How to protect infants and young children under 3 years old? Parents must pay attention to these points

At present, there is no new coronavirus vaccine for children under 3 years old. How to protect against this immunity gap? Check out these suggestions!

Parents, guardians, or caregivers looking after young children To Personal Protection, pay attention to personal Hygiene habits, do daily health monitoring, wear masks, do good hand hygiene, maintain social distance, and do not sneeze or cough on children.

Babies and toddlers daily necessitiesUse alone. Parents, guardians or caregivers should train their children to develop good hygiene habits, including washing hands frequently, not touching, eating hands, picking nostrils, and rubbing eyes.

Infant parents, guardians, caregivers vaccination throughout< /span>, protect yourself and your children.

During infants suffering from respiratory diseases,Minimize going out, if you need to go out, wear it properly Facial mask.

Reduce gatherings, including simplifying personal travel trajectories and avoiding crowded places as much as possible Reduce the risk of infection in public places and confined spaces. Minimize the time children spend in the hospital or get vaccinated, and wash their hands promptly after returning home. Before going out, a parent, guardian or caregiverPlan the itinerary reasonably, choose a place with few people and good ventilation to play; when going out, avoid letting children directly touch the surface of public objects with their hands , wash hands promptly after touching.

Parents, guardians or caregivers should guide children to use Eye hygiene and prevention and control of myopia. Appropriate scientific exercise, balanced nutritious diet, well-arranged work and rest, and improve immunity. When parents, guardians, caregivers, and staff serving infants and young children experience symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and sore throat, they should span>Avoid direct contact with children as much as possible.

Children’s Room< strong>Keep it tidy, by opening andWindows ensure sufficient fresh air volume; avoid staying in air-conditioned rooms for a long time.

During the pandemic, parents, guardians or caregivers As well as staff serving infants and young children, cooperate with local epidemic prevention requirements. We work together for the health of our children! Source: Healthy China