Exercising after age 50 is good for your health, but avoid these 5 types of exercise, know early and benefit early

As we age, the body undergoes more or less changes, and these changes are usually in a downward trend, such as the gradual decline of various physiological functions , hair turns white, wrinkles grow, etc.

A person’s life is a process of constant aging. Quality will also gradually decline, Especially after the age of 50, it begins to enter the stage of aging, At this time, many people take care of themselves through exercise to achieve The purpose of delaying aging?

Although persistent exercise can reap many benefits, not all sports are suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. If you don’t pay attention a little, not only will it not achieve the effect of health preservation, but it will damage the body.


Benefits of Continuous Exercise

—Activating Meridians< /span>

For people who often sit in the office or rarely do outdoor activities, there are usually meridians Symptoms of stiffness and general discomfort, regular exercise can activate the meridians, promote human blood circulation and metabolism, after the meridians are cleared, the whole body will naturally relax , it will also relieve the discomfort of the body to a certain extent.

—improves cardiorespiratory fitness p>

Long-term exercise can enhance our cardiorespiratory function, exercising every day, our cardiorespiratory fitness The blood supply capacity will be stronger, and the heart will become more and more motivated. Generally, people with strong heart function will be healthier.

—improving sleep quality

Appropriate exercise can make people sleep better, such as running, yoga, etc., which can make people feel fatigued, and can make the nerve excitation and inhibition process alternate, so that Aids in sleep.

-improving immunity p>

Exercise has immune-boosting benefits, because blood flow increases during exercise , can increase the body’s intake of oxygen, thereby improving immunity.

Experts said that people who exercise regularly have better physical fitness. The effect of enhancing physical fitness.


Exercise after age 50 is good for your health, but avoid these 5 types of exercise for early benefits

1. Squat exercise

< span>It is best not to do squats when you are over 50 years old.Because when doing this exercise, the lower center of gravity will make the knee joint too heavy, and it is easy to cause joint pain. And accelerate the wear of articular cartilage.

Squatting violently for a long time will also affect the blood pressure level of middle-aged and elderly people, leaving hidden dangers to health .

2. Bend over and stretch

Doing this action rashly,will cause a sudden increase in blood pressure, muscle strain, falls, fractures, etc. may occur In addition, standing up too hard can also lead to increased blood pressure and dizziness.

3. Walk behind hands p>

Most elderly people tend to put their hands behind their backs when walking, but this is not advisable,< span>Walking with hands behind your back, the center of gravity of the upper body will move forward, which will cause the center of gravity to be unstable and easy to fall.

Other than that, walk with hands behind your back, with arms rotated back and inward Together, this will lose the function of adjusting the balance of the body, and in the event of an emergency, it will be too late to avoid obstacles or support the body.

4. Crunches p>

The middle-aged and the elderly do sit-ups, and the elderly have problems with the cervical and lumbar spine, coupled with osteoporosis, it is very easy to cause irreversible cervical and lumbar spine Injury, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases may cause blood pressure to rise and accidents.

5. Up and down stairs

For people living in old houses in the city, going up and down the stairs is a habit, but it is not necessarily good for the body. For young people, going up and down the stairs can accelerate fat burning, but for the elderly, climbing stairs is a physical activity, which will increase the burden on the knees and easily cause knee joint injuries.

And in older people, their bones are looser, but they are twisting In the process of the body, it is easy to get strained, resulting in waist injury, so this action is still rarely done.


What exercises are suitable for seniors?

1. Tai Chi is soothing but the exercise is really systemic, very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

2. Square dance music is cheerful, and the movements are really simple and easy to learn, which is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

3 Playing chess benefits the brain With the growth of age, many middle-aged and elderly friends will have symptoms of forgetfulness. Playing chess can exercise your brain.

4. Compared with Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Chi Ball is much more interesting. With the Tai Chi ball flying up and down, every part of the body is fully exercised.

5. The Tai Chi fan is very beautiful, and it can make middle-aged and elderly people happy in body and mind.

6. Walking with little exercise, but persistence will make the body healthier. Chatting while walking can better relieve stress.