The best “menopause” for women has been revealed? Doctor: The closer to this age, the healthier

After a woman reaches a certain age, if she does not menstruate for up to a year, it will cause clinical climacteric menopause, which is generally suitable for A state in which the ovaries no longer release eggs.

Female friends will experience menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, and the physical fitness of female friends in this age group will gradually show a turning point. It is often said that the physiological phenomenon caused by menopause, each person’s physical quality is different, and the symptoms shown are also different.


What are the symptoms of menopausal female friends?

1. Vasomotor

After women enter menopause, some changes in body functions begin to occur gradually, including nervous center disorders, endocrine disorders, and slow metabolism, which are all main manifestations of menopause.

Most younger female friends have facial and other skin heat during the day, and insomnia, night sweats, insomnia and other symptoms at night.

2. Inflammation of genitourinary organs

< span>The ovaries and uterus will help female friends to secrete more estrogen. After menopause, estrogen gradually decreases, which will affect the urogenital system. In this situation, other complications are likely to occur, including frequent urination, urgency, and incontinence. , urethritis, uterine inflammation, etc.

3. Menstrual disorders

After a female friend reaches a certain age, various functions of the body and cells and tissues will gradually begin to decline, the organs will gradually decline, and the ovaries will no longer be able to release eggs on time as before.

Under this condition, menstrual irregularity will be experienced for a period of time. In clinical medicine, it is mainly manifested as prolonged or early menstrual cycle, bleeding symptoms during menstruation, The bleeding time is shortened, the menstrual flow is abnormal, etc., and there may be sudden amenorrhea.


Best for women “Menopause” or has it been revealed? Doctor: The closer to this age, the healthier

In the eyes of most women, there is a general deviation between menopause and menstrual periods , because women amenorrhea at a certain time after menopause, but most female friends have a menopause time span of up to a year, with an average age of 49 to 51 years old.

Under normal circumstances, it is normal for female friends to have menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but some people will have three or five years earlier or delay. For the next three to five years, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. If there is no discomfort in the body, there is no need to worry too much.

However, I would like to remind everyone here that some people have amenorrhea before the age of 45 or have not had amenorrhea after the age of 55. They choose to use special means to restore menstruation. Come, in order to improve the quality of life in old age, I advise everyone to go to the hospital to check sex hormones in time to avoid harm to the body.

Menopause before the age of 40 is a symptom of premature aging, and after the age of 55, it is decided to be a symptom of late aging. When menstruation comes, the toxins in the body will follow the menstrual blood. And excretion, menstruation is more helpful for the body to detoxify and clean up the garbage.

Female friends with early amenorrhea will enter the stage of premature aging as soon as possible, and senile diseases will come randomly, especially osteoporosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. , the risk of disease continues to increase.

If the female friend is 55 years old There is no amenorrhea in the future, which means that there is too much secretion of progesterone and estrogen in the body. You should go to the hospital to check the gynecology in time to avoid some troubles caused by the strong secretion of hormones.


Reminder: How menopausal women should treat themselves body?

1. Adjust mental and emotional conditions in time

< p data-track="25">The most intuitive impression of menopause is that female friends will become emotionally uncontrollable and moody, which belongs to abnormal hormone secretion in the body. There is no way to control their emotions and become more Depressed.

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Therefore, in daily life, you should adjust your mentality in time, strengthen psychological construction for yourself, stay away from the risk of being a bullshit, and don’t shout in your daily life Make a fuss, and let yourself be in a stable state is more conducive to stability Menopause and menopause. Regulate the body with drugs in time

2. Regulate the body with drugs in time

Female friends who are in menopause or menopause can take Jin Chaoan properly, which is a famous conditioning drug that regulates the physical state and supplements the effect of estrogen. Endocrine stabilized.

For menopausal and menopausal female friends’ physical discomfort, it can be effectively relieved and even the urinary system and uterus can be better maintained, which is more conducive to physical health develop.

3. Adjust your eating habits in time

A good diet is the foundation of healthy development of the body. Most of the toxins in the body are decomposed into the body along with food. Female friends who have entered menopause and menopause should first adjust in time if they want to maintain their bodies. own diet.

You may wish to supplement your body with dietary fiber, vitamins, trace elements, etc. in your daily life, which will help you absorb and digest more nutrients and strengthen your physical fitness. , Improve immunity and resistance, stabilize menopausal mood, and become more gentle.

4. Adjust body movement in time

During exercise, it can not only improve the body’s resistance and immunity, but also regulate the level of endocrine hormones in women and the probability of metabolism. If you can adhere to proper aerobic exercise every day, it is very important for women in menopause. It is a good way to regulate, and the effect is more obvious than that of drugs and other foods.

During exercise, it can promote blood circulation and metabolism, reduce the burden of detoxification for the body in time, make people more youthful and energetic, and get rid of the “yellow-faced woman early” “A member.


Healthy Knowledgeable: What should be paid attention to after menopause?

1. Pay attention to the cleaning of your vaginal area

< p data-track="39">Size maintenanceFor female reproductive health, the most important thing is to develop good personal hygiene habits in daily life. After menopause, the self-purification ability of the genitourinary organs of female friends begins to gradually decrease.

Under this condition, it is necessary to strengthen the cleaning, there is no bacterial and viral infection, gynecological inflammation caused by the urethra and vagina, causing pain and disease.

2. Pay attention to gynecological inflammation

In the opinion of most women that menstruation does not come after menopause, they will not have gynecological diseases. In fact, this idea is totally wrong.

Under this condition, as the age of female friends increases, the resistance and immunity will gradually decrease, and the economic regeneration ability of the body will also gradually weaken. , This stage is more likely to suffer from other gynecological inflammations and chronic diseases, so regular physical examinations should be performed in daily life, and personal hygiene and health issues should be paid attention to.

If necessary, the body should be supplemented with estrogen and vitamins in time to enhance physical fitness and more effectively resist external germs and bacteria.

3. Improve breast maintenance

In clinical medicine, the incidence of breast disease in my country has been increasing in recent years, and breast disease has become one of the hot topics in medicine. Because of the imbalance of hormone secretion in the body with age, the most important point is that the population of breast diseases is getting more and more serious.

Female friends in the pre-school period must pay attention to the maintenance of the breasts. After menopause, the endocrine system tends to be disordered, the metabolic capacity of the heart muscle is weakened, and estrogen Decreased secretion is more likely to cause breast diseases, including breast nodules and breast cancer.

After menopause, female friends are unable to control their emotions, and their hormone secretion is reduced. They should pay more attention to a scientific lifestyle to avoid breast disease from causing some troubles to the body. , affecting the quality of life in later life.

#Aile Health Guide#