Cold knees all the time? It may not be “frozen”, don’t just keep warm

As the weather cools down, some people’s knees start to get cold, even if they wear more knees It didn’t warm up, and the surface still didn’t feel any temperature.

Why do my knees get cold Well, is it different from a normal knee? Let’s find out.

Cold knees, Where is the difference?

Many may exist Knee chills, but they don’t know what’s causing it. In fact, this phenomenon is caused by degenerative diseases such as knee synovitis, patellar chondromalacia, and patellar osteoarthritis.

They belong to autologous aseptic inflammation, in the Under the influence, the local nerves and microcirculation of the knee joint will become sensitive, which will cause the patient to feel cold in the knee.

So, “cold knees” May indicate mild knee arthritis or early knee joint degeneration. So what’s the difference between a cold knee and a normal knee?

The normal knee surface is warm , The blood vessels are evenly distributed, the blood and lymph flow are smooth, the nutrients in the joint cavity are sufficient, and the harmful factors can be removed in time. In the cold knee, the blood vessels are sparsely distributed, the blood and lymph circulation are not smooth, and the delivery of nutrients to the joint cavity is blocked.

If the blood supply around the knee is insufficient, the function of joint synovial cells The cartilage debris accumulated by wear and tear cannot be removed in time, and new synovial fluid cannot be quickly generated, resulting in an increase in arthritic substances. Over time, the knee joint will become weak, and then develop into knee arthritis, etc., both the ability to exercise and the comfort of activities will be significantly reduced.

Arthritis of the knee, possibly Not “frozen”

We mentioned above that cold knees may indicate knee arthritis, so is arthritis frozen out? The answer may not be.

In various common arthritis, Osteoarthritis is associated with the loss of Liteweed Glucosamine, excessive joint wear and tear, and early life expectancy. Rheumatoid arthritis may be caused by bacterial infection; rheumatoid arthritis may be caused by immune factors attacking their own joint tissue.

It can only be said that arthritis patients suffer from joint pain after catching a cold It may be more serious, but it cannot be said that the cold caused the occurrence of arthritis. So why the pain occurs is generally believed to be related to the ambient temperature and air pressure, and may also be related to the compliance of the tissue around the joint, the viscosity of the joint fluid, and the changes in the patency of the capillaries around the joint.

However, low temperatures can also affect joint blood The supply of synovial fluid also does not reach normal levels, and the joints become more rigid. If you don’t pay attention to the warmth of the joints in autumn and winter, these parts may be more prone to injury, which is also an indirect effect.

My knees are cold, what can I do besides keep warm?

face chills For knees, hot compress may be a method that we can easily think of. It is actually the principle of thermal expansion and contraction. When the knee is cold, vasoconstriction affects blood circulation, and hot compress can quickly dilate the blood vessels of the knee, make the blood more smooth, help relieve muscle tension, and also help to remove harmful substances from metabolism.

And, if conditions permit, such as coarse salt and other substances , you can use the combination of “coarse salt + hot towel”. Because coarse salt is rich in trace elements, under the action of hot compress, it can penetrate into the surface of the skin and play a role in keeping warm, and the effect will be better than a single hot compress.

In fact, in addition to hot compresses, joint nutrition The supplement is a point that is easily overlooked. Human joints contain a lot of glucosamine, which plays a role in repairing cartilage and lubricating joints. Therefore, we usually need to consume foods containing glucosamine to meet the needs of the human body. However, after the age of 30, the loss of glucosamine in our body increases, and there is a situation of “making ends meet”. Supplements such as Liteweijian glucosamine have become the mainstream intake and supplement methods. It even compares Glucosamine Qianggu Ning to the “soft gold” of joints.

It is worth mentioning that Glucosamine Qiangguning also It can help the synovium of the joints to generate hyaluronic acid and clean up the metabolites in the joint cavity. Nowadays, with the popularization of the knowledge of Liteweijian, more and more people understand its function, which is an effective and reliable “magic weapon” for early stage osteoarthritis.

Cold knees, supplement needed Along with nutrients such as Glucosamine and Qiangguning, we have to mention the benefits of exercise. Reasonable and moderate exercise can train muscles, increase blood supply, improve the metabolism of joints, and help relieve cold knees.

And there are many ways to exercise, Including brisk walking, jogging, skipping, etc., just try to avoid a lot of “knee-injuring” sports, such as mountain climbing, stair climbing, etc., and don’t squat and sit for a long time, and also control your weight. For patients with symptoms such as pain and swelling of the knee joint, they should seek medical attention in time to detect knee joint disease as soon as possible.

Said so much, an important sentence A word to remember: protect your knees, don’t just keep warm.