Three important prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of reflux gastritis

Bile reflux gastritis is very common in clinical practice. The main symptoms are abdominal fullness or discomfort, with dull or severe pain, often in periodic attacks. Some morning nausea, dry mouth, bitter taste, accompanied by abdominal distention, belching, acid regurgitation, heartburn, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss and other symptoms. Poor eating habits are the root cause of bile reflux gastritis. These patients usually like to eat greasy food, such as hot and cold, addicted to spicy food, drink and smoke, etc. As a result of being addicted to spicy food, over-eating fat and sweet, and internal heat accumulation, it leads to irritable temperament, easy anger and anger, which will aggravate the disease. Some people eat hot and spicy hot pot while drinking cold beer to relieve their thirst. After a long time, how can they get reflux gastritis?

Chinese medicine believes that the disease belongs to the categories of “stomach pain” and “sickness syndrome”.

“Spiritual Pivot Four Seasons Qi Chapter” says: “It is good to vomit, but bitter to vomit, and the heart is full of anxiety and fear that people will arrest him, evil lies in The gallbladder is in the stomach, the bile fluid leaks out, the mouth is bitter, and the stomach qi is inflected, the area is bitter, so the gallbladder is vomited every day.”

Shen Jin Ao’s “The Origin of Miscellaneous Diseases Rhinoceros Candle” says: “Stomach pain, pathogenic dryness of the stomach and epigastric disease. But the liver gas is especially multiplied, and the earth is violent, and it is restrained.” In the house of the liver, if there is excess liver qi, and the gallbladder is full, it will actually generate heat. If the heat is hot, the spirit will be disturbed and disturbed. Hou.’

Judging from the main symptoms of this disease, such as bitter mouth, nausea, and stomach pain, the disease is in the stomach and the cause is in the liver. , gallbladder qi invades the stomach. The continuous venting of the liver and gallbladder to the stomach house causes the spleen and stomach to rise and fall out of control, and the spleen and stomach cannot rise and fall, and the turbidity does not descend. Bitterness? Liver and wood are too much to dissipate, and wood generates fire (heart). The bitter taste corresponds to the heart.

“The six fu-organs are used for general purpose.” The reason is that the gastrointestinal tract, the largest channel for reducing turbidity in the human body, is blocked, and overflow and reflux will inevitably occur over time.This is like a blocked urinal , the stinky qi will diffuse upwards.The stomach is the door for all meridians to descend. Therefore, The great method of treatment is to “use the general function”, < /strong>It can be summed up in one word: “lowering” to treat acid reflux. I don’t know that lowering stomach qi is equal to treating it.In clinical practice, no matter how the type is, it is inseparable from liver qi The main symptom of the stomach, gallbladder and stomach does not descend.Grasp this main symptom, and it is easy to take medicine according to the symptoms.

According to this Based on the theory and clinical practice, share the three most commonly used effective prescriptions.

1. Zhang Zhongjing’s Pinellia Xiexin Decoction is also the first remedy for stomach.

Treatise on Febrile Diseases: “If the heart is full and the whip pains, this is the chest knot, The big sunken chest soup is the main one. But those who are full but not painful, this is ruffian, Chai

Hu is not in it, and Banxia Xiexin Decoction is suitable. “

“Xiaxin” is the epigastric cavity. “”Pi” means blockage. Fullness is the product of phlegm-qi obstruction. Because the suffocation causes irritability, insomnia, stomach pain, acid reflux, rib pain, rib bloating, indigestion and other symptoms, as long as there is fullness under the heart, dredging and opening, other symptoms will be completely resolved.

Composition: Pinellia, Scutellaria, Ginger, Ginseng, Licorice (Zhi), Coptis chinensis, Jujube. For the first seven flavors, use a bucket of water, boil to get 6 liters, remove the scum, then fry to get 3 liters, take one liter warm, three times a day. The ginseng, jujube and licorice three herbs in the recipe are known as “medicine and food homologous,replenishing the human body Zhongjiao’s spleen and stomach, the Three Musketeers'”! It is also the key three medicines in the first gist of “Protect the Spleen and Stomach”. A human body is weak and weak, as long as the three herbs are used, it will become powerful.

Why can Banxia Xiexin Decoction cure heart disease? First, the turbid qi can descend; second, the clear qi can rise; third, the qi must be sufficient, that is, the stomach heat is cleared, and the stomach qi is lowered, so naturally there will be no reflux. Therefore, bile reflux gastritis, esophagitis, gastric ulcer, it is very good to use this recipe. In the whole formula, Panxia is the soul medicine that “can decide life and death”. This recipe, since ancient times, has been the first method for to treat the fullness of the heart! It is also the first magic way to adjust the focus! Some old Chinese medicine practitioners have been using this formula to treat spleen and stomach diseases all their lives, and they are quite famous. When using this recipe to treat bile reflux gastritis, there are three herbs that can be flexibly adjusted in dosage: Coptis chinensis, Scutellaria baicalensis, and dried ginger. Use Qinlian more when it’s hot, and use more when it’s colddried ginger. But it cannot be removed because of the bias of “cold and heat”. For stomach bloating, some doctors recommend removing jujube because of its “sweetness and fullness”. In fact, it is not necessary. As long as the amount of Qinlian Jiangxia is appropriate, the “fullness” effect of jujube can be offset. Moreover, jujube can ease the dryness and hotness of dried ginger.

Wu Jutong believes that Pinellia “reduces the inverse in one tael, and sleeps peacefully in two taels”.

Therefore, the dose of Zhongjingyuan prescription is not used clinically, and Pinellia should be 20-30 grams. If the tongue coating is yellow and greasy with insomnia, it needs to be reused to 60 grams. In Banxia Xiexin Decoction, ginseng is often replaced by Codonopsis, mainly because of the price. In fact, ginseng is far from comparable to Codonopsis.

Lu Yuanlei Ri: “In my experience, those who use ginseng from various prescriptions, such as Xiao Chai Hu, Xie Xin, and Li Zhong, are even more If it is effective, the use of Codonopsis is not effective or will cause fullness.”

Codonopsis pilosula and Taizi ginseng are both sweet and flat in nature and taste, but the stomach is moist and dry. The main point of using the classics is no addition or subtraction or less addition and subtraction. Many people love dandelion for stomach treatment because it is suitable for both cold and warm, especially for stomach heat. In our township in the 1970s, there was an old Chinese doctor who used dandelion well. Although he was good at gynecology, he would add dandelion if his stomach was a little hot. He believes that the stomach likes to warm the meridian and cannot be too cold, and dandelion is a rare special medicine for stomach diseases. However, if dandelion is added to Banxia Xiexin soup, the effect is not ideal. I don’t know if it is antagonistic with Qinlian or just superfluous.

If it is an obese patient with heavy damp heat and heavy breath, add Bamboo Ru, regardless of its colorless and odorless appearance, the effect is quite good. Zhuru is a kind of medicine designed to expel gastrointestinal turbidity. From the mouth to the Pomen (anus), the turbid qi and turbid water of the entire digestive tract, especially all kinds of phlegm, dampness and blood stasis, are all swept away. can be discharged. Bamboo Ru can treat stubborn separation, and it can also clear the mind and calm the mind. And Pinellia, Coptis can play a synergistic effect. Because of the addition of Zhuru and Citrus aurantium, the general formula for treating phlegm, Erchen Decoction, immediately became a “dry golden formula” – Wendan Decoction.

Zhu Danxi said: “Qi and blood are in harmony, and all diseases will not arise; once there is Buddha depression, all diseases will arise. Diseases are mostly born from depression.”

Long illness and more depression, for female patients with severe liver qi stagnation, Banxia Xiexin Decoction can be combined with Sini San. Sini San is a prescription for treating “Yu”. An old Chinese medicine practitioner removed ZhongjingSini San licorice and replaced it with Su Stem, which was added and subtracted according to the syndrome. It was clinically effective for gastrointestinal diseases, so it was named Biantong Sini San.

“Materials for Justice” contains: “Perilla, fragrant, open the fur, vent the lungs and clear the stomach. In the middle, it opens the chest and diaphragm, awakens the spleen and stomach, dispels phlegm and drinks, relieves stagnation and improves qi stagnation.”

Xue Shengbai: “Qi in the lungs and stomach is not Su Ye can’t get through.”

Because the Su stem is hollow and transparent, and the formula “hollow can pass the air inside and outside”, its lower air falls in the middle of the air The effect can make people feel not bored or bored, and calm the intestines and stomach. It is better to use Su stalks to widen the middle and lower the air than to use Citrus aurantium and Zhuru, because Su stalks are warm, pungent and bitter. Phlegm-qi stagnation in the middle Jiao requires both warm medicines and medicines that can lower the stagnation, and Su Stem has both. The lower Jiao is blocked against the qi, and the stasis and turbidity accumulate in the stomach of the middle Jiao, and the intestinal tract is bound to be sluggish. Replace the “full” licorice in Sini Powder with Su Stem, which is wide, medium and low-qi, and it can also relieve the poison of fish and crab accumulation, which is exactly the same as the cause of gallbladder and stomach (indulgence in eating and drinking). Ingenious. Su terrier is an ingredient, generally 30~50 grams can be used. The addition of Su Geng in Sini Powder mainly acts on the chest and epigastric cavity, and it is heard that “citrus aurantium for full chest, Magnolia for full abdomen”, so this is also in line with p>

“Medical Law” stipulates: “When the qi of the lungs is subdued, the qi of all the meridians will not obey and go forward”.

Courage is not a citrus fruit and a bamboo tree will not drop. If the gall-qi does not descend, it flows back upwards into the stomach, resulting in bile reflux gastritis, that is, the gallbladder fire invades the stomach; if it goes up again, the gallbladder fire invades the diaphragm and disturbs the heart, forming a syndrome of “gallbladder fire disturbing the heart”. When the gall-qi descends, it is attached to the stomach-qi. When the stomach-qi falls, the gall-qi also descends; when the stomach-qi goes up, the gall-qi also goes up. The stomach and gallbladder can be used to block the three energizers and six fu-organs by duplicating the heat and turbid qi. That’s all, how can bile reflux gastritis be cured?

Second, Bletilla striata can be used as a special drug for the treatment of reflux esophagitis

Bletilla striata is a stomach medicine that can cure stomach ulcers.

“Benjing”: “maintains abscesses, malignant sores and gangrene, injures yin and dead muscles, evil qi in the stomach, thieves wind and prickly heat. Not accepted.”

The main clinical manifestations of reflux esophagitis are retrosternal burning pain, chest chamber tightness, dysphagia, nausea and acid reflux, Unpleasant stools, insomnia and more dreams. Is this the “evil qi in the stomach” in the main treatment of Baiji in the “Benjing”? Not so clear. Look at the “New Compilation of Materia Medica” again, Japanese: “Baiji is good at astringing, and the ginseng, Gui, and Xiong go straight into the stomach, and the orifice in the stomach is blocked. Where does the blood from the closed side of the orifice come from, and the reason why this blood can stop. “From this, it is clear that since its astringent properties “block” the blood spit out in the stomach, wouldn’t the “vomiting and acid reflux” manifested by reflux gastritis be equally astringent?

Gardenia soy decoction can be used as a special treatment for reflux esophagitis, therefore, Bletilla striata can be used as a special treatment for reflux esophagitis Special medicine for reflux gastritis. Gardenia, fermented soy, citrus aurantium, Magnolia officinalis, Baiji, licorice. Shuijianbi. It is used for irritability and irritability caused by stagnant heat in the liver and stomach, stomach-qi upward reversal, induced or aggravated by emotional disturbance, burning discomfort in the back of the breastbone and epigastric region, choking and difficulty swallowing, fullness of the sternum and ribs, pantothenic acid and noise, dryness and heat in the head and face , Dry mouth, bitter taste, red tongue and yellow coating, and stringy pulse.

Stomach qi goes up, acid regurgitation and nausea are particularly severe, add raw ochre and succulent. Stomach pain is very obvious, add woody fragrance. The accumulation of food is obvious, the tongue coating is thick and greasy, and curcuma is added. Bile reflux, bitter taste, add Bupleurum, Scutellaria baicalensis.

Bletilla striata has a strong viscosity and is not easy to be taken in powder form, so as not to block the throat and cause trouble. It needs to be powdered and taken, and can be mixed with rice soup. It is safe to put the decoction pieces into the decoction. According to Mr. Wang Xingfu’s experience, Anyone who suffers from acid vomiting can add more than 30g of soy sauce. As long as the spleen and stomach are not Deficiency, Paijiangcao is generally used. It is economical and effective. It is a rare good medicine for treating stomach problems.

“Zhengzhihuibu · Swallowing acid” says: “If the stagnant stagnation in the middle coke, the depression will become hot for a long time, then the cremation will be avoided. Therefore, those who are sour are the heat of sour; if the cold attacks the stomach, it will become sour in an instant, there is no stagnation and heat at all, and those that are transformed by cold are sour and cold.”

The treatment of reflux gastritis, hiccups and blind drug is Jinguolan which is rarely valued in clinical practice. The whole digestive tract can be treated from the throat to the anus. For patients with upturned stomach qi, bitter mouth, hiccups, and acid reflux, they will go down as soon as they use qi. Set clearing heat and reducing adversity in one. Blindly replace the Huanglian and Pinellia in Banxia Xiexin Tang. The combination of Jin Guolan and dried ginger can reduce bitterness and astringency, relieve heat and warm. These two herbs are effective for people with mixed cold and heat and the stomach does not rise and fall. Intestinal polyp tumor, Golden fruit olive with soap thorn, golden buckwheat, red vine. Esophageal cancer, Golden Fruit Lam with Bai Ying. Mild sore throat, single golden fruit olives is enough, severe cases should be accompanied by Baiying. In addition, Severe acid reflux can also cause smooth muscle spasm. Shaoyao Gancao Decoction can be used in combination. The dose can be 30-50 grams each. There is also a single prescription for bile reflux gastritis: Money grass 100g, instead of tea. It must be taken warm, otherwise the cold pain in the stomach will aggravate the condition, and it should be consolidated for two weeks after taking the effect. It is best to use big-leaf money grass. The amount is to be used, ten grams or twenty grams have no effect.

Third, Xuanfu Daizhe Shi Decoction is in harmony with cold and heat, and does not hurt the stomach

Composition: Convolvulus, Daisy Ochre, Ginseng, Ginger (cut), Pinellia (wash), Licorice (Zhi), Jujube (Break). For the first seven flavors, take a bucket of water, boil and take six liters, remove the sap, fry again, take three liters, and take one liter warm, three times a day. Inulin flowers to be fried. Inula flower,

“Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”: “Salt taste, warm. Indication of qi, fullness under the flank, palpitation, water removal, and five internal organs. Between cold and heat, nourish the middle and lower qi.”

Instead of ochre, Zhongjing took the weight to reduce adverse qi and remove phlegm. In the formula, Inulin, ocher, Pinellia, settle and eliminate pathogens; Codonopsis, ginger, licorice, jujube, protect the stomach.

Article 161 of “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”: “If typhoid fever sweats and vomits and then resolves, and the heart becomes hard and the suffocation does not get rid of, then turn the compound to replace the ochre. Master of Soup”.

According to the heart, the ruffian is hard, the middle is empty and there is evil, and the suffocation is not eliminated. Stomach reversal and storage of drink also, the main rotation compound Daoyin descends, on behalf of Zhe calms the heart and descends the reverse. And for those who stay evil, use ginseng, licorice, and jujube to reconcile them. False return evil scattered, then the ruffian can be resolved and the yawn will stop. Xu Lingtai said: “An ancient sage must have a main prescription for every disease.” This prescription is mainly used to treat the symptoms of phlegm obstruction due to stomach deficiency and qi inversion. The main points of syndrome and treatment are the whiplash under the heart, frequent snoring, vomiting, white and slippery fur, and a stringy pulse. Shao Xiangen, a physician in the Qing Dynasty, said: “Zhongyang is weak, cold qi enters the stomach, and the cold winds up against the stomach qi, which rises but does not descend. This recipe, many people use it ineffective, because the dosage of the drug is small, or the dosage is arbitrary.

Zhongjing’s method is rigorous. Not only is the drug dispatching effect accurate, but also the severity of each drug dosage is clear. If the prescription is used, the amount must be used, otherwise it will be ineffective or ineffective. If the ochre in Fangzhong is used for the effect of two liang, the original intention of the original recipe will be lost. One or two stay in the middle focus, and two or two go off the focus. In the name of the recipe, the ocher is used as the main medicine. “The main floating of all the flowers is the main descending of the insula”. Almost all the flower medicines are frivolous, but the Inula flower falls alone, Gongying drifts with the wind, the chrysanthemum branches die with their fragrance, the peony flower withers and falls, and the Inula flower, the whirling, circling Also, the landing is also gentle, fluttering, and the spleen and gender are strange. “This is a natural gift, and it’s not something that people admire.”

The sinking power of the inula flower can replace the ochre pendant. This image is also thought-provoking. “The turbid qi is on the top, and the clear qi is on the bottom”, and the substitute ocher is used to take its power of “relieving the stomach and lowering the turbidity”. Zhang Xichun has the most experience with Dai ocher. It is said that “its quality is heavy, and it is good at suppressing adverse qi, reducing phlegm and salivation, stopping vomiting, clearing dryness and knots, and using it properly, it can create miraculous effects.” Zhang thinks that it is impossible to treat stomach qi inversion without descending. worked. It also advocates raw use, not swallowed after research, and does not hurt the stomach. On the one hand, Pinellia assists Involvement and Ochre in reducing stomach qi, and on the other hand, it dissolves phlegm and disperses knots, which can dissolve phlegm in the stomach, and the stomach will not be blocked, and the stomach qi can be smoothly lowered. This recipe is in harmony with heat and cold, and it does not hurt the stomach. It can be taken as long as there are symptoms of upper inversion, such as reflux, acid regurgitation, hiccups, and vomiting. If the stomach heat is severe, add some Coptis chinensis, and if the stomach cold is serious, add more ginger to correct the bias of the cold and heat. The above three prescriptions, selected according to the actual situation of the patient, can basically solve reflux gastritis. The curative effect may be greatly improved if the sorrel, golden fruit olive, and white striata can be used reasonably.