There is a pain called mouth ulcers! Keep these tips in mind, or you can promote the healing of mouth ulcers

Oral ulcers are a relatively common oral disease. In daily life, many people also refer to oral ulcers as “mouth ulcers”. For friends who have suffered from oral ulcers, they have clearly felt the pain caused by oral ulcers.This pain occurs without warning and is easy to recur .

The most troublesome problem is eating, no matter what kind of food you eat, as long as you eat it, the ulcer will be affected. Stimulation, resulting in pain.. Even drinking water can cause pain, and the pain is really fresh in my memory. Causes the patient not to think about tea and meals, and to sleep at night. Seriously affect the patient’s normal life and work.

Although mouth ulcers may seem inconspicuous, they can cause a lot of trouble. For patients with oral ulcers, the greatest wish is to find a way to completely cure oral ulcers and relieve the pain caused by oral ulcers. The doctor reminds: keep these few tricks in mind to promote the healing of oral ulcers.

I. What are the causes of oral ulcers?

In the eyes of the older generation, it is believed that oral ulcers are caused by getting angry, but in fact this is not the case. There are many reasons for oral ulcers, such as many bad habits in our life, which can also lead to oral ulcers. So what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Let’s take a brief look.

1. Spiritual factors.

Many people don’t know that long-term mental depression can also lead to oral ulcers. When the spirit is depressed or the spirit is overstressed, the metabolism in the body will be out of balance, and the toxins in the body will also be activated. produce mouth ulcers.

2. Genetic factors.

Inheritance is also one of the causes of oral ulcer disease. Many diseases have genetic factors in clinical practice, and oral ulcers are no exception. According to relevant studies, if the parents have a history of oral ulcers in the family, the probability of their children suffering from oral ulcers is more than 40% higher than that of the general population.

3. Immune factors.

Canker sores can also occur when immune function is compromised. The immune function of the human body is mainly to prevent the invasion of bacteria. If the immune function is affected, the immune function of the human body will be reduced. Mouth ulcers occur when the oral area is affected by microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.

4. Dietary factors.

The causes of mouth ulcers also have a lot to do with diet. As we all know, most of the intake of trace elements and nutrients in the human body is provided by diet. If there is a bad eating habit, the intake of trace elements will be insufficient, and then cause mouth ulcers. Such as: partial eclipse, picky eater, excessive taste and other habits, these bad habits will increase the risk of oral ulcers.

5. Traumatic factors.

The causes of mouth ulcers also have some traumatic factors. The most common traumatic factors in life are usually physical trauma. Such as: tooth bites, toothbrush scratches, fishbone and other sharp food scratches, if such physical trauma is not treated, it will cause infection in the oral cavity, thereby causing oral ulcers.

6. Chronic disease factors.

Chronic disease is also a cause of mouth ulcers. With the continuous increase of age, the body’s immunity will also decrease, and then there will be a variety of chronic diseases, such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, tuberculosis and so on. For such diseases, the nutrient supply of the oral mucosa will be insufficient after the disease, which will lead to the occurrence of oral ulcers.

2. What are the symptoms of oral ulcers?

The vast majority of oral ulcers will have certain symptoms after the disease. According to the severity of symptoms, they can be divided into mild oral ulcers and severe oral ulcers and herpetic mouth ulcers. Different types of mouth ulcers have different symptoms. In order to help you better distinguish the types of oral ulcers, we need to grasp the symptoms of different oral ulcers. The specific symptoms are as follows:

1. Mild oral ulcers.

For mild oral ulcers, the area of ​​ulcers is not very large, and the number of ulcers is not large. It usually occurs on the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue and other parts. In the early stage, the lesions will appear red and edema, and there will be obvious pain, and then an oval will form. Shaped or round superficial ulcers, about 5 to 10 mm in diameter, with clear borders and distinct distinctions. Generally speaking, mild oral ulcers are painful only in the mouth and do not spread to the whole body.

2. Severe oral ulcers.

In addition to mild canker sores, some patients with canker sores develop severe canker sores. These canker sores usually appear at the corners of the mouth in the early stages and spread to the back of the mouth as the disease progresses. Ulcers usually occur singly, not only large but deep, shaped like a crater, with a diameter of 10-30mm, and will directly penetrate into the submucosa to the muscle layer, and the pain is very severe during the onset.

In addition, the treatment period for severe oral ulcers is relatively long and the treatment is relatively difficult . The treatment time can be as long as 1 to 2 months, and scarring will appear after the treatment is completed. In addition, patients with severe oral ulcers will not only have symptoms of oral pain, but also be accompanied by symptoms of general malaise such as low-grade fever and fatigue.

3. Herpetic oral ulcers.

Herpetic canker sores are also a more common type of canker sores, It prefers to grow on the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue, soft palate, etc. The number of ulcers is relatively large, usually a dozen or dozens, but fortunately its diameter is only 2~ 5mm, so it is relatively simple to treat. After suffering from herpes-type oral ulcer, there will be a strong pain in the oral area, and it will also be accompanied by symptoms of general malaise such as low-grade fever and fever.

3. What are the common complications of oral ulcers?

After suffering from oral ulcers, it is necessary to treat it in time. If the treatment is not timely, there will be many complications. And these complications can also seriously affect the oral cavity of the human body, thereby damaging the health of the oral cavity. So what are the common complications of mouth ulcers? The details are as follows:

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1. Bad breath.

Although oral ulcers and bad breath are two diseases, they interact. Patients with herpes-type oral ulcers and severe oral ulcers are also prone to the complications of bad breath. The reason why this happens is mainly because the ulcer area is large and the pain is severe, which makes many patients dare not brush their teeth and rinse their mouth, resulting in bad breath. In addition, ulcers can also damage the oral environment and cause oral infections, which can also lead to bad breath.

2. Chronic pharyngitis.

Chronic pharyngitis can also occur when oral ulcers occur. Especially for patients with recurrent oral ulcers, inflammation will enter the throat during the onset of the disease, and chronic pharyngitis will occur when the throat is stimulated by inflammation for a long time. produce.

3. Cause constipation.

Constipation is also very likely after a mouth ulcer. Due to oral ulcers, patients can experience severe pain in the mouth and body parts, and can also affect the patient’s eating and sleeping. Coupled with the suffering of the patient, it will lead to depression, and the possibility of constipation will increase in the long run.

4. Which groups are more likely to suffer from oral ulcers?

Oral ulcer is a relatively common oral disease. Although the incidence is very wide, it should not be underestimated. Because after suffering from oral ulcers, there will be strong pain, which seriously affects the daily life of patients. But there are also people who like oral ulcer disease. For this group of people, the chance of suffering from oral ulcer is very high. So which groups of people are more likely to suffer from oral ulcers? Let’s take a brief look.

1. People with immune disorders.

People with compromised immune systems are more likely to develop mouth ulcers. Because the human body’s immunity is like the body’s armor, normal immunity can resist the invasion of viruses. harm human health.

2. People with chronic diseases.

There are also many people with chronic diseases in our lives, such as: diabetes, tuberculosis and so on. For this group of people, it is also a high incidence of oral ulcer disease. Because the existence of these diseases will disrupt the nutrient delivery of the oral mucosa, resulting in insufficient mucosal nutrient supply, which in turn leads to the occurrence of oral ulcers.

5. What are the treatments for oral ulcers?

Although mouth ulcers may seem inconspicuous and common, those who have suffered from mouth ulcers know that they can really hurt. In order to relieve the pain of mouth ulcers, it also needs to be treated with appropriate methods. Keeping these tips in mind can effectively promote the healing of mouth ulcers. The details are as follows:

1. Maintain oral hygiene.

Many oral diseases are caused by poor oral hygiene.Maintaining good oral hygiene can reduce oral infections and effectively treat them Mouth ulcers. Therefore, we must maintain the habit of brushing our teeth in the morning and evening. If we cannot brush our teeth because of the pain of mouth ulcers, we can also gargle with salt water frequently.

2. Keep a light diet.

It is important for people with mouth ulcers to maintain a light diet. You can eat more foods that are rich in vitamins and trace elements, such as: kiwi fruit, oranges, green vegetables, wax gourd, eggplant, tomatoes, etc. Avoid spicy, greasy and high-calorie, high-fat foods. These foods can irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, which can aggravate the symptoms of mouth ulcers.

3. Be optimistic.

People with canker sores also need to be optimistic. Because oral ulcers are a combination of physical and mental diseases, long-term mental stress or excessive stress will aggravate symptoms and make treatment more difficult. In our life, we must learn to adjust our mentality and maintain a relaxed mood, which is also of great help to the treatment of diseases.

4. Use medication.

After suffering from oral ulcers, there will be obvious pain in the oral area, < span>If the pain is very severe, it can also be treated with medicine. Common drugs for the treatment of oral ulcers include: oral ulcer gel, Guilin watermelon cream spray, etc. It should be noted that when taking drug treatment, you must ask your doctor in advance to avoid unauthorized take medicine.


After reading the above, I’m sure you all already know how to treat mouth ulcers. In our daily life, many friends have experienced the pain and suffering of oral ulcers. There are also various methods for treatment after the disease, but many people do not know that if the treatment method is used improperly, it will not only fail to achieve the corresponding effect, but also make the disease worse. Repeated.

In order to better treat oral ulcers, it is necessary to use scientific treatment methods. There are many reasons for oral ulcers. After discovery, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time, find the root cause of the disease, and carry out targeted treatment. Do not take any medicine without authorization, otherwise it will increase the difficulty of treatment of the disease.

In addition, it is also necessary to prevent oral ulcers. For some people who are prone to oral ulcers, it is also necessary to master the corresponding prevention knowledge. Only by doing a good job in the prevention of the disease can the occurrence of the disease be completely suppressed.