For gout patients, if you want to get rid of gout, in addition to medication, you must also understand these 4 dietary principles

Gout is caused by high uric acid content in the body. Men are more prone to gout than women. Most gout patients are located near the joints. There will be intense pain.

According to the research data of the National Rheumatology Data Center, the average age of gout patients is about 48 years old, and the onset patients are gradually younger.

Gout attack is a very painful thing, and its frequency is very high. For gout patients, it is very fortunate that the frequency of the attack can be reduced.

If you want to reduce the frequency of gout attacks, you need to develop good living habits. It is recommended that gout patients drink more water and eat a light diet, which can promote the metabolism of uric acid in the body, thereby reducing the level of uric acid in the body.

Obese people are more prone to gout symptoms. If you are in an obese population, you need to do certain weight loss work to get rid of gout.

In addition, the patient should also maintain a good mental attitude, don’t be anxious, the condition can be relieved.

The method of diet therapy is also very effective. For gout patients, if they want to get rid of gout completely, These kinds of eating must not be ignored.

I. Anti-purine

Many foods contain high purine components, which can promote the production of uric acid in the body, leading to the patient’s condition getting more serious.

Therefore, for gout patients, they must be anti-purine in their diet. Winter melon, white radish, cabbage, etc. all contain low purine components, which will not cause liver damage. Increased burden on the kidneys.

Not only that, these foods contain rich vitamin C, which can promote the excretion of uric acid in the body and keep the uric acid level in the patient’s body normal. Over time, the symptoms of gout will get worse. eliminate.

Second, stewed soup

Inside the soup It contains a lot of water, and patients will ingest a lot of water in the process of eating. Therefore, stewing the food can not only satisfy the patient’s taste buds, but also dilute the uric acid in the patient’s body.

Winter melon and corn soup is a good choice, because winter melon contains rich glycosides, which can promote the excretion of uric acid, thereby preventing the occurrence of gout.

And the method is very simple, just cook melon and corn thoroughly, and eat it regularly, it can also increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Three, low-calorie

obese people It is a high-risk group of gout, and high-calorie foods are most likely to lead to obesity. For gout patients, if you want to prevent the onset of gout, you need to keep your fat content within normal levels.

Fried foods are high in calories and are not recommended for gout sufferers. It is recommended that patients eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and eat less greasy food, especially the internal organs of animals, which can play a certain role in preventing the occurrence of gout.

Fourth, anti-sugar

anti-sugar is a new word, it means resistance to sugar intake.

For gout patients, proper consumption of low-sugar substances will not cause much damage to the body, but a long-term high-sugar diet will induce the onset of gout.

Advice patients to eat foods with a low glycemic index to avoid gout. In addition, anti-sugar can also prevent aging and can prolong life.

It is recommended that gout patients follow the above four dietary principles, Don’t overeating. In addition, patients should also strengthen exercise, improve the body’s immunity, and promote the blood circulation of the whole body, which can prevent cold air from invading the body and let the patient get rid of gout.