Do not want to worsen high blood pressure and cause kidney failure, remember the “3 control” principles and 2 time periods when taking medicine

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases now, and it is also one of the important disease factors of chronic kidney disease, ranking third after diabetes. Therefore, patients with hypertension should pay attention to the prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease while taking antihypertensive treatment.

The key to preventing kidney disease is to keep blood pressure stable. The treatment of high blood pressure is inseparable from antihypertensive drugs. The key to the precautions of antihypertensive drugs is “3 control, 2 time periods”, it is difficult to remember these 5 points of blood pressure not to drop.

“3 control” – control time, amount, and diet

Control the time of taking medicines

Grasp the “time” of taking the medicine, not only taking the medicine on time, but more importantly, grasping the timing of taking the medicine, that is, when to start the treatment, etc. Patients should also be aware of it. Generally, elderly hypertensive patients should start taking medication when hypertension is detected, and most of them need to take medication for life. Some young and middle-aged hypertensive patients, especially obese hypertensive patients, can first take exercise and improve diet to lose weight to achieve stability. purpose of blood pressure. However, if the treatment effect is not good, in order to avoid the harm caused by long-term high blood pressure, appropriate medication should be taken.

Control the dosage of drugs

There are currently 5 types of commonly used antihypertensive drugs, namely diuretics, sympathetic Inhibitors, renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, calcium antagonists, and vasodilators, the pharmacology of different drugs is different, the duration of drug effect is different, and the drug specifications are naturally different.

For example, nifedipine controlled-release tablets are calcium antagonist drugs, which are long-acting antihypertensive drugs. Taking once a day can keep blood pressure stable throughout the day. The same drug, nifedipine, is a short-acting antihypertensive drug and needs to be taken 2-3 times a day to ensure stable blood pressure.

Hypertensive patients should also pay attention to try not to interrupt the medication. Generally, we will ask everyone to keep measuring their blood pressure while taking the medicine, so as to monitor the efficacy of the medicine and the stability of the blood pressure. Some people will stop taking the medicine without permission or wait until the blood pressure is high before they find that it is normal after measuring the blood pressure. These are all wrong medicines. Way.

Adhering to correct and reasonable medication is the “long-term solution” to maintain stable blood pressure.

Diet control and medication

Diet and medication seem to be two aspects, but in fact they are inseparable of. Bad eating habits are one of the causes of high blood pressure. For a long time, eating too much fish and meat, eating too much oil, and too heavy taste will cause blood pressure to rise. If you simply take medicine without controlling your diet, the effect of taking the medicine will be greatly reduced, and blood pressure will easily “rebound”.

In addition, some drugs clearly need to be combined with a low-salt diet before their efficacy can be exerted, such as Puli and sartans, which have antihypertensive, protein-reducing, kidney-protecting effects. It is a commonly used drug for the treatment of hypertension and hypertensive nephropathy. A low-salt diet can keep the drug concentration in the normal range in the body, but taking too much salt will offset some of the drug’s effects, and the drug can’t do its job. It is unstable blood pressure, which is very harmful to the body, and also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and kidney disease.

2 time periods—8am-9am, 4pm-6pm

Blood pressure has two This time period is the “peak period” of blood pressure throughout the day, which is 8:00-9:00 in the morning and 4:00-6:00 in the afternoon. Therefore, to avoid large fluctuations in blood pressure, it is generally recommended that patients take the medicine before 8:00 in the morning or before 3:00 in the afternoon to avoid fluctuations in blood pressure.

For patients who take long-acting antihypertensive drugs once a day, it is best to take them at 7:00 am; 2 times of antihypertensive drugs are better at 7:00 am and 3:00 pm; Patients with 3 times can take an additional dose at 1:00.

Some patients also ask this question: Can I take antihypertensive drugs at night before going to bed?

After sleeping, the metabolism of the human body slows down, and the blood pressure fluctuation becomes smaller. The blood pressure is the lowest at 0-3 am in the morning, so as to avoid the occurrence of hypotension. Generally, patients do not need to take medicine. However, some elderly patients with vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis have poor blood pressure regulation ability. In addition, some special antihypertensive drugs are prescribed to be taken at night, and they should also be taken according to the doctor’s order. Patients can record their blood pressure values ​​and find out the regularity, which is more conducive to prescribing the time of medication, which will be more effective with less effort.