Beijing assisted reproductive technology will be included in the medical insurance, with an amount of nearly 10,000 yuan!

(People’s Daily Health Client Lin Jing) “A lot of patients have come to inquire recently, how much can I get reimbursed for IVF now, if I make a rough count based on one cycle of IVF, it’s probably nearly 10,000 yuan. Apply for Medicare Reimbursement.” He Fangfang, chief physician of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, told the People’s Daily Health Client.

From March 26, Beijing assisted reproductive technology will be included in medical insurance! According to the “Notice on Regulating the Adjustment of Some Medical Service Price Items” issued by Beijing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, Beijing Municipal Health Commission and Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, 16 assisted reproductive technology items in outpatient treatment can be included in the scope of medical insurance Category A reimbursement .

Beijing is the first region in China to include assisted reproductive technology in medical insurance. According to the requirements of the “Notice”, this policy is applicable to the 15 designated medical institutions of basic medical insurance in Beijing with assisted reproduction qualifications, and the designated medical institutions of non-public medical insurance are implemented by reference.

The price of related medical services shows that the price of assisted reproductive technology projects covered by medical insurance Category A reimbursement ranges from 180 yuan to 5,050 yuan, and the project types cover artificial insemination, egg retrieval, semen processing, insemination, embryos Culture, embryo freezing and resuscitation, embryo transfer and embryo biopsy, screening and many other medical services.

“Assisted reproductive technology is what we commonly call in vitro fertilization. It is quite expensive, and it is not guaranteed to be successful once it is done. Some do it 3 to 5 times, and some patients even come to my clinic. It has been done more than a dozen times since then, so it is definitely a good policy for families who want to do IVF,” He Fangfang, chief physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, told the People’s Daily Health Client.

“Generally speaking, IVF involves two major costs, one is in the operating room and laboratory, including the cost of oocyte retrieval and embryo culture to embryo transfer, and the other is clinical costs, That is, the cost of clinical ovulation induction and corpus luteum support. Currently, only the cost of oocyte retrieval in the operating room and laboratory from egg retrieval, embryo culture to embryo transfer is covered by medical insurance.” Professor He Fangfang reminded, “The clinical medical expenses are a lot more than the former. Larger expenses, that is to say, most of the cost of IVF is still at your own expense.”

“So don’t see assisted reproductive technology included in medical insurance, and mistakenly think that IVF can be done for free. In fact, only a small proportion can be reimbursed.” Professor He Fangfang reminded, “Not all infertility patients require IVF. The purpose of pregnancy. There must be certain medical indications for IVF, and it is not advisable to blindly choose IVF.”

Operation: Zhou Xinyu