Deep in the cycle of insomnia, how can I extricate myself?

Xiao Zhang broke up with her boyfriend of 5 years. Originally, it was time to talk about marriage, but the beautiful relationship finally lost to reality and distance.

After breaking up, Xiao Zhang can’t stop thinking about his boyfriend. Whenever he thinks of his goodness, his brain is like a computer with a virus, completely out of control. The scene with his boyfriend is in his mind. It became clearer, and the mood became gloomy.

Friends advised her:

“If you want to open up, where in the world will not bloom,

Why do you need to love a single grass”

“There are better ones in the future”

“You are still so young, so don’t worry about getting married”


However, Xiao Zhang I still can’t get past my own level, so that at night, I have difficulty falling asleep. I will go to bed at 10 o’clock in the evening, but at 12 o’clock in the evening, I still have no sleepiness, and it takes more than 3 hours almost every night. Falling asleep, and always waking up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning, I can sleep for 3 hours a night. I can’t concentrate at work during the day.

After countless days of trying harder and harder to fall asleep, Xiao Zhang has experienced insomnia that is more terrifying than lovelorn. After more than a month, I finally couldn’t stand it anymore. One day, Xiao Zhang walked into the Psychiatry Department of Xi’an Central Hospital with two dark circles under his eyes.

Popular Science Time

The psychiatrist encouraged Xiao Zhang to reveal the reason for his insomnia and then analyzed it: Xiao Zhang was deeply anxious because he couldn’t let go of a relationship. The vicious circle leads to insomnia. The more you want to sleep well, the more you value the quality of sleep, and the more nervous and anxious you are, the more you can’t get rid of insomnia, forming a vicious circle. The doctor suggested that Xiao Zhang adjust his mood and sleep at the same time, and urged Xiao Zhang to return to the doctor on time.

After a week of treatment, Xiao Zhang’s sleep has been greatly improved, and he looks more energetic than before.

“I slept for 6 hours last night,” Xiao Zhang said excitedly to the psychiatrist during the follow-up visit.

According to a psychiatrist, there are many reasons for insomnia, such as various trivial matters in life, people and things that are uneasy, unfinished minds, negative thoughts in the heart, tension and stress, long-term Lack of exercise and more can lead to insomnia. Because of the anxiety and distress of insomnia, the excitement increases, resulting in no sleepiness when you should fall asleep. After insomnia, many people will also take a series of measures, such as getting up early, brewing sleepiness, sleeping during the day, etc., which can only make the insomnia worse.

At present, nearly 40% of the population in my country have sleep problems. Long-term insomnia will bring consequences such as inability to concentrate, memory impairment, and inability to work. Insomnia has become an important problem affecting the health of modern people. It not only causes irritability, anxiety, irritability, and depression, but also directly endangers physical health, causing high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart attack, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer. Increased risk of disease. Up to one-third of depressed patients had insomnia (difficulty falling asleep, early awakening symptoms) prior to the episode.

Adults need an average of 6-8 hours of sleep per day, but individual differences are very large, so there is no fixed standard, and some people can be energetic during the day even if they sleep for 3-4 hours.

How to get a good night’s sleep?

Peace of mind is the key to better sleep. At the same time, life should be regular, create a good sleep environment, avoid all kinds of bad stimuli before going to bed, and develop exercise habits. It’s easier to fall asleep that way.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the following points:

1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, try to fall asleep and get up on time every day.

2. Don’t panic when you can’t fall asleep; don’t force yourself to fall asleep. If you still can’t fall asleep after lying in bed for more than 30 minutes, get up and do some gentle activities until you feel sleepy before going to bed.

3. Maintain a comfortable sleeping environment: proper room temperature, lighting, less noise and a comfortable mattress.

4. Avoid using the bed or bedroom as a place for other activities, such as watching TV, making phone calls, and discussing things.

5. Don’t eat too much at dinner, don’t drink coffee, tea, cola, alcohol and smoking at night.

6. Exercise regularly every day, and do gentle and relaxing activities before going to bed, such as hot baths, muscle relaxation and abdominal breathing exercises.

7. Have a fulfilling life and work, and actively participate in social activities.

8. Avoid naps, or nap for no more than 30 minutes.

If the above methods are still unable to self-regulate, seek medical attention in time, and carry out systemic treatment under the guidance of a doctor.