Eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs and quail eggs, which is more nutritious? Doctor’s advice: eat 2 eggs less

In addition to eggs, quail eggs, goose eggs, duck eggs, etc., the nutritional content of these eggs will be different, so what kind of eggs What about higher nutrition? Let’s hear what the doctor has to say today.


What is the difference between duck, egg, goose and quail eggs?

Duck Egg p>

Duck eggs are a kind of benign food, which can clear the lungs and remove fire, nourish yin and moisten dryness. Duck eggs taste fishy. Many people do not like duck eggs, so duck eggs There is a lot of controversy. Many people in life prefer to eat salted duck eggs, but boiled duck eggs are rarely eaten.

Although duck eggs taste fishy, ​​they are highly nutritious. For example, vitamin B2, protein, minerals, calcium, etc. can supplement the body with nutrients. In addition, duck eggs are rich in iron and prevent anemia. Eating duck eggs appropriately for anemia patients has many health benefits.

goose egg

< p data-track="10">Compared with the other three types of eggs, goose eggs are not very common in life. Goose eggs are warm and nourishing foods and are suitable for consumption in winter and autumn, especially for those with colder constitutions. Friends, eating goose eggs properly can expel cold air from the body faster and keep the body in a healthy state.

In addition, goose eggs are rich in lecithin and other ingredients, Such substances can help the body to remove excess fat, achieve the purpose of lowering blood lipids, and effectively maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health. For people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, eating goose eggs properly has a good recovery effect on the disease.

quail eggs

< p data-track="13">quail eggs are relatively small in size, rich in nutrients, and have good effects on skin care and beauty, and quail eggs have a higher phospholipid content than It has a good effect on the brain development of children. At the same time, it can evacuate nodules and protect the health of women’s breasts. Therefore, although quail eggs are not large, they are nutritious and suitable for everyone to eat.

eggs p>

Eggs contain more comprehensive nutrients, egg whites contain biotin, iron, phosphorus, calcium, riboflavin, biotin, niacin and other ingredients, while Egg yolks contain vitamin D, lecithin, vitamin A, as well as calcium, iron, sulfur, and phosphorus.

In humans, eggs have better protein quality , second only to breast milk, eggs are called the most nutritious breakfast in the world by an American magazine. This magazine reports that eggs not only contain a variety of nutrients that everyone knows, but also contain two amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine, Two substances can help antioxidants, the amount of antioxidants in egg yolks is equivalent to the dose of an apple.


Doctor Reminder: Eat Less of These 2 Eggs

—fried eggs

< p data-track="20">Many people use high-temperature frying cooking methods, which will cause the loss of nutrients in eggs. Make the body appear fat, and have an impact on the blood vessels and the body.


Hairy eggs refer to ducklings and chickens that have not hatched successfully. The ducklings and chickens have already formed and have not been transformed into small eggs. Ducks or chickens, and ducklings and chickens die in the eggshell. These eggs are boiled and sprinkled with seasonings to make delicious hairy eggs. Many people prefer this kind of hairy eggs, thinking that this kind of eggs has a unique taste. It is rich in nutrients, but everyone needs to pay attention that these eggs contain more bacteria, so try not to eat raw eggs.

Conclusion: Quail eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, eggs have their own unique flavors and their own unique nutrition , If you want to eat eggs, you can choose the eggs that suit you according to the above introduction.