Only 37 years old! Fuzhou woman diagnosed with thyroid cancer! Even more frightening is…

Speaking of the thyroid

The first thing most people think of is “big neck”

Actually, the thyroid gland occasionally grows in the wrong place

In addition to the neck, it may even appear in the stomach bed

, eyes, adrenal glands, ovaries…

And this is called ectopic thyroid

Ms. Ke from Fuzhou

accidentally discovered that her ovaries had grown thyroid span>

Ms. Ke is 37 years old, she In a physical examination, a left thyroid lobe nodule was found. In order to find out whether it was benign or malignant, she went to Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital for a thyroid puncture. The result was papillary carcinoma of the left thyroid lobe (referred to as thyroid cancer). Because of multiple nodules in both lobes, thyroid cancer cannot be excluded in the right lobe. Therefore, Deputy Chief Physician Liu Chunsheng performed “total thoracoscopic total thyroidectomy in both lobes and left cervical region VI lymph node dissection” for her. , Fortunately, the pathology after surgery suggested that Ms. Ke had early stage thyroid cancer, and no metastases were found in the paratracheal lymph nodes.

One month after the operation, Ms. Ke’s reexamination found that thyroglobulin was still in the normal range. The thyroid gland is the only known source of thyroglobulin. If the thyroid gland is completely removed, thyroglobulin is undetectable or very low in the body. Therefore, thyroglobulin is used as a post-operative monitoring for residual or residual thyroid cancer. an indicator of recurrence.

Ms. Ke’s detected thyroglobulin

Where is from?

Dr. Liu Chunsheng judged that there are only two possibilities:

One is that Ms. Residual cancer

For example, the most likely lung metastasis

This possibility is very small

Second, Ms. Ke has ectopic thyroid tissue in her body

but this is rare< /span>

To find out the reason

The doctor did further work for Ms. Ke

Iodine-131 Whole Body Imaging

The patient is given oral low-dose iodine-131

< p>Using the instrument to determine the whole body or part of the body

with or without iodine-131 uptake of tumor or thyroid tissue

Ms. Ke had iodine concentration in her left ovary

“This means that there is thyroid tissue in the ovary, not cancer metastasis.”Liu Chunsheng introduced, A thyroid gland is rare because of a developmental defect in the thyroid that results in the presence of thyroid tissue outside the normal neck location. When the ectopic thyroid occurs in the ovary, it is even rarer and is called ectopic ovarian goiter. Although most of these tumors are benign tumors, a few may also become malignant. Its pathogenesis has not yet been elucidated.

Ms. Ko on the advice of the doctor

Left ovarian tumor resection was performed

postoperative pathology confirmed

left ovarian ectopic Goiter

“Ms. Ke’s experience brings us two warnings.”< /span>Liu Chunsheng reminded, First, you must have regular physical examinations, especially women. In recent years, the incidence of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer has been high, and women are more likely to develop thyroid cancer. Secondly, even if you have undergone thyroidectomy, you must pay attention to regular follow-up examinations. Once the thyroglobulin is abnormal, find the cause in time.

Fuzhou Evening News reporter Chen Dan, correspondent Chun Mei/Wen

New Media Editor Zhou Taomao

Producer Lan Chaowei Brick Yellow

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