What causes rickets in calves? How to treat rickets in newborn calves

New born calf with swollen skull, curved limbs (O-shaped inner arc, or X-shaped outer arc), deformed bones, swollen joints, thick bone ends, ribs Flat, curved spine, and bead-like swelling at the junction of ribs and costal cartilages. Actions are as follows: lying on the ground without being able to stand, frequently exchanging weights on the limbs when standing, and restraining step by step when walking, etc. These are all manifestations of calf rickets. The specific causes and treatments are as follows:

1. Causes of rickets in calves

For newborn calves In other words, the cause of rickets is: when cows are pregnant, the intake of vitamin D is insufficient, the calcium and phosphorus in the forage are insufficient, or the ratio is improper, which causes congenital dysplasia of calves, resulting in rickets. This is also the reason for some calves who get sick after eating forage. We can usually strengthen the nutrition of cows during pregnancy and lactation, and often supplement vitamin D and calcium to prevent congenital rickets in newborn calves. For newborn calves, make sure to exercise regularly, get more sun exposure, and adjust the diet to ensure that there are enough vitamins and inorganic salts.

2. Treatment of rickets in calves

For rickets in newborn calves, we can give calves or drink water Use: Duli Taibao, Duli Taibao is mainly based on lactic acid, calcium, zinc, multivitamins, and various trace elements, combined with plant essential oils, berberine, oregano and other traditional Chinese medicines, which can supplement calcium, zinc, and tonic Producing bacteria, supplementing various nutrients, and promoting the bone development of calves. At the same time, we can use it for calf mixes or drinking water: multivitamin, which can supplement 14 kinds of vitamins, 18 kinds of amino acids, and a variety of minerals needed for the development of calves, and further meet the nutritional needs of calves’ bone and muscle development. Recommended breeding use: Duli Taibao + Duowei Taibao, long-term free drinking water for calves, promote the development of calves skeleton, and improve the effect of fattening.

The above are the causes and treatment suggestions for rickets in cattle and calves. I hope today’s sharing can help you. You can follow, like, favorite, or forward it to more friends in need.