Ni Haixia’s Life Story (2)

5. College life, love guitar all my life

In just one year, Master Ni’s acupuncture skills have grown by leaps and bounds. At first, he helped his family with acupuncture for treatment, and then he was a neighbor. In a short period of time, everyone knew that there was a young famous doctor in the first section of Jinshan South Road (current location). According to Ni Shi’s younger brother (Ni Boshi), There are patients at home all the time, standing, sitting, and lying everywhere. Not only that, but even the teachers in the university department trust Ni Shi and are willing to let him treat the disease. Ni Shi did not like the coursework in the department, so he helped the professors for free. Seeing a doctor allows you to focus on your own interests.

Master Ni’s biggest hobby is playing the guitar. When a classmate around him said he wanted to learn to play the guitar, Master Ni said: Then I’ll teach you Bar!

When he said this, Master Ni had not touched the guitar at all. He excitedly went to buy a guitar and a book. After a few days of self-study, he began to teach his classmates. Playing guitar. He also became the president of the Guitar Club of Soochow University and formed an orchestra. This hobby has lasted for a lifetime. In addition to playing and singing personally, he also collects many fine guitars.

Ni Shi’s collection of fine guitars

Ni Shi’s favorite orchestra is the Eagle Choir, and Hotel California is his favorite piece of music. Ni Shi returned to Taiwan to teach from the United States. During the discipline class, he also formed an orchestra with the students called “Legend”, and wrote lyrics and music himself. “My Dream” expresses Master Ni’s lifelong expectations and wishes. So far, every year at the memorial meeting, students still play this song to remember Master Ni.

Follow clinic students to sing at Master Ni’s house in Florida

6. Self-study by reading and mastering all five skills

Master Ni is well-known for his five skills, and after curing the second sister’s menstrual pain, the second sister thinks that her younger brother has a superhuman talent and wants to know how his future will develop, so she goes to the temple and asks the gods. I met a Taoist priest in the temple, who would use Ziwei Dou to count orders, so the second sister took Ni Shi to tell the Taoist priest. I bought books and taught myself. During college, I read and studied Ziwei Doushu, geography and feng shui, palmistry, iron magic and I Ching fortune-telling. His own ideas, combined with clinical cases when fortune-telling and unraveling later, used the Yijing Xiangshu to explain the five techniques throughout, creating his own original theory, which Ni Shi named “Yi Pai Xiangshu Zong“.

Master Ni with unparalleled talent and comprehension, in just a few years, has all five skills, can be said to be a man of the year at Soochow University, and became famous. . The intelligence and leadership qualities far surpassing his peers made his college classmates overwhelmed. There are people who worship him as a teacher and inherit his theories of the five arts throughout their lives; follow him to start a career in the United States and dedicate their lives to them. Although he was young at the time, he had already shown his tyrannical spirit, and when he got along with him, he was easily influenced by him and bowed to his knowledge and demeanor.

7. Military famous

Master Ni during college, After graduating from university, he enlisted in the army and was assigned to the Mazu Military Medical Department because of his acupuncture art.

Master Ni quickly became famous in the army, and officials at all levels came to him. In a short period of time, he caused a sensation in the entire front line, and even the island TV station came to the front line for interviews. According to the report, various TV news broadcasted the process of Ni Shi’s taking needles for officers and soldiers on the spot to verify the effect. Dou Da’s news headline read “Mazu’s Divine Doctor Ni Haixia”, when Ni Shi’s family watched the news at dinner, they watched the news. The whole family was very excited about Ni Shi’s news report. Afterwards, relatives and friends from all over the country continued to congratulate and congratulate him. At that time, Ni Shi was only twenty-four years old!

In addition to showing medical skills, Master Ni also fortune-telling for military officers. Where did the military fortune-telling come from? Nothing more than promotion is expected or not? How to get promoted? Master Ni’s death was accurate, and all the officers obeyed. Soon, Master Ni established a huge and dense network in the army, and it was no problem to be treated with courtesy.

Ni Haixia

Note: The text comes from the Han and Tang Jingfang Global Promotion Network, and the pictures come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.