According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, residents of Dalang Town, Dongguan need to go to Dongguan Changan Hospital for medical treatment

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According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, Dalang Hospital will start from February 26 at 22:20: Emergency, fever clinics, general outpatient clinics and other businesses have been suspended since 20. At the same time, hospitalized patients will not be allowed in, and new patients will not be accepted for the time being. Re-visit time will be announced later.

The medical treatment team of the Municipal Command Office has listed Dongguan Chang’an Hospital as a designated hospital for non-COVID-19 patients in medium and high-risk areas.

Controlled Control Area

Controlled Controlled Area If residents really need medical treatment, they should contact the convenient medical service point to provide relevant services if necessary.

Prevention area

If residents in the prevention area need medical treatment, they can go to Chang’an Hospital for treatment on their own under the condition of personal protection.

Residents with the top ten symptoms of new coronary pneumonia (fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of smell and taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea, etc.) must go to the fever clinic of Chang’an Hospital For medical treatment, the fever clinic of the hospital is open 24 hours a day, and fever patients are not allowed to go to other hospitals and grass-roots outpatient departments, clinics, and health centers without permission.

Critical and critically ill patients must contact the Municipal Medical Ambulance 120 Command Center to dispatch an ambulance to Chang’an Hospital.

(Reporter Chen Li Han Yuhao of the Headquarters)