3 ways to wake up your yang energy in spring

“The Secret of Inner Alchemy” once said: “The moon in spring, yin and yang, come together, It is like the yang fire in the body is half and half, and the climate is evenly stopped.”

meaning that when the spring runs to the middle part, the yin qi assists The yang qi gathers out from the environment, so half of the yang qi in the body is filled, and the climate is relatively stable at this time.

But at this time, although the inside and outside are the same, it is more stable than winter and summer, but this stability is relatively fragile, and the balance of yin and yang in the environment For some people, not only is it not a happy event, it will also trigger some adverse reactions in the body.

Beauty in spring in March

“In the early morning and evening in spring, you need to think about it, and you must not be lazy. If you expose it to ten colds, you will be effective.” – “Zunsheng Eight Notes”

Spring is bright and sunny. During this season, everyone must feel the trend of increasingly bright weather and temperature gradually rising. At this time, it has been quietly over half. As we all know, spring is the phase of wood, and the prosperity of wood is good for the liver, so spring is the most suitable time to nourish the liver and the most suitable time to protect the liver. Here, here are some tips for nourishing the liver in two ways:

folding hands to shoulders and turning around to nourish the liver:

” The liver is weighted with both hands, pressing on the shoulders, slowly pouting the body, three times on the left and right.” – “Zunsheng Bajian·Liver Guidance”

means when nourishing the liver, overlap your hands and press them on one shoulder, and then slowly stand up and turn to the side where the shoulders are pressed, and do three times each on the left and right sides. The advantage is that it is simple and easy to learn, and it is also convenient to operate in time at work or in the bus and subway.

Hands-to-chest rollover:

< span>“You can also sit upright, with your hands crossed, and turn over to your chest three or five times.” – “Zunsheng Bajian·Liver Guidance”means in addition to the above operations , you can also choose to sit still, straighten your arms to cross your hands, and then turn it over and back and forth to your chest three or five times.

Although the above two methods are simple, they also need to remind themselves to operate every day. Don’t be slack, so that you can only be effective if you expose yourself to ten colds.” As the earth advises, the spring sun is coming early, you need to think about the day’s plan every moment, and you can’t let yourself be slack. If you keep training every day, you will be effective.

Eat in spring in March

“When spring comes, it is better to reduce acidity and increase sweetness to nourish one’s temper” – “Qian Jin Fang”

Sun Simiao once warned us in his health book “Qian Jin Fang” that we should pay attention to the spring diet. In the spring diet, we should reduce the intake of acidic foods and increase the intake of sweet foods. Enter, in order to recuperate the breath of the spleen and stomach.

But spring is the time when the liver is prosperous, and the liver is naturally sour. Fang” is admonished to “reduce acid and increase sweetness”?

The reason is that the liver is already prosperous in the spring, and the demand of the liver reaches its peak at this time. Usually people will follow the meaning of the liver at this time. Consuming acidic foods happens to be a problem with this “adaptation”, because once too much acid is consumed, it will not only not protect the liver, but will also harm other organs that are afraid of acid.

Once you don’t know this situation, not only will you not maintain the liver in the spring, but it will have an adverse effect on the maintenance of the liver, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to diet and health in spring:

“The fusion of spring, you can’t sit still to make others feel depressed.” means that the sun is shining in spring, and the human body should mobilize its own operation in accordance with the seasons and current events. , instead of sitting up suddenly, disturbing itself and causing the body to swell.

“Don’t drink too much.”Spring is a woody sign, and wood should be nourished Liver, in the season when it should be the most caring for the liver, all drinkers, please drink less for the health of your liver.

“Rice dough cakes made by others are more injurious to the spleen and stomach, and are the most difficult to digest. You must not eat too much on a hungry stomach, so as to have a quick bite. ”Spring brings together, the liver is prosperous and the spleen is weak, so for some glutinous rice products and other rice noodle foods, you must not indulge in eating and drinking because of temporary hunger. It is the most difficult to digest and the most irritating to the spleen and stomach.

“Remember to reduce acid and increase sweetness.”Returning to the above, remember to eat less bitterness in spring Add more sweetness, so that the days in the future will be sweet and happy.

After talking about the health precautions in spring, let’s talk about the best seasonal vegetables that can be supplemented in spring.

Spinach: Spinach belongs to the genus of green wood in the five colors and five elements. It is a major solar term in spring, and spring is the most suitable for taking these dark green Fresh fruits and vegetables.

For example: onion, leek, oily greens, spinach, etc. And Chinese medicine believes that spinach has the effect of “benefiting the five internal organs, dredging blood vessels, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, and eating more can also clear heat and eliminate vexation in spring.”

Eating spinach regularly is good for helping the liver to cleanse and detoxify the body.

Spinach with Sesame Oil

How to:< /span>

  • Prepare 120 grams of fresh spinach, 9 grams of sesame oil (sesame oil);
  • A small amount of salt, then wash the spinach;
  • Blank in boiling water for 3 minutes, remove, add sesame oil, appropriate amount Mix with salt.

Eat 2-3 times a week, which is very beneficial to the body, especially the liver.

Apricot: Apricot has the properties of “lowering qi, relieving cough and relieving asthma, moisturizing bowels and laxatives. It is used for cough and asthma, chest fullness and phlegm, blood deficiency and body dryness, and intestinal dryness. Constipation.” The above-mentioned symptoms of apricots that can be cured are also the symptoms that occur frequently in spring, so eating more apricots is beneficial to the maintenance and recovery of various functions of the body in spring.

But it should also be noted that people with damp-heat constitution eat more apricots and are prone to fever, which will aggravate symptoms such as dry mouth and constipation.

Poria yam powder

Poria yam powder is mainly for strengthening the spleen, so Eating thin people can improve the ability of the spleen and stomach to transport and transform, and they will become fat. If fat people eat it, they can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and they will become thinner.

Walk in the spring of March

“Mo Chun, spring clothes are ready, five or six crowns, six or seven boys, bathing in Yi, dancing in the wind, singing and returning.”—— “The Analects of Confucius Advanced”

In late spring in March, the temperature is getting warmer. At this time, wear loose clothes and walk in the rippling spring Beside the creek in the field is not a romantic pleasure.

The yang qi is growing in spring, this time should not be too quiet or too noisy, a leisurely spring outing is obviously more suitable for the needs of the human body in this season One of the sports is to properly let go of the burden on the body, and take a stroll in the green space of the city or in the countryside in the countryside, in the leisure time of weekends or holidays. One of the foundations of his unremitting efforts for the rest of his life.

“Zhuangzi” said: “Those who can follow the life, although rich and noble, do not use health care to harm the body, and although poor and lowly do not benefit the body.” People of the way, although rich and noble, will not cause physical harm to the rich and noble daily life, and even if they are temporarily poor, they will not be tired because of the interests of various interests.

Now that I think about it, in this fast-developing flashy world, it is extremely romantic to show and preserve some of your inner thoughts, what do you think? ?