News | “Chinese Medicine Culture” Online Academic Lecture Held

< span>On April 14th, a series of lectures on “Chinese Medicine Culture” was held online by the Institute of Science, Technology and Humanities of our school. The special guest speaker of the lecture is Zhang Yuehong, the former editor-in-chief of Zhejiang University Journal (English version), the vice chairman of the Society of University Journals, and Zhang Yuehong, a member of the board of directors of the Global Association of Academic and Professional Publishers and the International Association of Publishing Links.

Professor Xu Jianguang, principal of our school and editor-in-chief of “Chinese Medicine Culture (English)” attended and speech. He pointed out that the topic of scientific research and academic publication is of great significance to the construction of the international discourse power of traditional Chinese medicine. The current academic research of traditional Chinese medicine needs updated academic thinking, a broader academic vision, and the publication of more valuable academic research results. .

Zhang Yuehong, from the perspective of academic journals, focuses on “the internal and external environment of scientific research” and “scientists’ Core Values”, “Top Ten Confusions in Science and Technology Ethics”, “Challenges of Responsible Behavior”, and “Several Issues in Academic Writing” are carried out in five parts, pointing out that scientific research integrity has increasingly received widespread attention at home and abroad. He believes that integrity is the core of scientific research ethics, and values ​​are beliefs based on integrity and ethics, and categorizes 21 issues of scientific research integrity and ethics in the research process, from unintentional to intentional, And vividly illustrate the FFP (Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism) of academic misconduct has been floating on the iceberg and has been widely recognized, but many questionable research phenomena and ethical issues are still under the ice and are in the open definition.

For academic paper writing, Zhang Yuehong shared 6 steps to make papers outstanding, such as “passionately” Doing science, curiosity is the driving force of scientific research” “Extensive and detailed reading is the best way to see academic trends” “Record and capture the background and information in the research process at any time”, and at the same time emphasize that writing is a part of scientific research, and academic ethics runs through always.

This lecture is not only the transfer of knowledge, but also outlines the value and significance of academic ethics and honest research from the dual perspectives of scientists and international journal publication, and provides beneficial scientific research for participants to write academic papers ideas and guidance. This lecture attracted a total of more than 300 experts and scholars from all walks of life online, and achieved good academic responses.

Feeds, images: Technology Humanities Research Institute “Chinese Medicine Culture (English)” Editorial Department

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