Why does “leukemia” specifically choose children? Expert Tip: 3 kinds of fruit, or less for children to eat

Cancer cells have only malignant tumors in the body. Cancer cells will continue to phagocytose good cells. The hormones produced during the differentiation process will affect other tissues and organs. Bringing some effects, there is no specific drug for cancer that can be fundamentally cured in medicine.

When it comes to cancer, everyone will inevitably be shocked. It is “green tumor”, but the scientific name is “myeloid sarcoma”.

I believe that everyone feels panic when they hear about leukemia. With the development of science and technology and medical technology, as long as the diagnosis is made It takes time and money to completely cure leukemia.

Most of the people suffering from leukemia in medicine are children, and 40,000 new leukemias are added every year in China Nearly half of the patients are basically children under the age of 15.

It can be seen from the data that children are more likely to contract leukemia than adults, and in medicine, children are also The main patients of leukemia are tumor diseases caused by abnormal hematopoietic system.

According to the development of the disease and the individual’s constitution, it will change over time. If no timely intervention is taken, it will lead to the disease It continues to deteriorate and develops into lymphocytic leukemia or myeloid leukemia, so many parents feel terrible.


However, do you really understand leukemia?

A malignant clonal disease of the hematopoietic system known as leukemia, the cause of which is unknown and may be related to long-term exposure to chemicals , genetic causes, body virus infection, bacterial infection, ionizing radiation and other factors.

In clinical medicine, the typical manifestations of patients with leukemia, inexplicable fever, bone and joint pain, body bleeding and other conditions, if not intervened in time, will lead to Functional failure of multiple organs, which in turn kills children.


What is “leukemia” Picking out kids?

1. Chemical pollution

It is recommended that parents try not to give their children too much food containing food additives and preservatives. The children’s gastrointestinal system is not fully developed, and there is no way to fully digest the additives, which is more likely to induce leukemia over time.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, there will be some formaldehyde residues in the newly renovated house and the newly bought furniture. Affecting the child’s own health, this is also a high risk factor for leukemia.

Now most of the decoration materials on the market will have a small amount of formaldehyde residues. The newly renovated house should be ventilated and dried as much as possible, and then move in within 3~6 months. , It is not recommended to check in immediately to avoid damage to the respiratory system and induce abnormalities of the hematopoietic system.

2. The immunity and resistance are relatively weak

The human immune system is the first line of defense. There is a causal relationship between the strength of the immune system and the occurrence of many diseases. It is proportional to the age. The function of the immune system of children before the age of 10 is not yet fully developed. , immune cells and response mechanisms are incomplete.

more likely than adults under this condition The probability of having leukemia will gradually increase. Parents and friends should take their children to have a physical examination once a year in time. During the physical examination, if any abnormality is found in the physical condition, it should be treated in time, which will help prevent problems before they occur.

3. Influenced by inferior toys

In clinical medicine, the vast majority of children with leukemia have had house decorations in their homes within a year, formaldehyde and other chemicals are one of the main reasons for the appearance of leukemia.

From a practical point of view, not only decorative items, but also certain chemical substances and formaldehyde pollution components in most inferior toys.

If children often play with cheap stickers in their daily life, especially stickers that are directly attached to the skin with water, these pollutants will follow the skin into the human body and induce disease.

Some low-quality and cheap toys, in order to reduce costs and improve personal interests, merchants will use a lot of chemical substancesor inferior materials, Make the appearance of the product look more high-quality and sell well, but the quality is poor.

4. Influenced by genetic factors

Children’s leukemia is inseparable from genetic factors. When chromosomes are deformed or genetic mutations in the human body, it is easy to cause abnormalities in the hematopoietic system. In this case, leukemia will also randomly arrival.

Pay special attention during the usual physical examination, be sure to do a good job in leukemia screening in time, conduct scientific intervention through formal medical means, and timely counsel the child’s psychology to avoid Psychological and physical trauma affected by the later treatment, adversely affect the child’s growth.


Pro tip: 3 Growing fruits, or feeding less to children

1. Moldy and rotten fruits

I believe that most parents have acted like this. They are too diligent and thrifty for food. Of course, being diligent and thrifty is a good thing. It is to promote the traditional and excellent culture of our country. Excessive frugality can harm your health.

Especially in moldy and rotten fruits at home, aflatoxins and other pathogens can exist in places that are invisible to the naked eye, even if they are cut off. It is also incorrect to feed the rest of the moldy parts to the children.

The mold present in rotten fruit may seem small, but it spreads very quickly and is not recommended for everyone.

Experts pointed out that children who use rotten fruit for a long time will have a great impact on the body, and the toxins and metabolites in the body cannot be excreted. more likely to cause leukemia.

2. Fruit with waxed surface

Chinese people are accustomed to choose good looks when buying things, and they are big, and they feel that they have taken a great advantage. However, when they buy fruits, they choose to sell them. This kind of thinking has caused bad things to businesses Merchant.

In order to improve their personal interests, some unscrupulous merchants choose industrial waxing on the surface of the fruit, which can make the fruit look crystal clear and delicious. .

There are harmful elements and chemicals in fruits like this More, adults will not experience obvious discomfort after eating it, but children who eat too much will increase the risk of other diseases.

It is recommended that you choose fruits carefully when you buy them. If you find fruits that are obviously shiny and smooth, try not to buy them, especially apples.

Buy The fruits that come home can be washed repeatedly with water, or peeled and eaten, which can help reduce pesticide residues and industrial residues and prevent children from being damaged.

< span>3. Ripe fruits

With the development of society, people now have higher requirements for diet , not only to fill the stomach, but also to satisfy the appetite, and to supplement the body with more nutrition.

With the improvement of material living standards , There are all kinds of fruits in life. No matter summer or winter, you can eat whatever you want. In order to ensure transportation, some merchants choose to pick the fruits before they mature, and they can mature naturally after arriving at the destination.< /p>

However, some unscrupulous merchants choose to use industrial ripening agents in order to improve their personal interests. There are chemical substances and other harmful ingredients, and children will experience precocious puberty after eating.

On the other hand, these harmful substances, including industrial chemicals, increase the risk of other diseases in the body, including leukemia, so it is recommended Parents and friends should give their children less fruits that are out of season, especially fruits that are ripened by industrial ripening agents.

#Aile Health Guide#