Just notified! Shenyang added 1+9! The trajectory of confirmed cases announced!

Urgent Notice: From April 1st, there will be major adjustments to Shenyang Metro!

April 18, 0:00-24:00

Liaoning Epidemic situation of novel coronavirus pneumonia

April 18, 0-24:00, 1 new confirmed case of local new coronary pneumonia was added in Liaoning Province, which was reported by Shenyang City; 16 new cases of local asymptomatic infections, including 9 cases reported in Shenyang City, 6 cases in Dalian City, and 1 case in Anshan City; 2 new cases of asymptomatic infections imported from abroad , reporting for Shenyang City. On the same day, medical observation was lifted for 35 local asymptomatic infections and 5 imported asymptomatic infections.

As of 24:00 on April 18, a total of 1,613 confirmed cases (including 211 imported from abroad) have been reported across the province ), 1591 cases were cured and discharged, 2 cases died, and 20 cases were treated in hospital (18 cases in China and 2 cases imported from abroad). At present, there are 338 asymptomatic infections still under medical observation (325 domestic cases and 13 imported cases).

Shenyang reported 1 local confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia

p>and 9 local asymptomatic cases of COVID-19

April 18, 2022 0 At 24:00, 1 new local confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia and 9 new local asymptomatic infections of the new coronavirus were added in our city. After receiving the report, the Municipal Health Commission immediately dispatched 120 negative pressure ambulances to transport the above-mentioned personnel to the Municipal Sixth People’s Hospital for diagnosis and treatment. At present, various prevention and control measures such as the investigation and control of close contacts and secondary close contacts, as well as terminal disinfection of epidemic sites, are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Shenyang New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Circulation Traceability Team

2022 April 19

1 new confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia in Shen’s itinerary

From 0:00 to 24:00 on April 18, 2022, 1 new local confirmed case of new coronavirus pneumonia was added in our city , has been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment, and his condition is stable. By asking the patients themselves and their family members, and comparing with the big data information of relevant departments, the itinerary of confirmed cases is formed as follows:

< strong>XX: Current address: Haitang Community, Dongling Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City.

April 13th to April 17th Receive centralized isolation medical observation in centralized isolation places.

On April 18, he received intensive isolation treatment.

Warm reminder:Now remind in the above process Citizens who have been in contact with the patient, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, need to take the following measures:

1. Immediately register and file with the community or village committee where you are located, and the community or village committee should report to the local new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters as soon as possible, and continue to track the feedback, and implement a daily zero reporting system;

2. To reduce contact with others, avoid participating in gathering activities, and do not go out at home for 14 days; < /p>

3. During this period, if you have respiratory symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, etc., please contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in your jurisdiction as soon as possible. Contact or wear a mask, go to the fever clinic of the medical institution designated by the local health and health administrative department for a standardized treatment, do not take public transportation on the way to see a doctor, and wear a mask throughout the process.

Shenyang New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Circulation Traceability Team

2022 April 19

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Editor:Ren Zijian responsibilityEditor :Yan Jiwei Gao Wei

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