Exercising after 50 is good for your health! But please be careful to avoid these 5 kinds of sports, otherwise you may hurt your body

“I haven’t exercised much in years, isn’t my body still fine?”

Uncle Zhang is 53 years old this year. He doesn’t usually exercise much, and believes that life lies in rest. In real life, Uncle Zhang also strictly follows this rule. After get off work, he chooses to rest when he has nothing to do. When his son saw this situation, he persuaded Uncle Zhang to keep exercising. After all, life lies in exercise.

However, after listening to his son’s advice, Uncle Zhang disagreed and told his son the sentence at the beginning of the article. Later, Uncle Zhang continued: Although some people attach great importance to health preservation, they have not seen them live very long? After the son heard his father’s words, he felt that his father was arrogant, but he had no choice but to let it go.

Sounds like Uncle Zhang’s point of view and his son’s point of view are reasonable, so which one is the most scientific? In order to let everyone have more knowledge and understanding of sports, today the doctor’s good words will have a good chat with you about related knowledge.

1. What happened to those who insisted on exercising?

I wonder if you still remember Professor Zhong Nanshan? Although he is in his 80s now, he looks very energetic and doesn’t look like an old man in his 80s at all. Later, a reporter interviewed Professor Zhong Nanshan and asked him the secret of longevity. Professor Zhong Nanshan explained that he prefers to exercise, and he will exercise if he has nothing to do. Persistent exercise for a long time makes Professor Zhong Nanshan look younger and his physical fitness is also very good.

Exercise isn’t always good, of course. I had a friend who used to walk 10 kilometers a day to lose weight. As a result, within a year he developed knee pain. There was nothing he could do, so he went to the hospital. After the outpatient doctor learned about his condition, he prescribed some tests. After the test results came out, it was diagnosed as a meniscus injury. Although it is said that life lies in exercise, exercise also needs to be moderated, otherwise it may also endanger one’s own health.

Therefore, those who exercise for a long time, some of them are in good health, and some people have damaged their own health due to the wrong way of exercise.

2. In fact, there are still many benefits of proper exercise, and improper exercise may indeed damage the body!

Adhering to proper exercise for a long time is indeed beneficial to the body, which can be summarized as follows:

❶< strong>Relieve stress:

We all know that the rhythm of modern life is universal Accelerate, and with it comes all kinds of stress. Being in such a stressful state for a long time can be detrimental to your health.

Regular and appropriate exercise can not only improve physical fitness, but also relieve stress.


Appropriate exercise can promote metabolism and accelerate blood circulation, which can delay aging.

Take Professor Zhong Nanshan as an example. If he has nothing to do, he will go to exercise. It was the day-to-day movement over the decades that made him look “young”.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease:

Some studies have shown that proper long-term exercise can delay the aging of blood vessels. If the blood vessels age slowly, it is relatively less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, which naturally reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

At the same time, proper long-term exercise can increase the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, thereby indirectly reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity. When the risk of diabetes and obesity is reduced, the risk of cardiovascular disease is also reduced.

Helps keep your weight within a normal range:< /strong>

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I don’t know if you have noticed: there are really many obese people around us, and many friends are generally obese after work. The causes of obesity are not only related to unhealthy eating patterns, but also to insufficient physical activity.

Persistent exercise for a long time can increase energy consumption, so that it will naturally play a role in weight loss.


< p data-track="27">Mainly include enhancing immunity, reducing cancer risk, improving sleep, enhancing cardiopulmonary function, and prolonging life.

After long-term exercising, some friends found that not only did their physical fitness not improve, but also damaged their own health, This is mainly because of problems with their exercise methods, such as too much exercise, too high exercise intensity, and insufficient nutrition. The greater the amount of exercise and the intensity of exercise is not the better. When the amount of exercise and the intensity of exercise are relatively large, people are prone to fatigue and will accelerate the “wear and tear” of the body. At the same time, during exercise, you should also ensure adequate intake of nutrients.

3. After entering the age of 50, please try to avoid these 5 sports, otherwise it may hurt your body:

Quick Run:

For middle-aged and elderly For human beings, their various organs have declined to a certain extent. If they run fast, it will put a load on the body, which will damage their own health.

At the same time, when middle-aged and elderly people run fast, their body’s oxygen consumption will increase, which will undoubtedly increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

High-intensity weightlifting:

We all know that after a person reaches a certain age, the calcium in the bones will be lost, so it will bring about the problem of osteoporosis.

To a certain extent, osteoporosis is like rotten wood. It only needs a little external force to break the bones.

Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly friends, it is not suitable for high-intensity weightlifting.

Mountain Climbing:

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Many friends think that mountain climbing is a better way to exercise, but this is not the case.

Actually, mountain climbing causes more knee injuries. At times, the knees bear most of the weight of the body, and when people go down the mountain, they not only bear most of the weight of the body, but also bear the force of the body’s downward thrust.

As a result, mountain climbing increases knee injuries.#HealthStarProgram#


The reason why middle and old friends are not suitable for squatting There are two main reasons for moving, namely, increasing the burden on the knee joint and causing orthostatic hypotension. #health2022#

We all know that when a person is squatting, the center of gravity of the body will become lower, which will increase the load on the knee joint. Increased weight on the knee joint can damage the knee joint.

In addition, if you squat for a long time, it may induce orthostatic hypotension, causing dizziness and amaurosis symptoms. Doing so increases the risk of falling. #Health Science Competition#

Crunches:< /strong>

Objectively speaking, sit-ups are a relatively good exercise, but this exercise is not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

This is mainly because sit-ups may compress the cervical and lumbar vertebrae, and many middle-aged and elderly friends may have problems with their lumbar and cervical vertebrae.

Therefore, it is not recommended for old and middle-aged friends to do sit-ups.

I am the good word of the doctor. I am committed to sharing health knowledge in simple and easy-to-understand language and being a health assistant around you! If everyone thinks the writing is not bad and it is beneficial to you, please like it and forward it to those who have the same needs!