The human knee joint can only be used for 60 years? Can I save money by not exercising? This article tells you the answer

Joints are the connection points between various bones and are essential adjustment helpers during exercise. The human body can only be used flexibly with the help of joints, especially the largest and most complex knee joint in the human body, which belongs to the trochlear joint, which is composed of the lower end of the femur, the upper end of the tibia and the patella of. It is very important for everyone. You have to walk every day, how can you lack the knee joint? Many people are slowly starting to care about the knee joint problem.

However, few people know that knees have a certain lifespan. A normal knee has a lifespan of only 60 years. Compared with human life, it is actually very short! If a person’s life expectancy is 70 years old, then the last ten years of life will be unimaginable, and even affect the normal life expectancy. If your joints start to age, you can’t do anything, and even daily walking can be difficult. If you have a good knee, you can travel alone even in old age.

1. Can the human knee joint only be used for 60 years?

Currently, 355 million people worldwide suffer from various joint diseases. It is estimated that there are more than 100 million people with arthritis in China, and the number is increasing. In fact, the lifespan of joints is limited. Once the joints age, it can lead to various joint diseases!

However, 60 is only an approximate number. People with knee joint problems are mostly over 50 years old, and some strong people, even in their seventies and eighties, may have no problem with their knee joints, but the bones will be a little loose.

In addition, how many years a joint can be used is largely determined by a person’s genes, and a healthy knee can last 60 years. If someone lives 80 years and their joints degenerate after 60 years, they will suffer for the next 20 years. With proper maintenance, the knee joint can be extended by at least 10 cm, or even longer. But if you don’t pay attention to maintenance, you may not be able to use it after 40 years, and even walking on flat roads will hurt.

Second, does inactivity affect the knee joint?

The human knee has a layer of cartilage on the adjacent bones. This layer of cartilage is important in protecting the knee joint from wear and tear. The articular cartilage itself has no blood supply and needs to obtain the necessary nutrients from the joint fluid. Joint movement squeezes and relaxes the articular cartilage. Through this process, cartilage can absorb nutrients and metabolize waste.

Therefore, people who lack exercise will squeeze less articular cartilage, reduce nutrition and metabolism, and easily lead to articular cartilage dystrophy , making cartilage more susceptible to damage. Once the cartilage is damaged, the knee joint loses a protective barrier, resulting in a series of problems such as pain. And cartilage damage is difficult to repair.

Third, which behaviors hurt the knee the most

The human body itself is a complex machine. Like machines, every organ and part has a certain service life, and the knee joint is no exception. In our daily life, some of our “bad habits” may damage the knee joint and affect its lifespan. Today we will take a look at some bad habits that may cause knee injury, understand them and avoid them so that we can enjoy a healthy life.

First, we often see some middle-aged white-collar workers, in order to maintain a certain amount of exercise in their busy work, they choose “Stairs” every day to “stay healthy”. In fact, going upstairs and downstairs is an activity that hurts the most joints, especially the patellofemoral joint. During alternating strides, one leg is subject to approximately 4-5 times the weight.

Second, some middle-aged and elderly people with knee osteoarthritis believe that “kneeling” can cure knee Osteoarthritis. But in this wrong posture, the pressure of the patella will press on the femur, which is actually equivalent to the cartilage between the two bones pressing directly on the ground, which will increase in the long run.Risk of major cartilage damage.

Thirdly, Taijiquan, as a martial art sport, can defend and strengthen the body. Tai Chi can improve muscle strength, lower extremity joint mobility, postural stability and balance in older adults. Although tai chi moves in a small range, prolonged knee bending can cause knee pain. So the key to mastering the Taijiquan frame is to protect the knee joint, that is, to maintain proper pressure on the joints of the lower limbs, so that the pressure on the joints cannot be too large and cannot be exerted forcefully.

Fourth, running as an aerobic exercise may be a must for all fitness enthusiasts, but more Many people prefer to choose a constant speed and incline on the treadmill. This kind of long-term, constant-slope running will increase the stress on the local cartilage of the joint, which may eventually cause damage to this part. Therefore, when exercising on the treadmill, it is recommended to dynamically set to running mode.

Fifth, joint health is not about “existence and use”. Sitting for long periods of time can cause muscle stiffness or weakness, which can reduce the ability of muscles to protect joints. Young people can recover muscle function quickly after sitting for a long time, but it is difficult for the elderly to recover in a short time after stretching. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to muscle strength training to enhance the stability of the joints.

Sixth, we can often see that some people have knee joint discomfort, relieve the symptoms of leg discomfort by repeatedly squatting, and claim Repair joints through wear and tear. However, repeated vigorous squatting and rising exercises can be very damaging to the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints, often resulting in more severe cartilage or meniscus damage, ultimately speeding up the joints “loss of life”.

Seventh, non-professional sports enthusiasts often lack scientific and reasonable post-exercise warm-up methods. Muscles need to work from rest or activity to accommodate strength and protect joints. Lack of warm-up exercises can increase the risk of tendon and soft tissue strains. Once the joints lack muscle protection, they are at risk of injury.

Fourth, how to test whether there is a problem with the knee joint.

First, sit up on a stool about 40-50 cm high, stand up at the fastest speed and then sit down. If the number of repetitions is less than 5 times within 30 seconds, or if there are discomfort symptoms such as knee joint pain during exercise, it also indicates that the knee joint has lesions.

Second, go up and down the stairs. Knee pain when going up and down stairs also suggests that there may be a disease in the knee joint.

Third, one leg squat. Stand on one leg, then slowly squat. If the knee joint does not reach 90 degrees when squatting, or there is pain and instability when it reaches 90 degrees. Description of knee cartilage may be diseased.

Fourth, rub the patella. The most common area of ​​the knee joint is the patella. Knead the patella in a completely relaxed state. If the body is sore, it means that the knee joint may have lesions.

5. The distress signal from the knee joint

When it comes to the health of the knee joint I’m sure a lot of people take it very seriously because while the knee joint is usually fine, it can suddenly be unable to walk or have muscle pain. This condition is dangerous, so most people are very concerned that their knee may be unstable. In fact, if the knee joint is unstable, there are very obvious symptoms.

First, the knee joint is red and swollen. Knee swelling is also a very unusual phenomenon. If the knee joint is unstable, it is prone to redness and swelling. If it touches a little elsewhere, it becomes immediately swollen and especially painful to touch. This kind of knee joint swelling is actually caused by too fragile muscles, so you should pay more attention to protection.

Second, the knee joint cannot move. Many people make it a good habit to relax their knees after exercise, because if they don’t move their knees, they may injure the joints later in the exercise. Some people find that they cannot move their knees during the final stretch. If they bend down slightly, the knee joint can be very painful and vibrate constantly.

Six, how to prevent knee joint aging

knee Joints are the largest joints in the human body and carry almost all the weight of the body. As we age, various organs of the body will gradually degenerate, bone loss will become more and more serious, and joints such as knee joints and lumbar spine will rapidly age, resulting in symptoms such as pain. Often, knees age due to age, chemicals, muscle use, etc. To prevent knee aging, many people take a lot of calcium tablets. In fact, a reasonable diet can also maintain the knee joint.

First, foods containing vitamin C. Not only can treat colds and prevent mouth ulcers, but also has a wide range of physiological functions. Vitamin C can participate in the synthesis of cartilage collagen, maintain the activity of hydroxylysine hydroxylase, promote the synthesis of DNA in chondrocytes, and enhance the body’s ability to recover quickly, thereby reducing pain. In general, fresh vegetables and fruits are important food sources of vitamin C. For example: green peppers, oranges, pineapples, cherries, mangoes, strawberries.

Second, colloidal food. The knee is made up of bones and requires many ligaments. If you want to have good ligaments, you need to eat foods that contain gelatin. For example, adding pig ears, chicken feet and hoof tendons can thicken the cartilage, increase the resistance of the joints and slow the wear of the cartilage. However, these foods are hard. When cooking, attention should be paid to prolonged cooking. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, it is necessary to prolong the cooking time.

Third, calcium-rich foods. Bone formation and growth in the knee joint requires large amounts of calcium to maintain. If you don’t get enough calcium in time, there will be some problems with your knees, and you need to stick to calcium supplements for a long time. HumanityYour bones don’t develop more maturely until at least 18 years old, and begin to decrease in your 30s, so you need a lot of calcium supplementation. Lifetime foods high in calcium include various animal bones, milk, fish, eggs and soy products.

Fourth, supplement foods containing vitamin D. Women, especially after menopause, are prone to bone loss, which can exacerbate osteoporosis, many small fractures and cracks, and cause symptoms such as pain. Vitamin D supplementation can help the gut absorb more calcium, preventing or reducing these problems. Some dairy products, egg yolks, beef liver, and fatty fish (such as canned salmon and tuna) contain vitamin D2 or calcitol.

In addition, the main causes of knee degeneration are long-term wear and tear, weight-bearing and joint aging, and loss of calcium. Many overweight middle-aged and older women are the primary victims of knee arthritis. Therefore, weight control is the most direct way to reduce the weight of the knee joint, which is very important to slow down the aging of the joint.

At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job of keeping warm. Since the knee joint is “skin around the bone”, it lacks the protection of muscle and fat. Not getting enough heat supply, so the temperature is lower than the rest of the body. It is important to prevent cold and keep warm in winter, especially in patients with chronic synovitis. Knees are also afraid of getting wet. Do not sleep in a dark and damp place, and do not immediately wash your knees with cold water when sweating in summer.


Now more and more people have knee problems, which has a lot to do with their usual living habits. Therefore, the protection of the knee should start from life, do a good job of keeping warm, choose the appropriate amount of exercise according to your own situation, and reduce the damage to the joints. These little things should be done at a young age to avoid all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms in old age.

In addition, if the knee joint is abnormal, you need to go to a regular hospital immediately. After careful examination by your doctor, you can see what is wrong and then start treatment. Otherwise, this anomaly will become more and more obvious. Some people have problems with the knee joint, but they don’t pay attention to it.