Liuwei Dihuang Wan is a tonic when eaten right, and a poison when eaten wrong! Advice: 3 types of people should not follow suit

Old Qin, 45 years old this year, is an executive of a private company. Because he often has to deal with various branches and customers, he often travels on business.

Recently, Lao Qin felt sore and weak in his waist and knees, fearful of the cold, and even had night sweats at night . Due to the lack of gatherings and separations, Lao Qin and his wife have always had an intimate life, but these days, his wife has expressed that he is not satisfied with his performance, and said that his symptoms look like kidney deficiency, so go to the pharmacy to buy some Liuwei Dihuang Wan Just make up.

Although he was helpless, Lao Qin went to the pharmacy to buy a few bottles of Liuwei Dihuang Pills. At the beginning of eating for a short period of time, Lao Qin felt that the whole person was in a lot of energy, and the relationship with his wife also improved.

After taking it for about a month, Lao Qin started to have frequent diarrhea, his whole body was sore and weak, and he felt that his body was “empty” all of a sudden , Lao Qin couldn’t understand why the next door Lao Zhang took Liuwei Dihuang Pills to tonify the kidney deficiency, but the more he supplemented the deficiency!

Many men buy Liuwei Dihuang Pills after they feel their kidneys are deficient. what happened?

First, Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a “universal medicine”, can it treat kidney deficiency and strengthen yang?

Speaking of Liuwei Dihuang Wan, everyone must be familiar with it. The magic medicine of “tonifying kidney and strengthening yang” is a must for men. Is Liuwei Dihuang Wan really a “panacea” as rumored?

Traditional Chinese medicine treats kidney deficiency, and it is necessary to distinguish between kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency.

Kidney yin deficiency: The main symptoms are “dry and hot”, with yin deficiency leading to heat. There are many five upsets and heat, hot flashes and night sweats, dry mouth and bitter taste, yellow urine and dry stool, hypersexualityand other manifestations, that is, the body is often Suddenly inexplicable fever, bursts of sweat.

Kidney-yang deficiency: Yang deficiency is the opposite of Yin deficiency, with “cold” as the symptom, Yin deficiency If it is cold, the patient’s “yang qi” is insufficient, various functions of the body are decreased, and vitality is insufficient. , excessive urination frequency and volume, tinnitus, dizziness, dry and yellow complexion, poor sexual function, etc.

Liuwei Dihuang Pills can indeed treat kidney deficiency, but in this prescription, the three flavors are “three tonics” and the three flavors are “three purges”, which mainly treat kidney yin. Rehmannia pills “improve yang” obviously won’t work.

Second, the right use is a tonic, the wrong use is a poison!

In the case of Lao Qin, the symptoms can be judged as kidney yang deficiency, and Liuwei Dihuang Pill is not suitable. Blind nourishment will not only make more and more deficiency, but also may cause adverse reactions.

Liuwei Dihuang Wan is made up of Rehmannia glutinosa, dogwood meat, Chinese yam, Alisma, Cortex Moutan, and Poria. Rehmannia glutinosa nourishes the kidney yin, yam strengthens the spleen and nourishes the kidney;

Director Wang Guowei of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Capital Medical University said, Liuwei Dihuang Wan should be taken about 1 hour before meals , take it with plain water, up to twice a day, only one serving for mild cases, so that the effect of the medicine can be directly delivered to the hospital.

However, I would like to remind everyone, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is not a supplement, although not violently Toxicity, but also has side effects and contraindications, everyone is best to use it under the guidance of a doctor, and can not be used for a long time.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not safe and non-toxic, and the medication cycle needs to be adjusted according to the patient’s physical condition.

It should be noted that these types of people are not suitable for Injury to the body:

1. People with kidney-yang deficiency

people with kidney-yang deficiency Liuwei Dihuang Pill, on the contrary, aggravates the condition and can cause various adverse reactions such as abdominal distention, diarrhea.

2. People with poor spleen and stomach

Shu Di Huang in Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is relatively It is greasy and is not conducive to digestion, so it is not suitable for people with poor appetite, bloating, and weak stomach function.

3. People with a cold

When people have a cold, nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney will cause The aggravation of the body’s cold is not conducive to dispelling the evil.

Third, why are Chinese people keen on nourishing the kidney?

Chinese people always have a unique feeling for “tonifying the kidney””Zhong”, a barbecue stall in summer, with strings of roasted kidneys and leeks, you know how popular the food for “tonifying the kidney” is.

Why do Chinese people love to nourish the kidney?

One of them is the influence of culture. In the article “Speaking of Kidney Deficiency”, sex expert Ma Xiaonian pointed out that tonifying the kidney was only found in a certain culture at first, but in fact it was only a It is the worry about semen loss, which leads to anxiety.

Second, it is a misunderstanding of “kidney deficiency”. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the kidney stores the essence and controls the growth”, and the kidney is Mr. The foundation is the material basis for reproduction.

This is a concept similar to “kidney” in modern medicine. However, people are influenced by Chinese and Western cultures, When you think that you are not in good spirits, or when you “can’t”, you may have kidney deficiency, it is time to make up.

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However, many people will misunderstand kidney-tonifying as “improve yang”, especially these 4 kidney-tonifying methods may also damage the kidneys.

1. Eating kidneys to nourish the kidneys

replenishing the shape with the shape of the kidneys, it seems that eating kidneys to nourish the kidneys There is nothing wrong with it. But the kidneys have high cholesterol and high purines. It is okay to eat occasionally. If you eat too much, it will lead to hyperlipidemia and hyperuricemia.< span>, which in turn damages the kidneys.

2, Yangbao nourishes the kidney

Sheepbao is Sheep’s testicles, folklore said that Yangbao strengthens yang. However, the adrenal glands and testicles secrete androgens, which have nothing to do with the kidneys.

Even if the animal’s adrenal glands and testicles are eaten, It has already been denatured and inactivated after being heated, even if it is eaten raw, it will be digested into amino acids by our gastric juice and inactivated, and it does not exist at all Nourishes the kidney.

3. Eat oysters to nourish the kidney

There is also no scientific basis for oysters to nourish the kidney, and the purine content of oysters is higher than that of sheep kidneys,< /span>It belongs to high purine foods, eating too much can also induce hyperuricemia and damage the kidneys.

4. Health supplements to nourish the kidney

In addition to being confirmed by a large amount of data, such as the ability to protect the kidney Antihypertensive drugs of the prickle class, sartan class of antihypertensive drugs, and drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Other medicines and health products that claim to invigorate the kidney and impotence are not reliable.

The most effective way to protect the kidneys is not to spend money on supplements, but to try to Avoid doing things that damage your kidneys. Therefore, kidney protection should control the “three highs”, do not abuse drugs, stay away from pollution, drink plenty of water, have regular physical examinations, and treat illnesses early. This is the real “kidney”.


[1] “Liuwei Dihuang Wan, if you eat it rightly, it is a tonic, if you eat it wrongly, it is a poison! The more these four types of people eat, the more they will hurt their health~”. Beijing Satellite TV Yangshengtang. 2019-09-12

[2] “Can Liuwei Dihuang Pill be eaten as a health care product? 》. Medical Neurology Channel .2020-09-14

[3] “These 5 “kidney-invigorating” methods will not only not replenish your kidneys, but will destroy your kidneys! “. Center for Drug Evaluation. 2019-12-17

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