Is fungus an “accelerator” for liver cancer? Doctor: If you don’t want your liver to rot like a “fishing net”, stay away as soon as possible

The nutrients ingested by the human body need to be transported, stored and metabolized through the liver. In addition, the liver can also excrete harmful substances from the body. At the same time, the body’s hematopoiesis, coagulation, and bile secretion are inseparable from the liver. Therefore, it is also called “the head of the five internal organs” by us.

Although everyone pays more and more attention to physical health, there are still a lot of liver cancer patients in my country. Studies have found that this has a great relationship with diet.

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Real case:Lili is 28 this year I am a designer. This profession sounds very good. In fact, every day I have to revise the design plan according to the opinions of Party A, and I often need to work overtime.

It’s not that she never thought about resigning, but when she made a deal with her parents, she must have a career in a big city, so over the years, no matter how hard or tired, Lili endured it. .

In the past few months, Lili has often felt powerless and lethargic. When she was making a house design plan, she drew the wrong size and almost caused big trouble. At that time, she I didn’t think much about it, I just thought it was because I hadn’t slept well for too long.

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That day, Lili squeezed the subway to work as usual, the result However, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, and in a trance, I fainted.

Waking up again, she was already in the hospital bed. After learning about it, Lili collapsed. It turned out that her alpha-fetoprotein level was very high, and the CT results showed that there was a 4cm size on the right side of the liver. of tumor and liver cancer.

Lili kept asking the doctor if she had misdiagnosed. After all, she is usually in good health, so how could she have cancer? The doctor asked her to calm down first, and in the ensuing conversation, inquired about her life and eating habits in detail, and finally found the problem.

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Is fungus an “accelerator” for liver cancer?

It turns out that Lili likes fried fungus very much, but in order to save time, she often soaks the fungus in water before going to work, and can fry it directly when she comes home at night.

The doctor pointed out that it is best to soak the fungus for no more than 2 hours, and eat it as soon as possible after soaking, and do not leave it for a long time, otherwise a large number of bacteria will grow in it. This includes Aflatoxin (AFT).

This is a carcinogen that is difficult to kill at high temperatures. After entering the human body, it will not only increase the metabolic burden, but also damage our liver cells, resulting in liver cell lesions, necrosis, and decreased liver function. , causing a variety of liver diseases, and even directly suffering from liver cancer in severe cases.

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The doctor said bluntly: This behavior will also damage the liver , do less.

In addition, the doctor also learned that Lili sometimes works overtime continuously for work, and the rest time is less than 6 hours a day.

Studies have shown that from 11:00 pm to 2:00 am, liver cells will repair and regenerate themselves, and staying up late for a long time will not only lead to a decline in human immunity, but also affect the immune system. The liver functions normally.

Therefore, it is best for adults to fall asleep before 10 o’clock, and ensure that they have 8 hours of sleep every day, which is sufficient and stable sleep time.

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How to maintain the liver and stay away from liver disease in daily life ?

1. Supplementary elements

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2. Moderate exercise

Moderate exercise can improve the activity of liver cells, enhance immunity, and avoid the decline of liver function. It is recommended that you exercise 3 to 4 times a week, but choose the right time, 30 minutes after meals and 1 hour before going to bed, it is best not to exercise vigorously.

Middle-aged and elderly people and patients with liver disease should pay attention to the choice of sports. It is best to do some low-intensity exercises, such as: standing on one leg, Baduanjin, Tai Chi, etc., to avoid compressing the liver.

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3. Regular physical examination

If you want to prevent liver disease, or to treat liver problems in time, you should do regular medical examinations. Physical examination. Through the results of physical examination, you can change your bad living habits and adjust your diet.

Transaminase: Under normal circumstances, the serum transaminase level will be 0U/L~40U/L, Serum transaminases will fluctuate when hepatocellular lesions are present.

Bilirubin: If the liver is healthy, the bilirubin level will be in the range of 1.7umol/L~17.1umol/L In between, the liver is damaged, the bile cannot be excreted normally, and the bilirubin in it will increase.

We can judge whether the liver is healthy or not by the above two criteria.

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Tips: When liver disease occurs, the following abnormalities will occur in the body, don’t care


1. Lack of energy, fatigue, persistent pain in the right shoulder, and limb incoordination;

2. Dry mouth, bad breath, loss of appetite, frequent abdominal pain and bloating when getting up in the morning;

3. Decreased vision, blurred vision in both eyes, abnormal dryness, and itching;

4. The skin is dull, with acne, pimples and dark circles on the face;

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5. The roots of the hair are often oily, a lot of hair loss, hair loss, and the temples are white;

6. The nails are easily broken, with obvious vertical lines, and the nail bed is uneven.

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