It is the key to nourish the spleen and stomach. People with qi and blood deficiency should eat according to the right

Many of us are familiar with what the spleen and stomach do not like to eat. Such as cold and greasy, spicy and irritating, cold and cold foods, etc., the spleen and stomach prefer warm and not cold, and if we eat some foods that the spleen and stomach do not like for a long time, our qi and blood will become worse and worse, and people are prone to malnutrition.

The spleen and stomach are the source of our qi and blood metaplasia. Many people have insufficient qi and blood, poor complexion, and weakness all over the body, all of which are affected by the spleen and stomach. Supplementing qi and blood, nourishing the spleen and stomach is the key.

For nourishing the spleen and stomach, we should do what we want. Especially in recent days, with frequent rains and high humidity, our spleen and stomach are affected by external moisture, and their transport and transformation functions will also be blocked.

The five elements of the spleen and stomach belong to the earth, so foods with heavy “earth” energy can enter the spleen and stomach and play a tonic role, such as the yam we often eat , potatoes, taro, sweet potatoes, etc. These foods that grow in the land have the most rustic flavor, and the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach is better.

According to ancient books and various nutritional theories, we have summed up 4 kinds of foods that are most suitable for “rustic” spleen and stomach. Friends with weak spleen and stomach and lack of qi and blood can add more of these foods to their usual cooking.

The first: Xiaomi

I ate millet porridge when I was a child, and my favorite is the thick layer of rice oil on top, which is very fragrant! Later I learned that this layer of rice oil is also the essence of millet, and the nutrition is concentrated here. We judge whether the quality of millet is good or not, and it is also judged based on this layer of rice oil.

The rice oil of millet is thick, which proves that millet has a strong rustic character, high energy, and a better effect of nourishing the spleen and nourishing the stomach. Moreover, this layer of rice oil can also nourish yin, replenish fluid and fill essence.

The vitality of millet is particularly tenacious. Whether the land is fertile or barren, it can grow tenaciously, and it is also a seed, and the energy it contains is also very strong. The bigger it is, the more rustic it gets, so it is called the head of the five grains.

In the “Huangdi Neijing”, it is written: “The five grains are for nourishment, the five fruits are for the help, the five animals are for the benefit, the five vegetables are for the filling, and the smell is suitable. First of all, to nourish the essence and qi.” The five grains ranked first are naturally the most nourishing.

Millet is planted in spring and harvested in autumn. “Compendium of Materia Medica” records: millet “eats porridge, nourishes dantian, nourishes deficiency, and opens stomach. Drinking millet every day can replenish vitality, nourish stomach and spleen.

Don’t look at the small yellow particles that are inconspicuous. After giving birth to a baby, women always drink millet porridge, just to see the effect of nourishing vitality and nourishing the spleen and stomach. Sprinkle a bowl of millet on the ground, it will be able to take root, thisThis tenacious vitality can breed new life, and it is this energy that we eat to maintain our health.

Second: Taro

I ate steamed taro several times when I was a child, dipped in white sugar, it was sweet and had a special fragrance. Taro is also added to many desserts today, called mashed taro.

Compendium of Materia Medica records: “Taro can nourish the spleen and stomach, regulate the qi, dispel stasis and disperse knots”. “Therapeutic Materia Medica” also said that taro: “flat, and the main ease the stomach.” Taro grows in the land, grows in a rustic way, and absorbs the nutrients of the land. It’s a very good “rustic” food.

And taro is rich in dietary fiber, which is also very good for our intestines. Compared with sweet potatoes and potatoes, these rustic foods, taro has lower calories, so our friends who eat lightly and exercise, who want to nourish the stomach without getting fat, can choose taro.

Especially our friends with poor spleen and stomach and lack of qi and blood, if you feel that the pig liver is greasy and the wolfberry is easy to get angry, you can also choose to eat fish head. Supplement qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.

Many people don’t choose taro. Today we will talk about what kind of taro is the best. We’d better choose those with moist soil on the surface. Such taro is just dug out and is the freshest. In addition, you need to weigh the taro. The lighter the taro, the less moisture content and the glutinous taste.

In addition, there are many concave holes in the roots of taro. The more holes, the better the quality.

Third: Yam

Yams have a long growing period. They are planted around the Qingming Festival, and can only be harvested after the frost falls, and some can not be dug out until winter. Therefore, the yam is buried in the soil to obtain the richest rustic atmosphere.

In the category of yam, the iron stick yam, which belongs to the land of Wenxian County, has the highest nutrition and the best effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach. It is the only one. A food that can nourish the spleen, lung and kidney at the same time, and can be eaten for a long time without getting angry and without side effects.

Iron stick yam is also known as “Huai yam”. Note that the word “Huai” refers to the Wenxian area in Henan, which was called Huai in ancient times. Celebrate. The nutritional value of this kind of yam is ten times that of other common vegetable yam. The unique soil environment here is rich in trace elements, and the soil has created the iron stick yam with extremely high nutritional value.

The real iron bar yam looks crooked and ugly, and the surface has the same idea of ​​piercing roots and red rust spots, but It has thin skin and thick meat, very delicate meat, soft and glutinous and delicious, with a natural sweetness.

Everyone says that the iron stick yam is good, but they don’t know that the iron stick yam is quite grown. It takes a lot of effort, because of the great loss of soil, the energy of yam to absorb the soil is too strong, the land where yam has been planted will need to be raised for five or six years before it can continue to be replanted.

Therefore, our friends with weak spleen and stomach, if you have the conditions, you can try this Wenxian iron bar yam, whether it is steamed or porridge, the nutrition and taste are very good.

< p data-track="44">The fourth type: Poria

Compared to millet taro Besides yam, tuckahoe is not common in our daily life, but many of us have eaten it. When we were young, the tuckahoe cake was as thin as a piece of paper, with preserved fruit in the middle. This delicacy was the favorite of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

Poria also grows It is in the ground, and it still grows with pine roots. In ancient times, there were legends about Poria among the people, saying that it is a mysterious thing, and Poria strengthens the spleen, mainly by removing dampness. And it also has a calming effect.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” says: “The pine of a thousand years, there is Poria. The pine resin into the ground for a thousand years is Poria, which covers the spirit of the pine.” Poria This kind of food that contains a lot of “rustic” can protect our five internal organs, and Poria is also a kind of food that can be eaten for a long time. It is listed as the top grade in “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”, and it will not hurt the body if you take it for a long time.

Poria has a light taste, so many people don’t like it and don’t know how to make it. Usually, it is enough to put some in the soup. .