nutritious home-cooked vegetable. And it contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, etc., of which the content of vitamin C is very high, which can improve the quality of cells and enhance the body’s immunity.

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So, what are the functions and functions of green radish? , Promote digestion, enhance immunity, delay aging, prevent cancer and anti-cancer, green radish has the effect of anti-cancer and anti-cancer. Because green radish contains lignin, lignin can improve the vitality of macrophages, which is conducive to phagocytosis of cancer cells, thereby playing an anti-cancer effect. In addition, green radish also contains a variety of enzymes, which can decompose carcinogenic nitrosamines and have anti-cancer effects. Therefore, green radish can play a very good anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect.

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White radish is also cruciferous and belongs to the white fat shape. A biennial, it has a large storage heel, first year. Used to store nutrients in preparation for flowering and seeding the following year. As long as the flowers bloom in the spring of the coming year, the radishes will bloom as soon as they turn green, and the white radishes below will also be hollow, so the white radishes in the spring will be chaffed, and this is the reason.

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Small white radish is a bit like small ginseng, the reason is because it is rich Contains a lot of nutrients, very beneficial to the human body. As the saying goes, eating radish in winter and eating ginger in summer, without the need for a prescription, reflects the nutritional and health benefits of white radish to a certain extent. Among the folks, many people think that white radish has the effect of invigorating qi and ventilating, while eating raw radish will cause hiccups and farts.

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Carrot is a vegetable that we often eat in our daily life, carrot Carrot is a red and slender shape of the Umbelliferae family. Carrot has a certain role in improving human immunity and assisting digestion. Eating some carrots properly can also play a certain role in improving eyesight and nourishing, and improve human immunity. Carrots are rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanin, calcium, iron, etc., and can prevent night blindness, strengthen the color discrimination ability of the eyes, and improve eye fatigue and dry eyes.

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Carrot is native to West Asia, and like white radish, it is also an ancient Although he came to China a little late, although it looks similar to white radish, the storage of nutrients is not entirely for flowering and fruiting, but mainly to meet the needs of the long winter and dry season.

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In addition, the leaves of carrots are like celery, with thick hairs, Spring carrots also bloom. Compared to the pretty flowers of white radishes, the flowers of carrots are much smaller and more bunched together like an umbrella, that is. The meaning of the name Umbelliferae, carrots have high nutritional value, mainly due to the carotene it is rich in. Carotene is one of the raw materials for the manufacture of vitamin A, so eating carrots is good for the eyes.


Green radish, white radish, and carrot are all vegetables that we often eat in our daily life. These vegetables have very high nutritional value, but these vegetables are cannot be eaten together.