I drank too much wine again, what should I do, what should I do…

In today’s society, people have a lot of entertainment, and they drink and get drunk a lot. How can I make myself less drunk? And less pain when drunk, which requires us to study it carefully

First of all , it is best not to get drunk, then we need to prepare for drinking before drinking: you can drink a glass of milk or kefir to form a protective film on the surface of the stomach. At the wine table, you can eat some meat and oily vegetables properly to form a protective film on the stomach; eat some tofu properly, it has detoxification effect; eat some egg dishes, you can add protein; you can eat some watermelon (diuretic) or drink water , to speed up excretion. The above methods can reduce drunkenness.

If we are drunk, then we need to find ways to reduce the pain of drinking:

1 , If you want to vomit, then spit it out, it will be more comfortable (some people also pull their throats to induce vomiting)

2. If the stomach is empty, you can drink some hot rice soup, dilute Congee or pimple soup, sweat a little, and the pores of the body are comfortable. If these are inconvenient, you can also eat a banana to increase the feeling of fullness.

3. If you don’t vomit, you can drink some watermelon juice (diuretic), mung bean soup (clearing heat and resolving the table) or boiled water to speed up excretion.

4. If you have a headache, you can drink honey water to relieve the hangover and relieve the pain. If conditions do not allow, you can also apply a wet towel to your forehead.

5, then lie on the bed, rest well, and slowly adjust the body through metabolism.

6. If you feel shortness of breath and feel very uncomfortable, you may be intoxicated by alcohol, you need to go to the hospital for glucose infusion, or even gastric lavage.

Drinking on an empty stomach and low mood
