A 28-year-old employee died of a sudden myocardial infarction. What can be done to save the young man targeted by sudden death?

Recently, a 28-year-old employee of a company suffered a heart attack and passed away unfortunately, leaving behind his wife who was two months pregnant and a 30-year mortgage of 21,000 yuan per month. The release of this news has once again sparked heated discussions about the sudden death of young people.

In fact, in recent years, news about the sudden death of young people has frequently appeared on the hot search. While it is heartbreaking, it is also worth pondering.

Why do young people die suddenly?

Sudden death may occur in people of any age group. Sudden death in young people may be related to the following factors:

1. Have underlying heart disease.

Young People generally consider themselves healthy, so screening for underlying diseases such as heart disease is often overlooked.

2. Emotional agitation and fatigue

Epidemiological analysis of 5516 cases of sudden death in autopsy in my country showed that emotional agitation (25.66%) and fatigue (24.53%) were the main factors leading to sudden death .

A study in Japan showed that compared with those who worked ≤40h per week, those who worked >60h per week had twice the risk of developing acute myocardial infarction.

3. Staying up late

Studies have shown that those who sleep less than 5 hours a night have a 2.3 times higher risk of developing acute myocardial infarction than those who sleep 6-8 hours. In addition, numerous studies have shown that short sleep duration is associated with various health problems (such as high blood pressure, diabetes).

So, what are the signs of a heart attack?

When these 12 early warning signs appear, you need to be alert to the occurrence of myocardial infarction!

1. Chest discomfort

Chest pain, fullness or pressure in the chest, etc., the symptoms usually last for more than a few minutes, and the symptoms can be relieved or reappeared and can radiate to the arms, back or head and neck.

Chest pain was the leading MI symptom in women as in men, but other symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath and jaw pain were more common in women than in men.

2. Pain in other areas

The pain symptoms of many myocardial infarction patients start in the chest and then spread to the shoulders, arms, elbows, back, neck, jaw or abdomen.

Some patients may have no chest pain, but only pain elsewhere, or a change in the location of the pain. Such as jaw pain, toothache and headache.

3. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath and wheezing are also common symptoms of myocardial infarction. Shortness of breath can occur before or during a myocardial infarction and is sometimes associated with other symptoms of myocardial infarction without chest pain.

4. Nausea

Nausea is a very common symptom of myocardial infarction, sometimes accompanied by hiccups, vomiting, and sometimes described by patients as “indigestion” or like a cold. Women report this atypical MI symptom more often than men.

4. Vomiting

Nausea worsens and may vomit.

6. Upper Abdominal Discomfort

This abdominal discomfort may be a heaviness rather than a sharp pain, often lasting more than a few minutes, and may not be accompanied by chest pain.

7. Sweating

Cold sweating all over the body is a common symptom of myocardial infarction.

8. Heartburn, belching

If this condition is not related to eating, but is related to fatigue and emotional changes, and there is no real history of stomach problems, you should Watch out for the possibility of a heart attack.

9. Cough

Persistent cough or stridor may be heart failure, pulmonary edema. Some people with heart failure may cough up bloody sputum.

10. Edema

Heart failure can cause fluid retention, resulting in edema of the extremities and sudden weight gain, usually in the feet, ankles, lower extremities, or abdomen; sometimes loss of appetite .

11. Indescribable discomfort

Some patients describe fatigue, weakness, dizziness, with or without syncope; some feel anxious or panicked.

12. Asymptomatic

About 1/4 of myocardial infarctions are silent, without chest pain or new symptoms, more common in diabetic patients.

Do the following 6 points to stay away from myocardial infarction!

1. Smoking cessation

About 70% to 90% of young patients with acute myocardial infarction have a history of smoking. Therefore, smoking cessation or smoking control can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Limit or no alcohol

The latest research shows that drinking alcohol, especially heavy drinking, can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Eat a reasonable diet and lose weight

Low salt, low fat, low sugar, mix thickness and weight, eat more vegetables and fruits, etc.

4. Appropriate exercise is essential

You can choose brisk walking, swimming, jogging, dancing, Tai Chi, etc. according to your own situation. Exercise at least 5 times a week for 30 minutes each time.

5. Maintain a good attitude and regular work and rest time

Try not to stay up late, work too hard, or put too much pressure on yourself. (But this is really not easy to do).

6. Regular physical examinations

Have an understanding of your own body, and don’t be afraid of illness.

What should I do after a sudden myocardial infarction?

1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation operation

2. AED use


Source: Yi Mai Tong Cardiovascular Comprehensive Compile

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