Urgent search! Those who have been here in Harbin since the 6th report immediately!

In order to effectively control and block the risk of the spread of the new crown epidemic, the Harbin Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued the following reminders for epidemic prevention and control:

I. Please visit Harbin ProLogis Park Hanan Warehousing Co., Ltd. ( Address: Personnel in warehouse B6 in Hanan 12th Avenue, Hongqi Manchu Township, Nangang District, Harbin City, and personnel who have intersected with the recently announced case itinerary, are doing a good job of personal Under the premise of protection, immediately isolate at home, report to the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the community (village), work unit, and hotel where you live, and cooperate with the implementation of epidemic investigation, nucleic acid testing, medical observation and other prevention and control measures.

2. Remind citizens not to go to the epidemic risk areas in the near future. If you must go, you must report to your community (village) and work unit in advance, and pay attention to inquiring about the destination. The progress of the epidemic and the requirements of prevention and control measures require that you prepare sufficient personal protective equipment and necessary disinfection supplies, and do a good job of protection. After returning to Kazakhstan, you must follow the relevant epidemic prevention and control policies of our city. If you intersect with confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections, or have recently come into contact with relevant people in the above areas, you should take the initiative to report to your community (village), work unit, and hotel where you live.

Three, if you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), diarrhea, etc., do not take the medicine by yourself, wear a mask and go to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. Medical institutions should conduct fever clinic inspections and consultations, avoid taking public transportation during the consultation process, and take the initiative to inform them of their travel history and contact history.

Fourth, the general public is requested to fully understand the complex situation of the current epidemic, continue to tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, do a good job in personal health protection, and scientifically standardize the wearing of masks, especially when riding Wear masks on public transportation and when moving in crowded places. When taking public transportation such as airplanes, you should also try to avoid contact with public goods, reduce the frequency of eating and drinking, and continue to observe safe social distancing in daily life, and do not get together. , do not gather, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, eat less meals, divide meals, use public spoons and chopsticks, cover coughs and sneezes with tissue or elbow sleeves, enter and exit public places, etc. should actively cooperate with body temperature measurement, health code (travel code) Check and other hygiene habits and lifestyles.


1 The main situation of 25 confirmed cases and 9 asymptomatic infections!


Latest Epidemic Report in Heilongjiang

3< p>

Just now! Harbin released the latest investigation and control policy!


Just now! Harbin reports 7 new confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infection


Many couriers here are positive! For users who have received express delivery since April 1st, please note –


just now! Harbin released the latest policy of leaving and returning to Kazakhstan!

< "js_jump_icon h5_image_link" data-positionback="static">Reporter:Zhang Li

class=”js_darkmode__13″ data-=”” data-darkmode-bgcolor-16386171152050=”rgb(25, 25, 25)” data-darkmode-bgcolor-16389637205134=”rgb(25, 25, 25)” data-darkmode- original-bgcolor-16386171152050=”#fff|rgb(255, 255, 255)” data-darkmode-original-bgcolor-16389637205134=”#fff|rgb(255, 255, 255)”>

Edit : Zhang Jiamei

Editor in charge: Wang Yinan

Review: Wang Fucai

Review: Na Lin

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