Cleveland Clinic: 5 Tips for Weight Loss

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Cleveland Clinic published a blog: Weight Loss : Can You Do It With Exercise Alone? The following section translates the 5 tips from this blog.

Cleveland Clinic is the most famous medical institution in the world one.

1. Use the app to record your caloric intake

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You need to keep track of your calorie status to provide the information you need to lose weight.

There are many apps that record calories, such as MyFitnessPal, Lose It ! and FatSecret et al.

In order to improve the accuracy of work easier), buy a food scale.

(Many sports APs in China also provide dietary records function, interested friends can download apps like keep, mint health)

“Some apps can also log your exercise to help you understand your daily calorie deficit How much,” says exercise physiologist Katie Lawton, MEd, “you might be surprised by how much you overeat or see how many calories you burn.”

The so-called caloric deficit is the calories you eat minus the calories you burn; this number must be A negative number (deficit) will allow you to lose weight successfully.

For example, a 20-ounce bottle of cola contains About 230 calories; typical alcoholic beverages contain 100 to 200 calories. These are “empty calories” that your body doesn’t need and accumulates too much without knowing it.

2. Don’t pay too much attention to the scale< /strong>

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Throw away your scale because you don’t need it.

“Don’t focus on the scales, though It sounds incredible,” Katie said. “You should pay attention to how you feel, and your energy level. Those are the key factors, especially in the beginning.”

You may feel like you can’t lose weight.

The number on the scale has not changed, which may be Because you gain muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat.

You should pay more attention to how your body feels better , Whether the clothes fit better, whether you are more confident, etc.

You can use 7-Site Skinfold or Bod Pod to Test your body composition to see if you are gaining lean muscle while losing weight.

If not, you may need to change your workout even your diet.

“You can also measure body fat with a handheld or scale,” she said. Say. “They’re not exactly accurate, but they can be consistent, so make sure you measure at the same time every day.”

3. Guaranteed 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week

American Heart Association recommends At least 150 minutes per week (5 days a week, 30 minutes a day) of moderate-intensity activity.

If you still can’t reduce it, you can increase the intensity of the exercise or time.

Exercise methods include: walking, cycling, jogging, and many more.

“If you lack motivation to do 30 minutes in a row, try Concentrate on exercising for at least 10 minutes at a time. Don’t worry if you’re moving fast enough—it’s important to get moving.

4. Strengthen strength training

The most common misconception about strength training is that you become Must be “stronger” and bulkier.

In fact, strength training will help you lose weight the most, and Allows you to maintain weight without rebounding.

Because this will increase your “resting metabolic rate” ” (resting metaoblic rate; your body’s metabolic rate while you’re resting) will increase and you’ll burn more calories throughout the day.

If you go to the gym, ask the trainer to show you some strength Exercise.

If you like to exercise at home, buy some Dumbbells and a weight bench.

There is a wealth of free and paid subscription content online that teaches How do you use weights properly.

(Similarly, there are many sports apps in China that provide this If you don’t want to go to the gym, you can follow it at home. Of course, it needs to be done under the premise of ensuring safety.)

5. Use a heart rate monitor

A heart rate monitor can help you understand how hard you are working out.

Higher cardiovascular exercise intensity burns more of carbohydrates.

Heart rate monitors can be stand-alone devices; some fitness The recording device will also have a built-in heart rate monitor.

They are usually more efficient than the monitor that comes with the exercise machine. precise.

If you don’t know how to start losing weight, you can privately message me, ACE personal fitness trainer + nutritionist, provides one-on-one weight loss service.