What kind of torture do patients with advanced lung cancer experience? Doctors tell the truth: 5 symptoms that may be difficult to survive

my country is a high-incidence area of ​​lung cancer, and there are people suffering from lung cancer every year. From lung disease to lung cancer is a very long process, which is caused by continuous accumulation. Many people do not know what the symptoms of lung cancer are, and thus miss the best treatment period, so what are the symptoms of lung cancer?

What are the symptoms of advanced lung cancer? Doctors tell the truth: 5 symptoms that are hard to get through

1. Effusion

People with advanced lung cancer with regional spread almost always have varying degrees of shortness of breath , a normal tissue fluid produced by the myocardium and lungs is returned to the midthoracic lymph nodes. If these lymph nodes are blocked by tumors, these lymph nodes will accumulate in the pericardium to form pericardial effusion, or accumulate in the chest cavity to form pleural effusion. In any case, shortness of breath occurs.

2, pain

Advanced cancer can be accompanied by severe pain, and the same is true of lung cancer, because the thoracic cavity where the lungs are located is more complex. The chest wall consists of ribs, muscles, parietal pleura, and fat. Surrounds most of the surface of the lungs.

Pain can be felt anywhere the tumor has invaded the chest wall, in addition, from the neck and nerves that control the upper extremities , also need to pass through the chest wall, implicated by the tumor, and even feel fatigue and pain.

3, ulcers

This symptom occurs because the tissue of some surface cancers grows faster, lacks nutritional supplements, and causes tissue necrosis. For example, breast cancer will have a crater-like shape on the breast. Or cauliflower-shaped ulcers, bloody secretions, and foul odor after infection, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital for examination in time, and take medicines reasonably under the guidance of doctors.

In addition, ulcers in colon and stomach cancer are usually examined by colonoscopy and gastroscopy etc. can be observed.

4. Fever

Cancer fever is a fever caused by the death of tumor tissue and the stimulation of the body by tumor toxins. It is generally based on intractable low-grade fever. If lung cancer is complicated by infection, the temperature of this fever will also increase It will increase, and the fever will make the patient’s gastrointestinal function abnormal, reduce appetite, accompanied by dizziness, headache, and even fever.

Many patients will feel a violent internal fire in the body. For cancerous fever, physical cooling is the main purpose. Antipyretics supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, anti-infective treatment is the main treatment for high fever caused by infection. After the infection improves, the body temperature will decrease.

5, face, neck edema

There is a superior vena cava on the right side of the mediastinum, which returns the venous blood from the head, neck and upper extremities to the heart, and the tumor invades the right side of the mediastinum and compresses the superior vena cava At first, it can cause discomfort due to poor venous return, and finally cause edema of the neck and face. At this time, it must be dealt with in time.

How to alleviate the pain of patients with advanced lung cancer?

One: Medication for pain relief

In the middle and late stages of lung cancer, the pain in the patient’s body is due to the spread and metastasis of cancer cells, which leads to other diseases. On the one hand, it is also a normal phenomenon to be affected by drugs. If the patient’s pain is relatively mild, some pain-relieving drugs can be selected for treatment, but such drugs cannot be used frequently, and dependence will occur, and the duration of the drug needs to be extended.

As the treatment and the condition continue to deepen, the pain will gradually become severe, and pain relievers can be taken at this time. , but you need to pay attention to the doctor’s instructions to take it, so as not to affect the efficacy of the drug.

Two: Massage and heat the sore area

When patients have pain, although painkillers can be relieved, such methods cannot be used for a long time, because there will be drug dependence, which is not conducive to the disease Recovery, at this time, you can use some other methods to stimulate or massage the painful area to divert attention. In addition, you can also apply some cool oil to the painful area or wring it out with a hot towel at 60°C, and apply a hot compress to the painful area. , good for pain relief.

Third: Need family care p>

Patients with advanced lung cancer will experience sadness, anxiety, fear, loneliness, indifference, easy fear of being abandoned by others, feeling lonely, Especially at night, when death is imminent, family members should have a strong sense of responsibility and strive to create a harmonious and warm environment for the patient. The care of the family will also make the patient feel warm, safe and comfortable.

Warm reminder: When lung cancer develops to an advanced stage, it will feel pain like other malignant tumors, and even make people feel If you feel the pain is unbearable, you need to give the patient painkillers and painkillers to relieve the pain. The painkillers that are often used include morphine, chlorpyrifos, etc., and the drug use agents should also be used in consultation with the doctor to avoid causing pain to the patient.