Advice: People with bad kidneys, do not want to go to the hospital for dialysis, it is recommended to avoid these 3 foods

Ms. Yang is 35 years old this year. Seeing that her children have all gone to school, she can return to work with great difficulty, but her body is abnormal.

Firstly, the shoulders were uncomfortable, and after a few days, various symptoms such as nausea, abdominal distension, and heart discomfort appeared, and the blood pressure was also rising, so I rushed to the hospital , A check turned out to be focal proliferative IgA nephropathy.

In the local hospital, she was considered to be seriously ill, and it was not until she was treated in Beijing that she slowly recovered.

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I. What is chronic kidney disease?

According to statistics, 10.8% of adults in my country suffer from chronic kidney disease, and the number exceeds 150 million.

Chronic kidney disease refers to the abnormality of chronic kidney mechanism and kidney function caused by various reasons. If it is targeted by chronic kidney disease, it may have abnormal glomerular filtration function, blood abnormality, Urine abnormalities, imaging abnormalities, etc.

2. People with bad kidneys should avoid 3 kinds of food

1. High-salt food

People with poor kidneys should try to eat less high-salt foods such as ham, salted duck eggs, bacon, and pickles, and the daily salt intake should be less than six grams.

2. High-fat foods

Many people with kidney disease will have hyperlipidemia, and such people must avoid high Oily food, the choice of edible oil is best to use vegetable oil.

3. Carambola

Carambola is a fruit that many southern friends like to eat, but people with poor kidneys are likely to cause symptoms after eating carambola. reaction to poisoning, etc.

This is because carambola contains neurotoxins, which may damage the glomerular capillaries and other tissues after eating, causing damage to the kidneys.

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3. Dietary advice for patients with kidney disease

For patients with kidney disease, they must pay attention to a balanced diet and a lighter taste. So which foods are suitable for kidney disease patients?

For patients with nephrotic syndrome, it is recommended to follow the dietary principles of low-salt, low-fat, moderate amount of high-quality protein.

1. Try to choose foods that are digestible in the diet, and avoid some foods such as beef, seafood, and mutton.

2. If the blood uric acid is found to be high, be sure to avoid food such as animal offal, beans, beer, and seafood.

3. Patients with nephrotic syndrome should try their best to follow the dietary principles of low-salt and low-fat diet, drinking less water, and moderate protein.

4. Keep warm, prevent colds, and don’t eat all kinds of tonics and health products indiscriminately, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.

5. Patients with kidney disease with high blood potassium should avoid high potassium foods, such as seafood, ham, bananas, dried radishes, soy sauce, etc.

6. People who are prone to get angry and have hematuria are advised to eat more foods such as black sesame seeds, sugar, apples, etc.

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The incidence of chronic kidney disease is very high, 10.8% of Chinese adults For people with poor kidneys, try to avoid high-salt foods, high-oil foods, star fruit and other foods that will burden the kidneys.

In order to protect the kidneys, regular screenings and physical examinations for kidney diseases are required.


[1] Such “kidney” is good! Stay away from chronic kidney disease. North Sichuan Medical College Affiliated Hospital. 2021-03-19

[2] Do you know if you have kidney disease, you don’t eat starfruit? What should kidney friends pay attention to when eating fruit? . Kidney on line. 2017-06-07

[3] Nephritis diet should be light, the doctor will tell you the right way! . Jiangxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2019-05-15