The National Characteristic Liquor Encyclopedia, Let You Gift Your Friends Clearly (Sichuan)

Sichuan specialty liquor

1. Wuliangye, produced in Yibin, Sichuan, is a strong Fragrance type, Daqu liquor is fermented and brewed with five kinds of grains: wheat, rice, corn, sorghum, and glutinous rice. The entrance is sweet, the throat is clean and refreshing, the flavors are harmonious, just right, and the wine tastes comprehensive.

2. Jiannanchun, produced in Sichuan Province Mianzhu City belongs to the strong aroma type, with a rich aroma, mellow and sweet taste.

3. Luzhou Laojiao (upgrade product Guojiao 1573), produced in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, belongs to Luzhou-flavor type. It is one of the four oldest famous wines in China, and has the reputation of “China’s No. 1 Cellar” and “The Originator of Luzhou-flavor”

4, Tuo brand (its upgraded product Shede), produced in Shehong Tuo Pai Town has a rich aroma, soft and mellow, sweet and refreshing, and a long tail.

5. Langjiu, produced in Sichuan Erlang Town, Gulin County, Luzhou City, Province, belongs to the sauce-flavored type and is famous for its unique “Dongzang”.

6. Quanxing Daqu (its upgrade The product Shuijingfang) is produced in Chengdu and belongs to the strong aroma type. The wine is colorless and transparent, with a sweet and sweet taste, and the mouth is clean.

7. Fenggu, produced in Mianyang City, belongs to Luzhou-flavor liquor, with a rich and aged taste, which is typical of Sichuan wine rookies Representative, favored by consumers across the country.

9. Xiantan, produced in Luzhou The city of Gulin County belongs to the type of strong aroma, with a rich taste, sweet and refreshing, elegant and delicate, and a long aftertaste.

10. Wenjun was produced in Chengdu Qionglai City belongs to the Luzhou-flavored Daqu Liquor. Its wine is clear and transparent, with a strong and sweet aroma, with a fragrant entrance, refreshing and comfortable feeling, a long aftertaste, and a special fragrance after drinking. It has a special style of fragrant, crisp, mellow and sweet.< /span>

11. Xiaojiaolou wine is produced in Pingchang County, Bazhong City. , mellow and dry, natural coordination, refreshing and palatable.

(To be continued)