5 things patients with lung nodules must know

As for pulmonary nodules, we have mentioned before that they are focal, round-like shadows in the lungs with a diameter of no more than 3cm. They belong to respiratory diseases with unknown etiology.

In fact, pulmonary nodules are a very common disease, but there may be some misunderstandings and confusions about this. Next, I will explain to you about pulmonary nodules. 5 things to know.

First, for pulmonary nodules less than 5mm, no matter Whether solid or ground glass, most are benign, or in a benign state.

Second, although 8mm is used as a critical value for evaluating nodule surgery criteria, it does not mean that surgery is necessary when 8mm is mentioned.

Third, ground glass nodules, although relatively speaking The possibility of malignant transformation will be relatively high, but its probability is relatively low, and many benign nodules can also appear as ground glass.

Fourth, high-resolution thin-slice CT should be selected when reviewing the nodule. If necessary, an enhanced CT should be performed under the guidance of a doctor.

V. No significant change in nodule after two-year follow-up , does not mean that nodules are necessarily benign. The growth rate of many malignant nodules is actually very slow. There are many such cases in clinical practice, so regular review is still necessary.

In addition, after pulmonary nodules are detected, There is no need to be too nervous and worried. It is very important to maintain a good attitude. You should pay attention to your daily living habits. In addition, you must follow the doctor’s advice, follow up regularly for observation, and take surgery if necessary to avoid increasing the risk.

The above points are hopefully helpful for patients with pulmonary nodules. #health True Detective# #Health Science Contest# #The truth is coming#