The person who confuses Du Yuming all his life! Before you died, you were still asking if you were a Communist Party?

In one year, the terminally ill Du Yuming was admitted to the hospital and came to visit him as his former “old colleague” Guo Rugui. In front of the hospital bed, Du Yuming looked at Guo Rugui, a little emotional, and said with all his strength, “I will ask you one last time, are you a Communist Party? Can you tell the truth?

And this is also a question that has puzzled Du Yuming for more than 30 years. He knows that this person has a problem, but he has never Find evidence.

Faced with Du Yuming’s question at the last moment, Guo Rugui did not respond directly, but answered very vaguely: “We just had different positions at the time.” Because he knew the identity of the underground party members It is a secret belonging to the state, without the permission of the state, even if it is no longer the period of white rule of the Kuomintang, even in 1981, when the motherland is booming, it cannot be revealed casually. Keeping secrets is the duty of Communists!

Although Du Yuming has always been suspicious of Guo Rugui’s identity, This did not affect Guo Rugui’s work under Chiang Kai-shek’s eyelids, and was once regarded by Chiang Kai-shek as his confidant. During the Huaihai campaign, Du Yuming suspected that Guo Rugui cooperated with the Communist Party for a trap, which led to the final failure. So it’s like Chiang Kai-shek reported Guo Rugui, but Chiang Kai-shek didn’t believe it, so he asked Du Yuming if you had any evidence?

Du Yuming said: Guo Rugui is too clean, not greedy for money and lust, but also diligent and thrifty , the sofa at home has been patched and still reluctant to replace it. This is obviously what a Communist Party member did!

But Du Yuming did not expect that this sentence made Chiang Kai-shek furious and slapped the table and cursed: Can’t I have a clean and honest person by my side? Is the image of the National Government under my leadership a corruption? I get out! !

After that, Du Yuming no longer dared to make a snitch . But he always believed that there was something wrong with Guo Rugui, so he sent a secret agent to follow up the investigation, but no problem was found for a long time, so Du Yuming had to give up temporarily.

Actually, Guo Rugui, to the Kuomintang, can be said to be a red-headed seedling. His father and elder brother are both high-ranking national officials. Growing up in this family background, there seems to be no reason to join. The Communist Party, and become an underground party member who is always with danger!

However, Guo Rugui’s ideal since childhood was to serve the country and let people live and work in peace and contentment. When he was studying at the Whampoa Military Academy, he also met a lot of Communist Party members, and also understood our party’s policies and ideas. Revealed the idea of ​​joining the Chinese Communist Party.

But his family background was complicated at that time, out of careful consideration , our party did not approve his application for party membership at that time. But to be investigated!

The “April 12 Coup” period. In disregard of national interests, the Kuomintang openly tore up the agreement between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and arrested and killed Communist Party members. At this critical moment, Guo Rugui once again applied to join the Communist Party of China and was approved.

After joining our party, Guo Rugui soon started working in Shanghai, and together with the local party organizations, organized and implemented urban riots against the violent rule of the Kuomintang. After the failure of the riot, Guo Rugui temporarily lost contact with the organization, and many comrades were also killed by the Kuomintang. As a last resort, Guo Rugui had to take advantage of the opportunity to study in Japan to avoid the limelight. After arriving in Japan, Guo also searched for party organizations many times, but all ended in failure.

The Anti-Japanese War

After posting, Guo Rugui, who had been unable to get in touch with the organization, had to return to China to actively participate in anti-Japanese activities, and successfully joined the army of Chen Cheng, a senior general of the Kuomintang with his family background. Guo Rugui, who had studied at the Whampoa Military Academy, was on the battlefield. That is a good hand, he has led the soldiers to fight with the Japanese army many times, and he has made great achievements!

He once wrote a suicide note that was quite enthusiastic at the time, saying: “My eight thousand athletes have been sacrificed, the enemy’s offensive has not declined, and the future is uncertain. If the position exists, I will If I am still alive, I will see Junzuo. If my position is lost, I will die on the battlefield, and my body will be anointed. When the Anti-Japanese War was won in another day, as a famous anti-Japanese general, when you sailed through Wusongkou, if there were waves like mountains, then I came to see you. “

A suicide note is magnificent, the courage to fight against The righteousness of the country is vividly displayed. It is precisely because of his bravery and fearlessness that he was favored by Chiang Kai-shek. Do notAfter a long time, he became the Chief of Staff of the Group Army.

However, at this time, Guo Rugui did not fall into the whirlpool of rising to an official position, but was still trying to get in touch with the organization in order to use her identity to help the organization. But in order not to expose his identity as a Communist Party member, he could only do it carefully.

Finally, when the Anti-Japanese War was about to be won, Guo Rugui met Dong Biwu. He immediately expressed his request to return to the party organization to Dong, and when Dong Biwu reported all this to his superiors, the Party Central Committee at that time was also extremely excited. First, he expressed his recognition and condolences to Guo Rugui’s long-term underground work, and at the same time I hope Guo will continue to lurch and use his identity to gain greater success for our party!

At this time, Guo Rugui also realized that in order to help the party organization to achieve greater victory, the higher his position, the more beneficial it would be. Since then, he has tried his best, step by step. Approaching the center of power, he eventually became the Minister of Defense, and used his powers to help our party win the battle many times.

For example, the victory of the Huaihai Campaign was inseparable from the presence of Guo Rugui.

Later, when Chiang Kai-shek was defeated and fled to Taiwan, as the 72nd Army The commander of the army, Guo Rugui even made a secret agreement with the party organization, waiting for the best time to return to the uprising!

When Chiang Kai-shek saw the news that Guo Rugui led the 72nd Army uprising, he remembered Du Yuming’s suspicion, but it was too late to regret it!

Let us remember these great contributions and sacrifices for the country The hero, cherish the current life, and learn to love everyone around you! When the country needs it, we must stand up and be the sons and daughters of China!